• National Peach Month - 5

    From Dave Drum@1:229/452 to All on Monday, July 31, 2023 16:24:24
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Just Peachy Pork Tenderloin
    Categories: Pork, Fruits, Citrus
    Yield: 4 servings

    1 lb Pork tenderloin; in 12
    - slices
    1/2 ts Salt
    1/4 ts Pepper
    2 ts Olive oil
    4 md Peaches; peeled, pitted,
    - sliced
    1 tb Lemon juice
    1/4 c Peach preserves

    Flatten each tenderloin slice to 1/4' thickness.
    Sprinkle with salt and pepper. In a large nonstick
    skillet over medium heat, cook pork in oil until tender.
    Remove and keep warm.

    Add peaches and lemon juice, stirring to loosen browned
    bits from pan. Cook and stir until peaches are tender,
    3-4 minutes. Stir in the pork and preserves; heat

    Julia Gosliga, Addison, Vermont

    Makes: 4 servings

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.tasteofhome.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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