Cyberpope wrote --
Others think the change not worth bending over for
I was lurking around the pay machine for a pay lot (amazing how people fight each to pay when I'm around) that took coins.
This woman dropped about 20 cents when putting money in. I told her
about this and she said she was not picking up little bit of change. I told her
I would and did.
I found a nice score a whi8le back in my local grocery's coin counting machine (you pour your jar of coins into the hoper, it counts them, gives you a slip to take to the cashier, kicking unrecognized coins/slugs/etc into the Coin Rerturn slot. I'm in my wheelchair, rolling padt, & I sees a nice little stack of coins in there, scooped it up; found a few foreign coins to add to my informal colection, & about $5. Thereafter, I checked it once a week or so, & got $3-4 each time. Then it peytered out; I'm figuring the local kids discovered it, too. . .
Eventually they puledf the machine; I suspect from people who had pre-counted their coins & complained about not getting full value. Oh well. As a kiod I regfularly checked payphone Coin Rerturn slots for the occasional quarter or 6!
Now I leave them for those with actual need. (homeless, little kids with no allowance(well, ok, some perceived need, too)
Same as I put my refundable drink containers (pop, juice), when wheeling abnout town, up agaimnst a bus stip pole or shelter,. out of the wind, so those in need can easily grab them. I always appreciuated those kind of people when I was a kid, picking up $5-10/day in 5c bottles & tins on the weekends on my bike.
They're now 10c, & those over 1L are 20c apiece. My wife & I leave all our family's retyurnables for our adult daughter to take in (saves us the trouble & part5 of her benefit is pickungt them up from the kitchen cfounters & putting them into a bag in the closet (until full)
She cabn drop this off at the Return-It depot for a slip/receipt to attach to the bafg giving her credentials, then whebn they count it at night, they deposit the money into an account for her to access whenever. (transfer to hher bank,. or go in, in person, in openinig hours, & withdraw)
In my time, 5c was the cost when you bought a refundable(by law) bottle, but a bottle depot might only give you 3c, or even 2c, if he felt like it. When the 1.5L then 2L soda bottles came out they were 10c to pay at till.
Now we pay the 10c for small items plus an Enviro Levy (yes, tax) that mostly goes to the Return-It dedpots to cover their expenses.
Alcohol containers are refunded at the next rate up from non-alcohol single use beverage containers.
My wife had to adjust to recyclable containers being worth money here, as tyhe province she was from had no such laws (our containers are printed "refundable by law where applicable" or "refundable except in ON, NB, QC."
I t hink it's a grand plab -- I'
d like to see ir expanded to other recyclables & litter items, like fast food cups, straws, etc, & maybe even cigarewtte butts.
picking up refundable drink containers
The first year after my father died, my mother and I had a rough go.
I would pick up pop bottles (when they were glass and had to pay a refundable deposit) and after I turned in so many I would have enough to buy a full bottle.
'twas 5 for me to get a 25c bottle of RC. (1 in 6 win; I averaged 1 in 3; I'm suspecting the actual odds were more like 1 in 3 or 4)
Once he saw a pair of jeans -- well run over & weatherbeaten; he rode on past, but around the next corner some thing told him to go back, so he did, checked the pockets & found $300 in cash!
In addition to that, today he could resale those jeans as "distressed"
and make a fashion statement. :)
True enough. The jeans the young girls wear today! My sister would not have even allowed out the door in such! If she did anyway, wshen older, it'd only be because she'd chosen to move out on her own.
Broiken, discarded bikes in the ditch, come back later with the truck, bring em home & fix them & give away, or sell cheap,
At one time the Marshall University PD (and city PD) would give a fella
in town all the collected lost/stolen bikes from campus(after a period of time they were unclaimed) who fixed them up (often recycling bits and pieces from various ones) and gave them t
That guy died a few years ago and no one does that any longer.
Those unclaimed bikes are just tossed in a dumpster and wind up in a landfill.
A shame; thought of taking it on yourself? It's actually quite simple to repair bikes, even easier with hundreds of YouTube videos to coach one.
In one place I lived, we all worked together on reclaimed 10-speeds, & got to pick oine we could 'pimp out' to our personal preferences, all free, for our own ride. Including choice of paint (the ones we repaired to give away were usually done in cheap bland spray paint colours; I went for metallic midnight blue)
I miss being able to ride a bike -- now , if I could, i'd never hop another city bus ever -- I'd ride 40 miles to something first.
I'm of the philosophy that everything is walking distance, if you begin early enough.
took a step backward and one found himself front of them. :)
Problem is; the voluntold one isn't going to speak up for fear of being labelled a wuss, complainer, or reneger, eh?
He had a look on his face like "How did this happen?" but did whatever it was a volunteer was needed.
One time working a basketball game I had been on the floor most of the reason.
One January day it was zero out with a minus 20 wind chill.
For some reason the guys who were to work traffic control outside didn't show up.
My major called for four volunteers.
No one moved a muscle.
After a minute he repeated I need four volunteers. Then pointed to four guys saying "You, you, you and you outside".
I was one of those guys and nearly froze to death, dressed for being inside and not outside.
Voluntold you were, yup! & not a choice in that context, eh?
"for some reason," eh? *LOL*
No doubt they got supreme shit from the commander & another bout from you 4 volunteers, eh?
I'd think it'd be hard for you guys to be too mad, mixed up with admiration for their smarts & balls, eh?
Your friend,
Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)