February 12: National Plum Pudding Day
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Plum Pudding (Plum Duff)
Categories: Puddiings, Fruits, Booze, Dairy, Citrus
Yield: 7 Servings
110 g (4 oz) self-raising flour
110 g (4 oz) currants
110 g (4 oz) Golden raisins
110 g (4 oz) Breadcrumbs
110 g (4 oz) Dark brown sugar
110 g (4 oz) Shredded suet
1/2 ts Mixed spice powder
1/2 ts Ground cinnamon
pn Fresh grated nutmeg
250 g (9 oz) Plums; stones removed
- chopped
1/2 lg Apple; cored, peeled, and
- chopped
1 Orange, juice & zest only
4 tb Dark rum
2 lg Eggs
225 ml (8 fl oz) milk
1 lg Egg
300 g (10 1/2 oz) icing sugar
150 g (5 oz) butter; melted
1 Vanilla pod; seeds scraped
- out
200 ml (7 fl oz) cream; whipped
- until soft peaks form
Butter a 1 litre/2 pint pudding basin.
Mix the flour, currants, raisins, breadcrumbs, sugar,
suet, mixed spice, cinnamon and nutmeg together in a
large bowl.
Add the plums and apple pieces.
Add the orange zest and juice, the rum and the eggs and
mix well.
Gradually add milk, stirring constantly, until the
mixture will drop from the spoon when pulled from the
bowl (dropping consistency).
Place the plum mixture into the pudding basin and cover
with greaseproof paper or a pudding cloth. Secure the
paper or cloth with kitchen string.
Using a pan with a lid large enough to comfortably
contain the pudding basin, half-fill the pan with
boiling water. Add the pudding basin and cover with the
lid. Steam the pudding for three hours. Replenish the
water level if necessary.
Remove the basin from the pan and allow to cool
For the sauce, whisk the egg for five minutes until
light and foaming.
Add the sugar, butter and vanilla seeds and whisk well.
Carefully fold in the whipped cream until well combined.
To serve, spoon out the plum pudding onto plates and
spoon the sauce alongside.
Serves: 6 - 8
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... I don't mean to brag but I finished my 14-day diet in 24 hours.
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