From Ben Collver@1:105/500 to All on Friday, November 03, 2023 10:09:30
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Vegetarian Eggrolls PT 2
Categories: Chinese
Yield: 6 Servings
See part 1
Pour enough oil into your wok or skillet to make a pool 2 to 3" deep.
Heat oil on medium-high until it is hot enough to bounce a drop of
water immediately upon contact. Be careful to toss only 1 drop of
water. Be patient. If the oil is not hot enough when you immerse the
eggrolls, they'll sponge up all the oil and you will have inedible
Fry several rolls at a time--as many as possible without crowding.
Keep the heat up fairly high all through the frying. Using tongs,
turn the rolls periodically until they are evenly endowed with
crispness, brownness, and little air bubbles.
Have ready a pan lined with several thicknesses of paper towels.
Drain the eggrolls thoroughly and keep them warm in a 200 F oven
until you have fried as many as you want for the first round. Don't
stack them up in the pan or they'll get soggy.
Serve with plenty of hot mustard and duck sauce.
Try them with tofu salad for a beautiful Eastern meal.