• Nat Grapefruit Month - 1

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 12:00:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Grapefruit Marmalade
    Categories: Five, Fruit, Condiments
    Yield: 4 Pints

    2 lg Grapefruit
    4 Lemons

    Choose fruit that is just fully ripe, for that is the
    time when the greatest amount of soluble pectin is

    Small, dried-up grapefruit will not make good marmalade,
    nor will *over-ripe* fruit.

    If cutting peel by hand, use a *very sharp knife,* if
    possible a stainless one, and resharpen frequently. Wash
    and dry fruit, cut in quarters and remove pips. Put these
    in a small basin and pour over 1/2 pint cold water.

    Remove pulp, cut in small pieces and shred rind finely.

    Weigh empty preserving pan.

    Weigh pulp and rind, put it into a large bowl and pour
    over 2 pints cold water to every pound and leave till
    the following day. Then turn into a greased preserving
    pan, add the strained water from the pips and the pips
    tied in a muslin bag and boil gently till the peel is
    quite tender - about 1 1/2 hours. [I take this to mean
    that the seeds should be put in a muslin bag.]

    Remove pips, squeezing the bag well. Weigh pan and
    contents and deduct weight of empty pan to obtain weight
    of pulp. Add 1 1/2 lb. sugar to every pound [of weight
    of the fruit-and-pulp mixture].

    Prepare and cut up fruit as above, but discard the center
    pith and pips of the grapefruit. Put the pips from the
    lemons in a small basin with 1/4 pint cold water.

    Put the cut-up fruit in a bowl and pour on 2 pints cold
    water to every pound. Leave till the following day.

    Turn into preserving pan, strain in water from the pips,
    and add the pips tied in a muslin bag. Boil gently till
    the peel is very soft - at least 1 1/2 hours. Remove bag
    of pips, squeezing thoroughly, and weigh contents of pan;
    add 1 1/2 lb sugar to every pound, stir till sugar has
    melted, then boil quickly till it sets when tested.

    MM Format by Dave Drum - 16 December 2008

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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