Hello Everybody,
Reporting live, from Holden Beach, North Carolina. A weather
balloon, presumably from China, flying just off the coast, was
spotted by onlookers, as blue skies made it clear for all to
see. And then, it got blown up, by a single missile, causing
the weather balloon to no longer be a concern to anybody.
Beachcombers will be combing the beach for whatever remains
of the weather balloon that can be found. And then they will
put those remains up for auction on ebay. I'll pass on making
any bids, so others are welcome to name their own price.
And now I am back home, enjoying my crawfish, in private,
with no Chinese watching me suck da heads and pinch da tails.
For Life,
Silence is violence!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)