Hi, Bj?rn Felten!
I read your message from 19.10.2022 15:33
BF> After all, the only thing the Glorious Soldiers from Russia
BF> wanted, was to find all the Nazis in the Oblast. Surely
BF> the*real* Ukrainians understood that? "The villagers' life
BF> in the Kherson Oblast during he Russian occupation":
There is a funny film about the Civil war in Russia after the 1917
revolution. Very often the same territory was occupied, in turn, by
different forces -- today it was Whites, then in few days Reds, then Anarchists and so on. Some people storied in the houses several flags
and hoisted one of them on their houses, depending who was approaching.
;-) Poor people! But Russian TV also have the same pitiful videos with
the same pitiful music, about how people like and waited for Russian
troops, telling on camera what bastards Ukrainian troops were.
Bye, Bj?rn!
Alexander Koryagin
fido.fidonews 2022
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