• 3/15 Peanut Lovers Day - 2

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Thursday, March 14, 2024 17:22:11
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Stir-Fried Squid w/Peanuts & Chilies
    Categories: Oriental, Chilies, Seafood, Nuts
    Yield: 4 Servings

    1 lb Squid; cleaned Chinese-style
    - [See below. - S.C.]
    1/4 c Raw peanuts; rough chopped
    4 cl Garlic; minced
    1 (or more) fresh chilies;
    - chopped
    1 ts Cilantro; chopped (opt)
    2 ts Soy sauce
    1/4 c Chicken stock
    1 ts Cornstarch dissolved in
    1 tb Stock or water
    3 tb (to 4 tb) vegetable oil

    In traditional Chinese cooking, dishes which are part of a
    banquet-style meal usually contain about 1 pound of food.
    This dish will serve 4 if there are 3 other dishes besides
    soup; 6 if there are 6 other dishes, etc.

    Saute garlic and chile peppers in half the oil over low
    heat in a wok or heavy frying pan until garlic is lightly
    browned. Add peanuts for the last 30 seconds. Stir

    Remove ingredients from the pan, add more oil, if
    necessary, and the squid. Cook for 30 seconds. Return
    peanuts, garlic and chiles to pan. Immediately add all but
    1 Tb of the stock, soy sauce and cilantro.

    Continue stir-frying for another minute. Add cornstarch
    mixture. When sauce thickens, remove from heat and serve.

    [Score squid diagonally at three quarter inch intervals.
    Turn and repeat at right angles to original cuts. Don't
    cut all the way through the squid body. Cut each scored
    squid body into three or four pieces.

    When cooked, the squid will roll up and the crosshatching
    will catch and hold the sauce. It's much easier to do than
    to describe. S.C.]

    From "The International Squid Cookbook" by Isaac Cronin,
    Aris Books, Berkeley, Ca. 1981 ISBN 0-915572-61-3

    Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; February 22 1993.

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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