• Porky Pig's Top 10 - 05

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 17:57:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Pork Chops In Cherry-Pepper Sauce
    Categories: Pork, Chilies, Vegetables, Wine, Herbs
    Yield: 4 servings

    16 oz Jar pickled hot cherry
    - peppers
    3 tb Olive oil
    3 cl Garlic; peeled, thin sliced
    1 c Dry white wine
    Salt & fresh ground pepper
    4 (10 oz ea) bone-in pork
    - chops; 1" thick
    1 tb Oil
    2 tb Cold salted butter
    2 tb Chopped flat-leaf parsley;
    - garnish

    MAKE THE SAUCE: Drain the cherry peppers, reserving 1
    cup brine, then stem, halve, core and seed them. Place a
    large skillet over medium-high heat, and swirl the olive
    oil into it. When the oil begins to shimmer, add the
    garlic, and saute, stirring frequently, until it begins
    to color, 1 to 2 minutes. Add the peppers, the reserved
    brine and the white wine, and bring to a boil over high
    heat. Cook until the liquid has reduced by slightly more
    than half, 10 to 15 minutes. Season to taste with salt
    and pepper, and remove from the heat. (The sauce can be
    made a few hours ahead of time.)

    When you're ready to cook the meat, season it
    aggressively with salt and pepper. Place a large,
    heavy-bottomed skillet over medium-high heat, and swirl
    the neutral oil into it. When the oil begins to shimmer,
    place the meat in the pan, working in batches if needed,
    and sear until the meat has browned, formed something of
    a crust and cooked through to medium-rare, 5 to 6
    minutes on each side. Transfer the chops to a warmed

    Add the sauce to the large, heavy-bottomed skillet in
    which you seared the meat, and warm over medium-low
    heat. Whisk the butter into the sauce until evenly
    distributed and the sauce develops a velvety sheen.
    Spoon sauce over chops, and garnish with parsley.

    By: Sam Sifton

    Yield: 4 servings

    RECIPE FROM: https://cooking.nytimes.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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