CP wrote --
In parking my philosophy is "the customer (violator) is always wrong". :)
Because you've been doing your job long enough you know if/when you've msade a mistake & likely correct it l.ong before the ticket is given?
I always double check the information on the writer to make sure its
correct, and that I hadn't missed something.
But, if a mistake is missed it will stick out as soon as its printed.
When I make a mistake its merely marked "OE" (officer error), the error circled and rewritten.
These are turned in at the end of the day to be deleted from the
If I am at fault, for whatever reason (meter not working,
I carry the meter keys with me.
Someone says the meter isn't working I'll say "let me get the key and
check it out". Those pulling a fast one get that deer-in-the-headlight look.
Sometimes there is a problem (coins jammed, etc). Most often they have
put a penny, nickel or dime in a quarters only (well marked) meter.
Handicaps are photographed rear and front. Rear to show its their car, front to show the hang tag not there.
I now, when there's likely to be a dispute at the till (shelf price higher than flyer price, I photo the shelf & look up the flyer online, & ensure I get my free item
Trouble maker! :)
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