• 3/3 Nat Cold Cuts Day - 2

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Tuesday, March 01, 2022 14:13:30
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Bacon Explosion w/Cheese
    Categories: Bbq, Pork, Cheese, Sauces
    Yield: 3 Servings

    2 lb Thick-cut bacon
    2 lb Bulk Italian sausage
    1 Tri-pack of Prosciutto/
    - Capicola Ham, Salami,
    - Pepperoni (usually found
    - next to the deli counter)
    8 oz Pkg yellow cheese
    32 oz Bottle barbeque sauce
    4 tb Your favorite barbeque rub

    Lay out a piece of foil or plastic wrap. Create the outer
    layer of the bacon weave by laying 7-8 strips of bacon
    side by side horizontally. Then to start the vertical
    layer weave 1 piece in front and then in back of each
    piece you have layed out. Then alternate the next piece
    in back where the previous piece went in front. Continue
    this until you've made a large, mostly square, weave of
    bacon for the outermost part. (HINT: try to keep the
    strips as close/tight as possible)

    Now is a good time to start the other bacon. Cut up the
    bacon from the other package into 1" - 1 1/2" pieces and
    start cooking the bacon in a frying pan while you you do
    the next steps - cook it how you normally like to eat it.

    Generously sprinkle your favorite rub over the bacon.
    For this recipe I would recommend a Memphis-style rub
    with some savory seasonings like rosemary, bay leaves
    and a good garlic flavor.

    Next get another piece of foil or plastic wrap. This
    will help getting the right thickness without messing
    up your fine work so far.

    REMINDER: How's that bacon doing in the frying pan? Is
    it done yet?

    Now may also be a good time to start your smoker if
    yours takes long to warm up. If you want to use your
    gas grill read about smoker boxes.

    Spread out your Italian sausage onto your new piece of
    foil and try to make it 1 inch smaller width-wise so you
    can seal it all up when you're done. Press it out evenly
    an then place it on top of your bacon weave. Sprinkle a
    little more rub on top of the sausage for a little more
    flavoring on the inside. Then take your barbecue sauce
    and brush it across the sausage like you would a rack of
    ribs - just enough to evenly coat it.

    Next place a row of each one of your tri-pack of meats
    across your masterpiece. Then take your cooked bacon and
    spread it over the other layers. If you're going to
    snack do it BEFORE the cooked bacon touches the rest -
    at this point you may not be thinking rationally - your
    tastebuds will be working in overdrive!

    Add the cheese. Don't skip it! It will melt throughout
    the layers and create an explosion of flavor in the
    Bacon Explosion! Make 1 length-wise spread with the
    cheese and then randomly use up as much of the package
    as you'd like.

    Lift up the edge of the tinfoil near the jackpot of
    cheese and start rolling the meat into one GIANT sushi
    pork roll. Just before the tinfoil starts to get rolled
    in direct it the other way so you can keep rolling it
    up into a log shape.

    When you finish, tuck the edges of the bacon in on the
    ends. Prepare your grill for smoking at 225ºF/105ºC and
    smoke the bacon creation approximately 1 hour for each
    inch of bacon-ny thickness until your meat thermometer
    registers an temperature of 165ºF/73ºC at the center-
    most part. A mix of oak and hickory work best, but Pecan
    is another favorite BBQ wood for barbecuing Bacon

    Just before pulling the roll off the smoker glaze the
    sauce on for 3-5 minutes just as you would ribs. Use a
    basting brush and cover the entire surface with a thin
    layer of sauce. Now you're ready to dig in!!

    Recipe from: http://tipsforbbq.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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  • From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Wednesday, March 01, 2023 12:32:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Cranberry & Chicken Gouda Melts
    Categories: Poultry, Breads, Fruits, Cheese
    Yield: 4 Servings

    1/4 c Canned cranberry sauce
    3 tb Dijon mustard
    8 sl (1/2" ea) Baking Stone
    - marbled rye bread
    8 oz Cheese curds; divided
    4 sl Smoked Gouda cheese; divided
    4 oz Deli-sliced oven-roasted
    - chicken breast, divided
    2 oz Fresh leaf spinach; divided
    4 tb Butter; softened

    In a small bowl combine cranberry sauce and mustard and
    spread on each slice of bread. Top each of 4 slices of
    bread with one-eighth of the cheese curds, 1 slice of
    Gouda cheese, 1 ounce chicken and one-fourth of the
    spinach leaves.

    Top each with one-fourth of the remaining cheese curds and
    1 bread slice. Spread both sides of each sandwich with
    butter. Heat a large skillet or griddle over medium heat.

    Cook each sandwich for 2 minutes or until bottoms are
    golden. Turn sandwiches over; cook for an additional 2 to
    3 minutes or until bottoms are golden and cheese is

    (Adjust heat as necessary to prevent overbrowning.)

    Serves 4.

    Source: | Hy-Vee Seasons Back to School 2012.

    Recipe from: http://www.hy-vee.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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