3/11 Eat Yer Noodles - 1
Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to
All on Wednesday, March 09, 2022 13:48:00
March 11: National "Eat Your Noodles" Day
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Hot & Sour Chicken Noodle Salad
Categories: Oriental, Poultry, Salads, Pasta
Yield: 6 Servings
1 W/hole Chicken breast; split
8 oz Linguine
1 tb Peppercorns
3/4 ts Dried hot red pepper flakes
3 tb Salad oil
1/3 c Rice vinegar
2 tb Soy sauce
1 sm Cucumber; thin sliced
In a 5-6 quart pan, bring about 3 quarts of water to a
boil. Add chicken, cover and bring to a boil. Remove
from heat and let stand, covered, until meat is white
in thickest part, about 20-25 min. Lift out chicken,
let cool and reserve water. Remove and discard skin
and bones; tear chicken into bite-size shreds. If made
ahead, cover and chill chicken and water until next day.
Bring water to a boil and add linguine. Boil, uncovered,
until just tender to bite, 6-8 min. Drain; immerse in
cold water until cool, then drain well again.
In a 6-8" frying pan, toast peppercorns over med-low
heat until fragrant, 2-3 min.; shake pan often. Pour
peppercorns into a blender and whirl until finely
ground. Add chilies and oil to pan; cook over low heat
until chiles just begin to brown, about 3 min.
Let cool and add ground pepper, vinegar, soy sauce and
cilantro. On a shallow dish, arrange a bed of noodles;
cover with cucumber and chicken. Pour dressing evenly
over salad and mix to blend.
Source: "Fido Cooking Echo"
Meal Master Format by Dave Drum - 26 July 2008
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
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