• Meth...Library?

    From Sean Dennis@618:618/1 to All on Monday, January 02, 2023 17:39:23
    Hello All,

    [Can't make this stuff up.]

    From: https://tinyurl.com/mmfyn9wk

    Boulder Public Library opening delayed due to meth contamination

    Leon Wolf
    January 02, 2023

    The Boulder, Colorado public library has been shuttered since before
    Christmas after it became necessary to test two staff members for
    contamination due to meth that was reportedly being smoked in the
    building's restrooms. The building was supposed to reopen Tuesday but
    following the results of contamination testing throughout the building,
    the building's reopening has been pushed back yet further, according to

    The library was originally closed on December 20th, 2022, after two
    employees became sick following a spate of recent complaints about meth
    being smoked in the restroom. Initial testing revealed "severe"
    contamination in the restrooms, leading officials to say that the library
    restrooms may never open to the public again. Further testing revealed
    contamination in the air ducts of the restrooms, as well as additional
    contamination in some "high-traffic seating areas." The city announced at
    the time that the areas would require professional cleaning.

    In a statement, city library director David Farnan said that initial
    testing had shown that "residue inside the ducts had higher than
    acceptable levels of methamphetamine. The ducts blow air and contaminants
    outside the building, but it is not yet clear what, if any, level of
    contaminants is on surfaces." Farnan continued, "This is truly a sad
    situation and represents the impact of a widespread epidemic in our
    country. The city is consulting with Boulder County Public Health
    officials and will take all steps necessary to prioritize safety. We are
    committed to transparency and appropriate remediation."

    Methamphetamine contamination can cause problems if members of the public
    come in contact with the residue while it is on surfaces. The city
    maintains that "There is no indication at this time that individuals who
    have been in the library and its restrooms in recent weeks face
    significant health risks." However, the city did acknowledge that,
    "Symptoms of exposure to low levels of methamphetamine contamination can
    include headache, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. Individuals who have
    visited the library recently and are experiencing any of these symptoms
    should consult their healthcare practitioner."

    The final remediation contractor's report was submitted to the city on
    Friday night. It's not immediately clear what was in the report, but the
    city has announced that the library will not reopen until at least
    Wednesday, and that the scheduled full reopening of the library on January
    9th may not occur on that date either. Members of the public will be
    allowed to return on Wednesday to return borrowed items, but no members of
    the public will be allowed past the front door on that date.

    Boulder County Acting Health Director Lexi Nolen said in a statement,
    "Methamphetamine use has dramatically increased as a challenge over the
    past few years in communities across the nation, including Boulder County.
    Boulder County Public Health is committed to continued partnership with
    the City of Boulder and others to identify and implement solutions that
    both protect the community and provide support to those needing help."

    -- Sean
    ... Inspiration is sometimes another name for desperation.
    --- GoldED+/BSD 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)