December 19: National Oatmeal Muffin Day
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Grandma's Berry Muffins
Categories: Breads, Fruits, Desserts, Citrus
Yield: 12 Muffins
1/2 c Quick oats
1/2 c Orange juice
1/4 ts Baking soda
1 c All-purpose flour
1/2 c Whole wheat flour
1/2 c Brown sugar
1 1/4 ts Baking powder
1/2 ts Salt
1 lg Egg; beaten
1/2 c Oil
1 c Whole frozen raspberries
- or blueberries
1/4 c Chopped pecans
1/4 c Brown sugar
1/4 ts Cinnamon
Mix oats and orange juice together.
Stir in brown sugar.
Add beaten egg and oil.
Sift dry ingredients together and stir in. (Do not over
Add raspberries and lightly mix in.
Put in muffin tins and add topping.
Bake at 400øF/205øC for 18 to 20 minutes.
Let cool and enjoy!
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
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