MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Water Kefir Master Recipe
Categories: Beverages, Fruits
Yield: 1 Quart
1/4 c Sugar; such as piloncillo,
- cane sugar, or turbinado
1 qt Filtered water
2 tb Hydrated water kefir grains
Rinsed & boiled shell of 1
- egg, 4 raisins, or 1 tb
- aguamiel de maguey (opt)
1/4 c Chopped fruit or frozen
- berries for secondary
- fermentation (opt)
Dissolve the sugar and water in a 1/2 gallon Mason jar.
Or, to speed up the process, dissolve the sugar in the
jar with 1 cup of hot water, and then add 3 cups of cold
water to get to a total of 1 quart. Make sure the
resulting sugar-water mixture is body temperature (98
degrees Fahrenheit) or lower.
Add the kefir grains and the eggshell, raisins, or
aguamiel de maguey (if using), and then cover with a
lid. Write the brewing date on a piece of masking tape
on the outside of the jar. Let it sit at room
temperature for 24 to 48 hours, or until you see
bubbling activity. As with milk kefir, strain the kefir
grains with a plastic or nylon strainer and start a new
batch immediately, if possible.
Refrigerate the fermented water kefir liquid in a
covered jar until ready to serve. For a different
flavor, perform a second fermentation: In a 1/2-gallon
Mason jar, add some chopped fruit to the brewed water
kefir. Close the lid. Write the brewing date on a piece
of masking tape on the outside of the jar. Let it sit at
room temperature for another 24 to 48 hours, at which
time it’ll be ready to drink or to refrigerate.
Be careful when opening the kefir; it has more fizz than
kombucha and can explode. It’s a good idea to
refrigerate the bottle for 1 to 2 hours before opening
it. This will lessen the explosion potential. Once
opened, strain the fruit, if desired, and serve.
NOTES: The grains risk starvation if left for more than
a few days with no sugar, so make new batches on a
regular schedule. Fortunately, after you taste your
water kefir, you’ll want to make it all the time!
By Alex Lewin and Raquel Guajardo
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... He is so cheap he bought his kid a doll house with a mortgage on it
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* Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)