• 3/26 Nat'l Nougat Day - 2

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Thursday, March 24, 2022 12:02:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: 5 Ingredient Chocolate Peanut Nougat
    Categories: Five, Candy, Snacks, Nuts, Chocolate
    Yield: 64 Pieces

    600 g Marshmallows
    10 tb Peanut butter
    350 g Confectioner’s sugar;
    - sieved
    200 g Peanuts; unsalted, rough
    - chopped
    100 g Milk chocolate

    Line a 20cm x 20cm dish or baking tin with non-stick
    baking parchment or a silicone mat and put to one side.

    Place the marshmallows, peanut butter and confectioner’s
    sugar in a pan and place on a medium heat. When the
    marshmallows start to melt, give everything a stir with
    a silicone spatula. Stir regularly until the
    marshmallows have completely melted. It will look lumpy
    at first, but it will come together. You should be left
    with a relatively smooth (there will be a few small
    lumps, but that's fine), stretchy mixture. Stir in the
    peanuts, then turn off the heat.

    Working quickly (before it sets) pour out the nougat
    into the tin. Smooth the top using a palette knife or
    back of a spoon and leave to cool and set for at least
    45 minutes.

    Once cooled, remove from the tin and peel off the baking
    parchment. Cut into small pieces.

    Break the chocolate into small chunks and place in a
    bowl. Microwave in 30 second bursts, stirring in between
    each burst - until the chocolate is melted.

    Dip the tops of the nougat into the chocolate. Allow
    excess to drip off, then turn over and place on a plate
    or tray to set.

    Eat immediately, or store in a sealed box at room

    by Nicky Corbishley

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.kitchensanctuary.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... Tasty is tasty. Authentic is authentic. Many dishes are both.
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  • From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Friday, March 24, 2023 15:01:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Classic Nougat
    Categories: Candy, Nuts, Snacks
    Yield: 50 servings

    100 g (3.5 oz) whole blanched
    - almonds
    100 g (3.5 oz) peeled pistachios
    100 g (3.5 oz) peeled hazelnuts
    2 Sheets edible rice paper
    Icing sugar for dusting
    150 g (5.25 oz) clear honey (use a
    - floral-flavoured honey for
    - extra flavour)
    300 g (10.5 oz) white caster
    - sugar
    100 g (3.5 oz) liquid glucose
    2 md Egg whites
    1 ts Vanilla extract

    Heat oven to 180ºC/355ºF (160ºC/320ºF fan) gas 4.
    Scatter the nuts over a baking tray and toast in the
    oven for 10 mins, then set aside (they don’t need to
    cool). Cut the two pieces of rice paper to fit a 20 x
    20cm square tin. Line the tin with one sheet of rice
    paper, brush the sides of the tin with oil, then dust
    the tin with icing sugar.

    Put the honey into a saucepan, then in another saucepan
    tip in the sugar, glucose and 100ml of water. Put the
    egg whites in the very clean bowl of a tabletop mixer
    with a whisk attachment and whisk on a low speed. Heat
    and boil the honey until it reaches 121C on a digital
    cooking thermometer, then straightaway pour the honey
    over the egg whites and set the speed to medium. While
    the whites and honey are whisking, bring the sugar and
    water to the boil and keep boiling until the syrup
    reaches 145C exactly on a digital cooking thermometer.
    Pour the hot syrup in a slow, steady stream into the
    beating egg white mixture. Continue beating for about 10
    mins until you have a thick, glossy, firm meringue. It’s
    hard to over-whisk at this stage but easy to
    under-whisk, so keep going until the meringue looks like
    sticky chewing gum.

    Use a spatula to stir though the nuts (which should
    still be warm), the vanilla extract and a small pinch of
    salt. Scrape the mixture into the lined tin, then smooth
    over to spread the mixture out evenly (if you have an
    offset spatula, now is the time to use it). Finally, top
    with the remaining sheet of rice paper and press down.
    Leave the nougat to set for at least 2 hrs or overnight.

    To turn out and portion, use a spatula to loosen the
    edges of the nougat away from the tin, then invert the
    tin on to a clean board and use a sharp serated, hot
    knife to portion into bars or squares. The nougat will
    keep, stored in an airtight container, for up to a

    By Barney Desmazery

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... Have your service call my service; our services will do lunch.
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  • From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Monday, March 25, 2024 18:13:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Classic Nougat
    Categories: Candy, Nuts, Snacks
    Yield: 50 servings

    100 g (3.5 oz) whole blanched
    - almonds
    100 g (3.5 oz) peeled pistachios
    100 g (3.5 oz) peeled hazelnuts
    2 Sheets edible rice paper
    Icing sugar for dusting
    150 g (5.25 oz) clear honey (use a
    - floral-flavoured honey for
    - extra flavour)
    300 g (10.5 oz) white caster
    - sugar
    100 g (3.5 oz) liquid glucose
    2 md Egg whites
    1 ts Vanilla extract

    Heat oven to 180oC/355oF (160oC/320oF fan) gas 4.
    Scatter the nuts over a baking tray and toast in the
    oven for 10 mins, then set aside (they don't need to
    cool). Cut the two pieces of rice paper to fit a 20 x
    20cm square tin. Line the tin with one sheet of rice
    paper, brush the sides of the tin with oil, then dust
    the tin with icing sugar.

    Put the honey into a saucepan, then in another saucepan
    tip in the sugar, glucose and 100ml of water. Put the
    egg whites in the very clean bowl of a tabletop mixer
    with a whisk attachment and whisk on a low speed. Heat
    and boil the honey until it reaches 121C on a digital
    cooking thermometer, then straightaway pour the honey
    over the egg whites and set the speed to medium. While
    the whites and honey are whisking, bring the sugar and
    water to the boil and keep boiling until the syrup
    reaches 145C exactly on a digital cooking thermometer.
    Pour the hot syrup in a slow, steady stream into the
    beating egg white mixture. Continue beating for about 10
    mins until you have a thick, glossy, firm meringue. It's
    hard to over-whisk at this stage but easy to
    under-whisk, so keep going until the meringue looks like
    sticky chewing gum.

    Use a spatula to stir though the nuts (which should
    still be warm), the vanilla extract and a small pinch of
    salt. Scrape the mixture into the lined tin, then smooth
    over to spread the mixture out evenly (if you have an
    offset spatula, now is the time to use it). Finally, top
    with the remaining sheet of rice paper and press down.
    Leave the nougat to set for at least 2 hrs or overnight.

    To turn out and portion, use a spatula to loosen the
    edges of the nougat away from the tin, then invert the
    tin on to a clean board and use a sharp serated, hot
    knife to portion into bars or squares. The nougat will
    keep, stored in an airtight container, for up to a

    By Barney Desmazery

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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