A-Net Online BBSs - (Synchronet) - Door Game Server
Dedicated to 90's BBS Door Games

Below are the commands for Synchronet and Mystic BBS software

* Synchronet BBS Software: External Programs-Online Programs (Doors)

?rlogin game.a-net-online.lol:513 -p

* Mystic BBS Software: (IR) outbound rlogin

/addr=game.a-net-online.lol /port=513 /pass=< make up an 8 character password here> without the "< >" /user=@USER@ /PROMPT

* The "/PROMPT" hides the connection details to your caller *

Here are the commands for Mystic: /addr=game.a-net-online.lol /port=513 /pass=9Hr3M2&g /user=@USER@ /PROMPT


Example command for Synchronet: ?rlogin game.a-net-online.lol:513 -p -t xtrn=LORD408
Opens Lord 4.08


Example command for Mystic: /addr=game.a-net-online.lol /port=513 /pass=9Hr3M2&g /user=@USER@ /term=xtrn=LORD408 /PROMPT
Opens Lord 4.08


DOOR CODES - To open a door directly

Door Name - DOORCODE

Ant Raid 1.10 - ANT
Armageddon - ARMAGD
Arm of the Gods - ARM
Assassin - ASSASSIN
Axe & Fang - AXEANDFA
Bar World - BARWORLD
Barron Realms Elite - BRE
Barney Splat! - BARNEYSP
Battle of The Martial Arts - BATTLEAR
Battle Quest - BATTLEQU
Bazooka of the Red Dragon - BORD
BBS Vaders - VADER
Betrayal of the Obsidian Baboob - BABOON
Blood Shed - BLOOD
Board Masters - BOARD
Buzz - BUZZ
Darkness - DARKNESS
Dog World - DOGWORLD
Door Mud - DOORMUD
Drug Lord - DRUGLORD
Dust 2 Dust - DUST2DUS
Empires at War - EMPIRESA
Exitilus - EXITILUS
Field of Honor - FIELDOFH
Galactic Overlord - GAL
Golf 256 - GOLF256
Intersteller Annihilation - INTERSTE
Iron Gate - IRONGATE
Jet Combat ][ -JETCOMBA
Knights of the Dark Shard - SHARDS
Land of Eden - EDEN
Life in Latexila - LIFELAT
Lord 2.00 - LORD20
LORD 4.08 - LORD408
Lore 2.50 - LORE250
Lunatix - LUNATIX
Mad Kings Dungeon - MADKINGS
Mines of Gorr - MOG
Mission #2 Vacation in Hell - MISSION
Murder Motel 4.6 - MM
Mutant - MUT
NewYork 2008 - NY
NukeWars 3.8 - NUKEWARS
Operation Overkill 2 - OOK
Oregon Trail - OREGON
Primal Chaos - CHAOS
Pro Golf - PROGOLF
Schmooz! - SCHMOOZ
Smurf Combat - SMURF
South Bronx - BRONX
Star Fight - STARFGHT
Star Market - STARMKT
Star Trek - STARTREK
Summation - SUM
The Beasts Domain - TBD
The Dragons Claw - THEDRAGO
The Land of the Barons - BARONS
The Realm of Illuryia - THEREALM
Thunder Cat 2 - THUNDERC
Trade Wars 2 500 Sectors - TW2
Trade Wars 2002 - TW2002
Ultimate Universe - ULTIMATE
Usurper - USURPER
Yankee Trader - YANKEE
Zombie Slots - ZOMBIE

Synchronet Minesweeper -MSWEEPER
Fat Fish - FATFISH
Uber Blox - UBERBLOX
Maze Race - MAZERACE
Synkroban - SOXOBAN
Dice Warz - DICEWARZ
Dice Warz 2 - DICEWAR2
Star Stocks - STARSTOX
Domain Poker - DPOKER
Jepordized! - JEOPARDY
Thirstyville - THIRSTY
Chicken Delivery - CHICKEN
Milliway's Casino - MILLWAY
Synchronet BlackJack - SBJ
Gooble Gooble (Pac Man) - GOOBLE

Click here to download Door List - Microsoft Excel sheet

Let me know if there are any issues/concerns/comments/etc. about anything you experience when accessing or running games.
I still have about 100 more doors to add after testing starts. If there are any games you would like to see added, please let me know and or send me the door game. (stingray@a-net-online.lol)

Thank you & have fun! :)

A-Net Online BBSs

Synchronet BBS - aneto.synchro.net - Telnet:23, SSH:22, RLogin:513
Mystic BBS - mystic.a-net-online.lol - Telnet:23, SSH:22, RLogin:513
Game Server - game.a-net-online.lol - RLogin:513 ONLY



@ A-Net Online BBS, Est. 1996