MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Cranberry Meatballs
Categories: Five, Beef, Fruits, Citrus, Crockpot
Yield: 10 servings
2 lb Bag pre-cooked meatballs
12 oz Bottle chili sauce
14 oz Can jellied cranberry sauce
2 tb Orange juice
1 tb Brown sugar
1 tb Chopped parsley; opt
Place the cranberry sauce in a bowl and microwave at 45
second intervals until just melted.
Whisk in the chili sauce, orange juice and brown sugar;
stir until mostly smooth.
Place the meatballs in a slow cooker and pour the sauce
over them.
Cook for 4 hours on LOW then serve, topped with parsley
if desired.
Author: Sara Welch
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... Neon coloured, artificially flavoured, cavity-inducing sweet buns.
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