• 7/27 Nat'l Scotch Day - 3

    From Dave Drum@1:229/452 to All on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 10:52:18
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Scotch Eggs - Chinese Style
    Categories: Pork, Eggs, Herbs
    Yield: 8 Servings

    8 lg Hard-cooked eggs; unpeeled,
    - but shells cracked all
    - over
    3 tb Soy sauce
    2 Whole star anise
    2 Bags Chinese black tea
    2 lg Eggs; raw
    1 tb Sesame mustard
    2 c Fresh bread crumbs
    2 tb Sesame seeds
    1 lb Country style sausage; bulk
    2 ts Chopped fresh ginger root
    2 ts Chopped garlic
    Oil for frying

    One day before serving, place first 4 ingredients and water
    to cover in medium size saucepan. Simmer, uncovered, 25
    minutes; let stand overnight.

    Beat raw eggs and mustard together in shallow bowl. Combine
    bread crumbs and sesame seeds in another shallow bowl. Mix
    sausage, ginger and garlic.

    Peel hard-cooked eggs. Encase each egg completely in thin
    layer sausage, using both hands to mold sausage around egg.
    Dip one sausage encased egg,first in egg mixture. Coat with
    bread crumbs. Set aside on plate. Repeat with remaining

    Refrigerate covered at least 3 hours or overnight. Heat oil
    in deep fat fryer to 375ºF. Fry 2 or 3 eggs at a time,
    turning occasionally, until quite well browned, 10 to 15

    You want to make sure the sausage meat is thoroughly cooked.
    Remove from oil with slotted spoon. Drain on paper towel.

    Serve eggs, cut in quarters ,at room temperature. Pass
    additional mustard, if desired.

    Makes 8 portions.

    From: http://www.recipesource.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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