• 1/11 Nat'l Milk Day - 1

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 16:17:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Milk Pork
    Categories: Pork, Dairy
    Yield: 6 Servings

    3 lb (1.5 kg) boned pork roast
    6 cl Garlic; peeled, in slivers
    Salt & pepper
    2 tb Butter
    1 lg Onion; halved
    1 lg Carrot; halved
    2 lg Rosemary branches
    2 Bay leaves
    4 c Whole milk
    Generous handful chopped
    - fresh chives and/or
    - parsley; for garnish

    Make small slits all over the meat with a sharp knife,
    inserting a sliver of garlic into each as you go. (If
    you can do this several hours or the night before
    cooking, all the better.) Rub the meat all over with
    salt and pepper. Heat the oven to 325-|F/160-|C.

    Melt the butter in a deep, lidded casserole (cocotte),
    and brown the meat well on all sides. Add the onion,
    carrot, and herbs to the pot. Pour over the milk, and
    bring to a simmer on the stovetop. Cover the dish and
    transfer to the oven until tender, about 2 hours,
    turning the meat at least once.

    Remove the meat from the pot and wrap in foil to keep
    warm. Remove the herbs, carrot, and onion and discard.
    The cooking juices will be curdled - ugly - but this is
    how they're meant to be. Boil them down to about a
    cup/250 ml and pur|-e with an immersion blender. Taste
    and adjust the seasonings.

    Carve the meat and arrange in a serving dish. Pour over
    the sauce, sprinkle with the chives and/or parsley.



    Yield: 6 servings

    Meal Master Format by Dave Drum - 07 June 2008

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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