• National Peach Month - 4

    From Dave Drum@1:229/452 to All on Monday, July 31, 2023 16:23:04
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Home Canned Spiced Peaches (My Grandmother's Recipe)
    Categories: Fruits, Spices, Preserving
    Yield: 7 Quarts

    10 lb Peaches (abt 15 large)
    14 Cinnamon sticks
    3 1/2 ts Whole cloves
    3 1/2 ts Whole allspice

    12 c Granulated sugar
    6 c Granulated sugar for light
    - syrup
    12 c Water

    Prepare your water bath canner and clean jars. Start the
    canner coming to a boil. If it is ready before the fruit
    you can turn it off. It will come back to a boil very
    quickly when you are ready.

    Put spices into the jars. 1/2 teaspoon of whole
    allspice, 1/2 teaspoon of cloves, 2 whole cinnamon
    sticks per jar.

    Prepare desired sugar syrup by heating water and sugar
    in a sauce pan until sugar is dissolved. Set it aside.

    Blanch peaches by dipping in boiling water for 30-60
    seconds. Use a large slotted spoon and do 5 peaches at a
    time. Immediately remove peaches to a sink or bowl with
    ice water to stop the cooking.

    Slice each peach in half along the natural line of the
    peach. The skin will slip off easily after it is cut.
    Remove skin, pit, and any little fragments of pit left
    in the peach.

    Fill one jar at a time. Each peach half is supposed to
    be packed pit side down. As you fill a jar, cover the
    peaches with hot syrup leaving 1/2" head space.

    Load 7 quarts into a boiling water bath canner. Make
    sure the jars are covered by at least 2" of water.

    Bring the water back to a boil. Process for 30 minutes.

    Remove jars of peaches and place on a towel to cool.
    Allow them to come to room temperature. The lids will
    seal at this time. Any lids that do not seal need to be
    processed again or refrigerated and eaten within a week.
    Sealed jars can be labeled and stored on a shelf out of
    direct light for up to two years.

    By: Mrs. George W. Moore

    FROM: St. Martha's Guild, St. Paul's Episcopal Church,
    Carlinville, Illinois 62626

    From: http://www.carlinvillechristmasmarket.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... Diet Water: all the flavor of regular water, only half the calories.

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