Original article :
Discovery Supports a Surprising New View of How Life on Earth Originated TOPICS:DNAGeneticsPopularRNAScripps Research Institute
Newly described chemical reaction could have assembled DNA building blocks before life forms and their enzymes existed.
Discovery boosts theory that life on our planet arose from RNA-DNA mix.
Okay, sounds interesting -- now why did this new life develop a need to copy itself? Why is DNA so keen on making newly mixed sets of genes?
Wgt does every living thing on Earth appear to have the Genetic Mandate?
Of course, if it didn't, the question would be moot, as we'd be just another planet, cold(well, temperate due to our position/distance in Sol's family) & lifeless. . .
Of course, I'm satisfied that it went as it did, as I'm no Nihilist.
One has to wonder how dead elements & molecules became alive, questing, reacting, & thinking.. .
Personally, I believe the universe planned it thusly & here we are.
If an odd mix of atoms can make a human brain capable of all it can do, when each atom is mostly empty space(ether), kind of like our solar system -- so why couldn't our solar system be one atom in a greater level of existence?
That's one alternative way of thinking, or how about -- instead of thibking solid is real, because we feel solid, even though we know we are mostly ether, why can't the ether & other empty space in the universe itself have bonded togwether & became a giant brain/personality?
The entre universe is very simply H (1); every other element was formed by the fusion of Hydrogen atoms, first into Helum, then into heavier elements when these, too, became smashed into each other & others in a supernova.
So your carbon was originally, ultimately, 6 Hydrogen atoms; you're just a bunch of ones connecting & held together via various gravity-like forces.
& we feel we are such hot shots in mental capabilities -- how much more so would a universe-sized Being be?
This Universe predated us infinitely.
Wheb the universewas compressed into One, all the universe was present in that single infinitely massive proton (it was One until It chose to restart a more dynamic universe, which, per Higgs, is still connected as if it were still that singular pre-Bang "One.")
Infinity must get boring, that's what I think, so creating a new universe with a one degree difference in temperature or a 0.0000003% change in spin speed of one of the initial Hydrogen protons.
Becauseeverything else beforethat in like incrimemys jad been done before, possibly; so let's see how life evolves this time, with the occasional bits of help at times, because all living thinking creatures discover it is fun to play with one's parts, to see what'll happen.
We chewed on our toes as infants, so do pupies & kittens,but mammals don't make uypo an infinite cosmos that is comprised of smaller, somewhat similar life forms (unless you count bacteria, which we may well can)
We are now playing with the bacteria that lives on us, to see how we can affect it's behaviour & properties.
Whuy wouldb't Universe do the same at various points.
Nobody truly gets(thankfully) how long Eternity is. Look at what we do in our more limited life spans, as individualos,& as aspecies!
Some idiot thought it'd be interesting to see if the could combine a deadly bat vaccine with the extremely spreadable & mutatable coold virus, & here we have Covid-19
I'm all right with experimenting, but not when these experiments can so easily kill millions or billions.
There are ways to test hypotheseses in a more controlled & limited manner, but only the most intelligent have thwe mettle to figure this out & actually put it into practice.
Laziness (&/or Greed) gets us into today's pandemic me
Life as a universal concept/process/existence will continue, absorbing every nuance of detail its evolved cosmos has produced for His observation.
You are as material to the Universe as a single one of the trillion bacteria on your skin is to you.
Don't sweat it -- work on the big picture, if you're a scientist/seeker.
Personally, my vision & mission is to make life better for aas many othersas I can, as well as living long enough to see how that changes societies & Eart's rtelationship wikth the One.
Rea inhto this as ytou wilt; I had hno intentions in writing as I did -- I was inspired by the echo's name & the above link, & let my mind explore outwards on the questions of understanding life as a concept, first, then in how it relates to me & you.
Reply however you feel moved; Fidonet's not in a position to be overly rigid as to content & topics.
If you'd rather take this to email, I'm at
I'm going to change the addressee to ALL, putting Charles Pierson in the subject, so he can track the thread he started by addressing ALL.
|<+]::-{)} <-- official cyberpopicon of the Cyberpope(me!) Not a religious thing - my name is Pope & I'm in Cyberspace...
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