What is that server using for storage? Last time I checked, IT journalism wa
claiming that RAID was dead in the enterprise and that distributed filesyste
such as
Cepth are the future...
For storage, we user HPE Ezmeral (formerly MapR, aka Hadoop). That
server is used by another group in our agency (I work in the public
sector), but not sure which one. We also use RAID on as well, Both
RAD1 (for two disk OS arrays) and RAID 1+0 for our Ezmeral Servers and
RAID0 for data volumes on our ElasticSearch servers. Oh and we use RAD
1+0 on our Confluent Kafka servers as well.
... Paper cut; Insulting Tagline.
--- Wildcat! v8.0.454.12 (May 9 2021), Editor Mod v2.1
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