(sure; you can have any colour you want, so long as it's black)
Yeah; but the standard now (I know--can't fairly judge the past by the filters of today) is to give the inventor credit, but to own(& license or sell by your own choice) the patents.
I have nothing but respect for this man -- the first I've ever had real respect for. & the only person I've ever called sir and mister & sincerely meant the honour. (a mister was just a master(employer)
He also promised an ear in every home & a camera on every corner -- with the newer Windows that's been done, too.
CP wrote --
(sure; you can have any colour you want, so long as it's black)Early on cars (even Ford's) came in a variety of colours.
Ford settled on black only since the paint he was using dried quicker
than any other colour and he was able to pump out more cars to meet the demand >> Yeah; but the standard now (I know--can't fairly judge the past by the >filters of today) is to give the inventor credit, but to own(& license or sell
by your own choice) the patents.
Yep, common practice now.
I think it started when the inventor didn't have the means or ability to
mass produce whatever he invented and sold the patent rights to someone who could, but he retained a certain percentage of the profits of whatever.
In the South we were taught call others Mr and Mrs/Miss, until they gave permission to call them by their first name.
And the same goes for sir/ma'am.
Sir/ma'am rolls off my tongue easily and naturally.
I have met young folks, usually Yankee's, who refuse to call someone with that respect and call the others by their first names, whether they know
them or not. Sadly many Southerners are this way now.
And then, being a Southern gentleman, there is the honouric Mr/Miss with
a first name, Mr Jack/Miss Mary. Those are used for superiors of some sort. And when Miss evolved to MS that was easy since Miss was often slurred
as Miz. :)
He also promised an ear in every home & a camera on every corner -- with thenewer Windows that's been done, too.
Like Big Brother in "1984".
I write Ms. with the period, even though the Femdoms demand it not have one.
Too bad, she-dog, you said you wanted equality with "Mr."; well, you've got it!
I've hung out with enough Southerners I've picked up on it, too, & I like it,
as it's an equality thing -- everyone uses the honorific, same as in Japan
I used to talk to several men & women in the South, as par t of my job, & I liked being greeted as "sir" by men & women, young & old, CEOs & CSRs all the same.
. . that helped me pick up on it, too -- it's automatic now, if I hear a southern accent, I call them Sir or Ma'am.
Too bad, she-dog, you said you wanted equality with "Mr."; well, you've got it!
I see this in old movies with the house Negro using such addresses.
Bingo! It's like Georgie had a vision of today -- except he, not unreasonably, mistook computer monitors as televisions, as being the means BB kept tabs on all.
Hello George Pope!
** On Monday 24.01.22 - 22:31, George Pope wrote to Joe Mackey:
I write Ms. with the period, even though the Femdoms demand it not haveI've never encountered or read about the period being a
Too bad, she-dog, you said you wanted equality with "Mr."; well, you've
got it!
problem. Interesting. But maybe it's just a modern thing
like some people using . instead of - in between the numbers
when writing a telephone number.
CP wrote --
I've hung out with enough Southerners I've picked up on it, too, & I like it,Its a simple sign of respect.
And respect for the person is earned, not the respect for the position
they have.
as it's an equality thing -- everyone uses the honorific, same as in JapanYep.
I used to talk to several men & women in the South, as par t of my job, & Iliked being greeted as "sir" by men & women, young & old, CEOs & CSRs all the same.
It's merely respect for the other person.
. . that helped me pick up on it, too -- it's automatic now, if I hear asouthern accent, I call them Sir or Ma'am.
We don't have accents, its everyone else that talks funny. :)
Too bad, she-dog, you said you wanted equality with "Mr."; well, you've gotit!
It's a two way street.
whether black or white, called him Mr Pete.
(While a supervisor he often got his hands dirty with us. That helped
a lot since other supers just stood around an watched the others work.)
I read once someone said something to the extent "'1984' is a warning,
not a blueprint". I mangled that in the translation I know.
That's a combo French thing & database user thing -- I use
xxx.xxx.xxxx so I don't need to prefix the nunber with '
to keep Excel from doing a calculation.
The Ms (no period is a holdover of some older women
believing the term was invented as a neolgism to avoid
defining a womam by her marital status or age; that may
well have been the original intent -- ...
Life's short (or is it? It's the longest thing any of us will ever experience, barring metaphysical afterlife theories, of course);
That's something I should try with the phone number when I
create invoices in Excel. xxx.xxx.xxxx
When I was a grade school age, I really enjoyed receiving
personal letters addressed to me as Esq.
Life's short (or is it? It's the longest thing any of us will everThat's pretty good! (and funny). I'll have to remember that
experience, barring metaphysical afterlife theories, of course);
one. Dad jokes (or puns) only go so far. And sometimes I feel
that I need to switch things up.
"I went to the zoo the other day, but all I saw was a dog in a
cage. It was a shih tzu."
"Love your neighbour as yourself" id easily * oft quoted, but people tyhink it means "in the same way"; when it actually means "for the same reason"
Like one visiting speaker said at Missionsfest about 25 years ago, "You don't necessarily have to be Baptist to get to Heaven, but why on Earth would you take any chances?"
Best line I heard was a British comic who said, "I am not speaking with an accent; this is just how English sounds when pronounced correctly."
Yup; I have much respect for supers & managers who take up the job as needed to ensure customers are being served to high standards.
Not my job, except in the sense my main job is to do what I can to ensure the company serves its customers & meets its bottom-line needs as best as possible.
I read his other big one, Animal Farm, & found it just as insightyful
Like here in BC, where, as part of Canada, we're basically gun-free
That's something I should try with the phone number when I
create invoices in Excel. xxx.xxx.xxxx
If you think of it when creating it, you can define a column as phone number, & it'll format anything you put in there that's not xxx-xxx-xxxx (or "(xxx)" for the first 3)
When I was a grade school age, I really enjoyed receiving
personal letters addressed to me as Esq.
Was it to "Master August Abolines, Esq."?
One of my faves that shih tzu one. . .
I can teach anyone to say that right -- just say
cats...soup & drop the ca & op
I am the type who is out there doing what the others are doing.
Because I'm a lieutenant doesn't mean I sit back watching others do
something I wouldn't (or haven't) done. I've had superior officers (and civilian
bosses) in the past who didn't lift a finger to help others, feeling that is somehow beneath them.
To me because I have "sticks of butter" on my collar doesn't mean I am
better than a new hire.
Then again I believe having some rank doesn't mean I should be doing whatever. People should be rewarded for their work and not HAVE to do something.
I prefer leading by example than fiat.
I also believe in training and equipping a person to do the job and let
them do it. I don't micromanage.
If someone isn't working out in whatever job then find someone who is
able and willing to do it and find a more suitable job for the first person.
I read his other big one, Animal Farm, & found it just as insightyfulI read that many years ago. I should re-read it, along with Brave New
Like here in BC, where, as part of Canada, we're basically gun-freeI have never understood gun free zones.
I suppose to some people it gives a sense of security but it also tells
the bad guy that is open territory.
I have never heard of some bad guy changing his mind seeing a gun free
zone sign and going elsewhere to do whatever he was going to do.
WV is a conceal carry state and some bad guy doesn't know if he his prey
is armed or not.
Our violent crime rate is relatively low. We have B&E's, etc but the guy breaking into the house doesn't if the place is protected by a scared person curled up in a fetal position in the corner or meeting them with a gun.
Like the old joke.
A Texan is pulled over in a northern state for speeding.
The trooper sees a loaded handgun on the passenger seat and asks if he
has a permit for it.
The Texan replies he does and produces the paperwork.
The trooper asks if he has any others and the Texan pulls out a couple
more from the glove box, and shows the troopers rifles and shotguns in the trunk.
The trooper asks what the Texan is afraid of and he replies "Not a danged thing son, not a danged thing".
Switzerland doesn't have a standing army, but all able bodied men are
members of the militia and issued weapons which they keep at home. Since ever
home has weapons, the crime rate there is very low.
At the time, I did not know this. I think the dictionary that I
used at the time primarily defined Esq as "a title of respect".
So, seeing my name appended with Esq was fine by me!
One of my faves that shih tzu one. . .[...]
I can teach anyone to say that right -- just sayyes.. it becomes more like "tsoo". But shit zoo is more fun
cats...soup & drop the ca & op
and get away with saying shit! LOL
True that. . . everyone is replaceable & the more they think they aren't, the more it's time to look into it. . .
I'm with you, but Canada has this Liberal-led disarming tradition going strong now.
I think it's easy enough to ensure legal guns aren't fed into the illegal side of things. . .
I don't own a gun, & am fine without one
I happen to be the best at my job than anyone the parking office has ever had, save one guy many years ago. And I broke his record long
I like to joke they can't do without me. And in many ways they
I even "wrote the book" on training, literally.
When the old supervisor left I was tired of he said/she said ways of doing things and sat down one weekend and wrote the current training manual so everything was in black and white and it all the same for everyone. If in doubt, refer to the manual. (My t
Both my civilian and security supervisors said that I knew more
about my job than anyone else did. The job itself, how to handle
people (I use humour a lot), the little ins and outs I pass along, etc.
Whether the other person uses that, does the job, etc.
I like the bumper sticker: When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
That isn't always possible, just as keeping anything from being
One can have all the gun laws on the books, make it tough to get one, ammo, et. But the bad guy isn't going through all that to get a gun.
He will get his from his friendly neigbhourhood gun dealer's trunk.
I pointed to the 8" turret behind me saying that's what I fire and seldom miss. :)
I like to joke they can't do without me. And in many ways they
Boy, they're going to be furious when you retire at the end of April.
manual so everything was in black and white and it all the same for everyone. If in doubt, refer to the manual. (My t
You got to be at a loss for words again in your reply. <G>
I pointed to the 8" turret behind me saying that's what I fire and seldom miss. :)
And, it's likely more powerful.
I happen to be the best at my job than anyone the parking office has ever had, save one guy many years ago. And I broke his record long ago.
I like to joke they can't do without me. And in many ways they can't.
I've been there since January '02, (save for a couple of years I've been "retired" and even then I'm asked to return to train people).
I even "wrote the book" on training, literally.
When the old supervisor left I was tired of he said/she said ways of
doing things and sat down one weekend and wrote the current training manual so
everything was in black and white and it all the same for everyone. If in doubt, refer to the manual. (My t
Both my civilian and security supervisors said that I knew more about my
job than anyone else did. The job itself, how to handle people (I use
humour a lot), the little ins and outs I pass along, etc. Whether the other person uses that, does the job, etc
I'm with you, but Canada has this Liberal-led disarming tradition goingstrong now.
I like the bumper sticker: When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
I think it's easy enough to ensure legal guns aren't fed into the illegalside of things. . .
That isn't always possible, just as keeping anything from being stolen.
One can have all the gun laws on the books, make it tough to get one,
ammo, et. But the bad guy isn't going through all that to get a gun. He will
get his from his friendly neigbhourhood gun dealer's trunk.
I don't own a gun, & am fine without oneSame here, but I'm a proud member of the NRA and support gun rights.
The last time I recall holding a live gun was in the Navy 50 years ago.
We had a Marine detachment, security for the admiral onboard.
One day this Marine was using old paint cans tossed overboard for target practice and hit it multiple times as we cruised along at sea.
I watched a couple of minutes, telling him he was very good.
He handed me his sidearm and and wanted me to do the same.
I never came near that floating can.
He said I wasn't very good.
I pointed to the 8" turret behind me saying that's what I fire and seldom miss.
I like to joke they can't do without me. And in many ways they
Boy, they're going to be furious when you retire at the end of April. <G>
I even "wrote the book" on training, literally.Better qualify what type of training. <G>
that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". :)
I like the bumper sticker: When guns are outlawed, only outlaws willNever mind the one about Ronnie's Ray-Guns. <G>
have guns.
I pointed to the 8" turret behind me saying that's what I fire andAnd, it's likely more powerful.
seldom miss. :)
The other day I was talking to one of the LT's in the police department.
He's a former Marine and we kid each other about my having been in the Navy. I made some remark about our softening the beaches for them so they can
just stroll ashore and go for walks along the beach.
"No, your honour, I know they can; I just don't want THEM to know!"
Didn't they release the hostages just prior, or within that week?
They appreciate my returning, several times over the years, to train new people. A lot of people have passed through the doors over the
When I returned in August I told them I was re-retiring at Christmas break. Neither of the two I trained stayed long.
There is too much to tell in just a couple of weeks. A lot is
learning by doing, on-the-job experience, etc.
(*I don't know what's up with the young people today. In the past I was cursed at, yelled at, told where to go and what I could do with myself, etc. Now the current crop of students say things like "yes
sir/no sir" etc. Its a bit unnerving at times.)
I can't recall what I was writing about.
I made some remark about our softening the beaches for them so they
can just stroll ashore and go for walks along the beach. :)
"No, your honour, I know they can; I just don't want THEM to know!"
"Potty Training for Fidonet Participants"?
"Great minds think alike" (or is it "small ones seldom differ?")
I do recall t hat back in late '79. Up here in Canada, as elementary school punks we had respect for Reagan & how Iran must be trembling knowing he was taking the reins on 20-January!
Didn't they release the hostages just prior, or within that week?
"You're a "SUB-marine" so get 'below' the water, NOW! *BLAM!* bloop-bloop-bloop. . .
Makes you wonder if they got told to leave early, so you'd stay there.
Even if you prepared a manual, you wonder how quick it'd take for them to learn it.
I was raised "old school"...where "children should be seen and not heard; and not speak unless spoken to -- then it was 'Yes/No Ma'am/Sir'".
I can't recall what I was writing about.
That's why quoting in QWK Mail and email comes in handy. <G>
Just do like the movie where Jimmy Stewart said he was going to go get "some sun on the beach", and this woman said he was swearing. <G>
The first one had a medical condition he didn't tell anyone until it kicked in the first week or so.
The second one was dumb as a box of rocks. Couldn't comprehend
anything and parking ain't rocket science. I mean if I can do it....
We've had some real winners sent to parking and many were members of
the Doofus family, which seems to grow by the day.
This guy made a Doofus seem smart and I nicknamed him Knucklehead.
I.E., regular violator for example. Parking can't link the car to anyone. One day the violator leaves something in plain sight with
their name, student number, etc. Got ya.
The woman in the office working on the machine walked over, mentioned the tree trimming and casually asked for her name and phone number in
case she might need to move. Got her. And she paid.
We must have had the same parents!
Or graduates of parenting school.
I sometimes tell someone when I ask that and can't recall "Oh, you weren't listening either?"
Or the popular retirement community in Florida, "Sunny Beaches".
Busted. <G> I'll bet some complain the picture was "set up" and
tampered with using Photoshop.
I sometimes tell someone when I ask that and can't recall "Oh, you weren't listening either?"
What were we talking about?? <G>
I started taking pictures of certain violations that might be hard to prove ("there was no sign saying...") with vehicle near the sign, long before we got writers with built in cameras.
The other day I almost finished a no parking area when the violator
came up. I pointed out the sign at the end of her hood and she replied
"I didn't see it". Better get some glasses sister I thought.
BTW, why is "bro" acceptable but "sister" is frowned on? Asking for
a friend.
Ida Know.
I started taking pictures of certain violations that might be hard to prove
Pictures don't lie...although nowadays, some will say they were photoshopped.
I love it when someone storms into the parking office declaring to
one and all they were in the right, everyone else was wrong.
"Here, look at this".
Technology, ya gotta love it.
CP wrote --
"No, your honour, I know they can; I just don't want THEM to know!"A line I often use. :)
Didn't they release the hostages just prior, or within that week?Minutes.
The oath was taken at like noon, at 12.01 they were released.
There was a guy who was down and depressed. His doctor gave him options to cheer himself up.
Doc: Buy a new car.
Guy: I drive a nice Mercedes.
Doc: Go on vacation.
Guy: I just got back from the Bahamas.
Doc: Build a new house.
Guy: I live in a million dollar mansion.
Doc: So, why are you depressed??
Guy: I only make $100 a week.
"Potty Training for Fidonet Participants"?They need that in the FLAME echoes.
"Great minds think alike" (or is it "small ones seldom differ?")
Q: How do you drown a bunch of blondes in a submarine?
A: Knock on the door.
... Is French kissing in France just called kissing?
Whatever some might say about his policies, his party, his memory, etc. He was the man for the job when needed.
Made me wonder then, & ever since -- what the heck was Carter doing/thinking?
You'd save a billion or ten in watching/defending your southern border!
Even as lazy rabble rousers in entertainment (including news magazines) criticise you, we, as a nation, generally want only the best for our big brother to the south
I wish our southern border were more defended.
I have nothing against immigrants, we are a nation of immigrants, just as Canada is. (And for that matter the entire western hemisphere).
I just want this country (as does Canada) know who is coming.
Come in the front door, not through a back window.
It is difficult to state such an opinion around many without them
throwing negative stereotypes back at you.
It is difficult to state such an opinion around many without them
throwing negative stereotypes back at you.
Its funny how people who are so unconcerned about our borders are so concerned about another country's half a world away...
Its funny how people who are so unconcerned about our borders are so
concerned about another country's half a world away...
Indeed. :)
Its funny how people who are so unconcerned about our borders are so
concerned about another country's half a world away...
Indeed. :)
There is nothing funny about it. The situation on your border is very differen
than the situation on the Ukraine border. A very big difference.
There is nothing funny about it. The situation on your border is very
different than the situation on the Ukraine border. A very big
As usual, you missed who it was that first called it funny, and also that,
in this case, funny = ironic and not funny = ha-ha.
You've been missed in the POLITICS echo lately.
Many have wanted to know your opinion about what your Fur... er, PM has been up to lately, with his emergency powers, freezing bank accounts, etc.
I figure you will be back once you think we've all forgoten what Trudolf's been up to and/or when Trump has been in the news again.
* SLMR 2.1a * Dijon vu: The feeling you've tasted this mustard before
Its funny how people who are so unconcerned about our borders are so concerned about another country's half a world away...
There is nothing funny about it. The situation on your border is very different than the situation on the Ukraine border. A very big difference.
Other than tanks and bombs, please explain.
I have been occupied with other things.
Other than tanks and bombs, please explain.
The situation at the Ukraine border is an invasion of a soverign and peaceful tion. Ukraine is not a threat to Russia or any other nation.
There is nothing similar happening on the US border.
I have been occupied with other things.
But not so occupied that you didn't take time to troll me here.
There is nothing similar happening on the US border.
So the US is not a soverign and peaceful nation?
If a bunch of Americans started pouring across the Canadian border, at
places that are not border crossings, how would you expect that your
country would act?
As we can see in your opinions regarding what happened in Ottawa recently
(it was good for Trudeau to use his powers) vs. your opinions of what happened in the US in 2020 (it was bad for the US to even mention using powers), I know it is different when it is happening in your own country.
Not so easy to pass judgement then.
If a bunch of Americans started pouring across the Canadian border, at
places that are not border crossings, how would you expect that your
country would act?
Your not making any sense. Americans are free to cross the border into Canada.
If a bunch of Americans started pouring across the Canadian border, at places that are not border crossings, how would you expect that your country would act?
Your not making any sense. Americans are free to cross the border into Canada.
As we can see in your opinions regarding what happened in Ottawa recently (it was good for Trudeau to use his powers) vs. your opinions of what happened in the US in 2020 (it was bad for the US to even mention using powers), I know it is different when it is happening in your own country. Not so easy to pass judgement then.
2020 is a different matter altogether and has nothing to do with what we are t
king about.
How many missiles/rockets/tanks have landed in the USA?
How many have been killed/injured?
How many refugees have left the USA and how many are still trying to escape?
The point I am trying to make is that there is nothing similar happening on yo
southern border that compares even remotely, to the situation on the borders
Ukraine, and for the last week inside Ukraine.
If a bunch of Americans started pouring across the Canadian border, at
places that are not border crossings, how would you expect that your
country would act?
Your not making any sense. Americans are free to cross the border into Canada.
Without any paperwork, including covid paperwork, and entering at places other
han entry points?
Your not making any sense. Americans are free to cross the border into
Without any paperwork, including covid paperwork, and entering at places other than entry points?
The message you are responding to was about two different subjects. I understand that is VERY difficult for you to follow.
2020 USA vs. 2022 Canada is not different. In both cases, people were protesting and wanted their voices heared. In the case of 2022 Canada, they were not setting fires or looting businesses, while in 2020 USA some of
them were.
How many were killed or injured? None, from what I can tell, which is less than in the US protests.
Yet you claimed that using force and monetary punishments against your Canadian protesters was necessary, but using force against the 2020 US protesters was a no-no.
USA vs. Ukraine, the other subject:
Americans have been killed by persons who came illegally over our Southern border. They don't use missles, rockets or tanks, but they have used
rifles, knives and their bare hands.
How many refugees have left the USA and how many are still trying to
I think you have that backwards, in this case.
There are invaders. Joe, the original poster, whose questions to you you have ignored, said besides the military things.
Basically, the US and Ukraine both have persons coming over our borders illegally. People like you think that is OK for the USA but not OK for Ukraine and, although you keep dodging it, I bet it is not so OK for Canada, either (especially since we might join up with those horrible, threatening truckers who like freedom that you don't). Meanwhile, I believe it is not ok in the case of Ukraine or the US.
The message you are responding to was about two different subjects. I understand that is VERY difficult for you to follow.
I was not involved in the original thread. I was commenting the the situation
the Ukraine border is different, very different than the situation on your so
hern border. Nothing more nothing less. I realize this is difficult for you to
Yeah, joe said besides the bombs and missiles, what's the difference!
I am not ignoring Joe, perhaps I missed his message.
I wish our southern border were more defended.
I have nothing against immigrants, we are a nation of immigrants, just as Canada is. (And for that matter the entire western hemisphere).
I just want this country (as does Canada) know who is coming.
Come in the front door, not through a back window.
Even as lazy rabble rousers in entertainment (including news magazines)brother to the south
criticise you, we, as a nation, generally want only the best for our big
Otherwise we might pull another 1812 on ya!
Otherwise we might pull another 1812 on ya!
I'm pretty sure we won that one, along with the Pig Wars & 54/40. . .
We even made you keep a bunch of our unwanteds (French Acadians, now called "
You got it! For those into open borders, ask them if they're into leaving their house's doors open 24/7 & anyone who wants can come in, squat, get fed, & get an allowance. . .
Otherwise we might pull another 1812 on ya!
I'm pretty sure we won that one, along with the Pig Wars & 54/40. . .
We even made you keep a bunch of our unwanteds (French Acadians, now called "Cajuns")
Life went on & we became best of friends for many years!
That one is a funny one. Canada can claim being a winner because they kept the US south of the border. The US can claim being a winner because we defeated the British in the south. The British appear to have lost on both fronts. :)Otherwise we might pull another 1812 on ya!I'm pretty sure we won that one, along with the Pig Wars & 54/40. . .
We even made you keep a bunch of our unwanteds (French Acadians, now called"
juns")That may have been the biggest revenge of all! :O
Your generals have been planning another ever since, but realized it would be impossible to win, so dropped them all.
Your generals have been planning another ever since, but realized it would be mpossible to win, so dropped them all.
I for one am opposed to invading our good neighbours to the north.
For one thing its too cold there. We already have one ice box
(Alaska). :)
I hate to tell you this but, with Trudeau in charge, I'd not be too confident. Then again, with Biden in charge, neither am I! :D
With that in mind, we'd best keep the peace lest we get to fighting
each other and then wind up both speaking Chinese or Russian! :O
I hate to tell you this but, with Trudeau in charge, I'd not be too confident. Then again, with Biden in charge, neither am I! :D
He called Kamala Harris "the first lady" and "the president" in recent days. The only thing I liked about him is that he supported Amtrak.
Otherwise, I can't stand him. He makes a gaffe practically every day.
I saw where Kamala Harris' husband (I think that's who it was) tested positive for Covid-19. I know they are trying their darndest to keep
Biden from getting it...as with his health, it could kill him. But, I
wonder if they'd even admit that he had it...yet you know how quickly
news leaks in Washington, DC. :P
Either that, or he was telling them that he showed up because he tested positive.
I like his Amtrak support also.
Sounds like you heard part of that story then. :)
* SLMR 2.1a * That's the Heimlich manuever, *not* the Heineken manuever
For one thing its too cold there. We already have one ice box (Alaska). :)
And, Russia wants it back, along with a place in California, plus reparations
Or like Sean Dennis' pun in the FIDOGazette this week...where these prisoners passed the time by going "tick tock". Yet, one guy would just
go "tick tick"...and the German commander said "Ve have vays of making
you tock".
GP wrote --
You got it! For those into open borders, ask them if they're into leaving >their house's doors open 24/7 & anyone who wants can come in, squat, get fed,get an allowance. . .
Yeah, well, uh, that is, ah... :)Otherwise we might pull another 1812 on ya!
I'm pretty sure we won that one, along with the Pig Wars & 54/40. . .
We even made you keep a bunch of our unwanteds (French Acadians, now called"Cajuns")
Now living in the swamps of Louisiana.
Life went on & we became best of friends for many years!That's like the US and Britain, as well as numerous countries in Europe.
They go at it tooth and nail for a while then become friends again.
Of course they sort of have to, being so close to each other.
CP wrote --
Your generals have been planning another ever since, but realized it would beimpossible to win, so dropped them all.
I for one am opposed to invading our good neighbours to the north.
For one thing its too cold there. We already have one ice box (Alaska).
Your generals have been planning another ever since, but realized it would be >> mpossible to win, so dropped them all.I hate to tell you this but, with Trudeau in charge, I'd not be too confident. Then again, with Biden in charge, neither am I! :D
With that in mind, we'd best keep the peace lest we get to fighting each other and then wind up both speaking Chinese or Russian! :O
Perfectly logical & reasonable, as a clear object lesson to even the most densely ignorant!
I grat all their freedom of chjoice & preferences, so long as it isn't harming others, & taking our money to support their causes that we don't believe in, is a harm, IMO.
I work darn hard for what little I take home! I honestly feel I deserve to keep at least this much, or more,
I don't believe in grudges anyway; I personally lost nothing in any of thosewars. Onlyl 54/40 & the Pig Wars really were anywhere near where I ended up!
& even if I did lose some thing, I'm pretty darn sure nobody alive today was directly responsible!
Same as I'm not responsible for anything OTHER white men may have done
Pretty much everyone I know is the same.
Not sure where the media gets its hate news from
. . . Never met an evil man-hating feminist &/or lesbian.
I conclude the media has a giant stick & they're stirring the muck
Best of the coming week to you, sir! & continuing good health for you & your family. . .
I heard one all wise and knowing elite say on tv a while back "if we
don't allow them (illegals) into the country, who's going to clean our toilets?"
I thought "I got a suggestion for ya".
Be nice if we had a check list of yes/no where our tax money is spent.
I doubt those guys in DC or Ottawa would honour it.
& even if I did lose some thing, I'm pretty darn sure nobody alive today wasdirectly responsible!
Same here.
People are responsible for their own actions, not their ancestors.
If that were true where does it stop?
Should we hold people responsible for their grandparents actions? G-G-grandparents and on back to Adam and Eve? At what point is it said "Ok, nothing past that date is important"?
Not sure where the media gets its hate news fromThey like to take the worst of anything and make it seem everyone
believes that.
And I think social media is to blame for a lot.
At one time you had a crackpot with some crazy idea and people laughed
at them or ignored them. Today someone writes a crazy tweet and all these people agree. Heaven help us if we have actually that many crazy people running around.
. . . Never met an evil man-hating feminist &/or lesbian.I've run into a few dislikeable people in my day on all sides, but they
are just one and not the whole lot.
But the vast majority, 95 per cent or more plus are normal people.
Opinions sure, but not nut jobs.
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