November 12: National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Egg Drop Soup
Categories: Oriental, Poultry, Mushrooms, Eggs
Yield: 4 Servings
3 Eggs; lightly beaten
4 c Chicken stock *
1 tb Corn flour or arrowroot
1/2 ts Grated ginger
1 tb Soy sauce *
3 Green onions; chopped
1/4 ts White pepper
3/4 c Straw, enoki, or sliced
- shitaki mushrooms
* If cooking gluten-free, use gluten-free stock and
gluten-free soy sauce.
Homemade chicken stock is the best for this. Also, if
you can't locate any of the mushroom types indicated
in the recipe, crimini (aka: baby bellas) will do just
fine. Or, you can just leave them out all together.
Reserve 1/2 cup of the stock and mix with the corn
starch/ arrowroot until dissolved.
Place the chicken stock, ginger, soy sauce, green
onions, mushrooms and white pepper in a pot and bring
to a boil.
Add the cornstarch/arrowroot and stock mixture and
stir. Reduce heat to a simmer.
Slowly pour in the beaten eggs while stirring the soup.
The egg will spread out into ribbons. Turn off the heat
and garnish with a few more chopped green onions.
Serve immediately.
Serves 4.
Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
... I took to it like a duck takes to a roasting pan.
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