May 3: National Raspberry Tart Day
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Fresh Raspberry Tart
Categories: Pastry, Fruits, Citrus
Yield: 6 servings
MMMMM------------------------PUFF PASTRY-----------------------------
3 c Chilled A-P flour; more for
- rolling
1/2 ts Salt
3/4 lb Unsalted butter; (1/4 lb
- thin sliced, chilled)
1/4 ts Fresh lemon juice
1 c Cold water
1 lg Egg yolk
1 tb Water
1/4 c + 3 tb seedless raspberry
- jam
1 1/2 pt Fresh raspberries
Vanilla ice cream, whipped
- cream or créme fraîche
- (opt for serving)
In a chilled bowl, whisk the 3 cups of flour with the
salt. Scatter the butter over the flour. Add the lemon
juice and 1 cup of cold water and stir with a wooden
spoon just until the flour is moistened; add 1 to 2
tablespoons more water if needed. The butter will still
be very visible.
Gather up the dough and turn it out onto a floured
surface. Spread it with the heel of your hand into a
rough 8" by 12" rectangle. Brush any flour off the
surface of the dough. Using a pastry scraper, fold the
dough in thirds (as you would fold a letter) to make a
rough 8" by 4" rectangle.
Lightly flour the dough and pound it with a rolling pin
to flatten it slightly. Roll out the dough to an 8" by
20" rectangle. Brush off any excess flour. Using the
pastry scraper, fold in the bottom end and the top end
so they meet in the center without overlapping, then
fold the rectangle in half where they meet; this is
called a "double fold." Roll out the dough to an 8" by
20" rectangle 2 more times, flouring as necessary and
doing a double fold each time. Wrap the dough in plastic
and refrigerate for 1 hour, or until well chilled.
Cut the dough into 3 equal pieces. Wrap 2 pieces in
plastic and refrigerate or freeze for later use. On a
lightly floured surface, roll out the dough to an 8" by
10" rectangle a scant 1/8" thick. Transfer to a
parchment-lined baking sheet and freeze for 5 minutes,
or until firm. Use a ruler and a very sharp knife or
pastry wheel to neatly trim the edges of the dough,
forming it into a neat 7 1/2" by 17" rectangle.
Brush 2 inches all around the edge of the rectangle with
water. Fold in 1 1/4" of the edge all around the tart.
Press lightly to seal. Using the ruler and knife, trim
the edges all around, so the 2 layers of dough can be
seen on all 4 sides. Using a fork, prick the bottom of
the dough all over to prevent it from rising. Brush the
rim lightly with the egg wash and, using a paring knife,
score it with shallow crosshatched lines for decoration.
Freeze the tart shell for 1 hour.
Set the oven @ 400yF/205ºC. Position a rack in the lower
third of the oven. Bake the tart shell until golden and
the rim is well risen, about 35 minutes; if the bottom
puffs during baking, press it down with the back of a
While the shell is still warm, spread 1/4 cup of the
raspberry jam over the bottom in an even layer. Set
aside 3/4 pint of the best-looking berries. Spread the
remaining raspberries in the tart shell in an even layer
and lightly crush them with a fork. Transfer the tart on
the parchment paper to a rack to cool.
In a small saucepan, melt the remaining 3 tablespoons of
raspberry jam. Spoon half of it over the crushed
berries. Arrange the remaining whole raspberries in neat
rows on top and carefully brush with the remaining
melted jam. Let the tart cool, then cut into strips and
serve with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream or crème
By Jacques Pépin
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... Seattle rain isn't a real storm. It's just passive aggressive mist.
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