From digimaus@618:618/1 to All on Saturday, January 28, 2023 01:11:31
    From: https://tinyurl.com/2p8rdwu5

    California's COVID-19 Gag Law Is `First Effort to Suppress' Doctors: Lawyer

    'If they get away with this, it's not going to be the last time they do
    Mimi Nguyen Ly
    January 26, 2023

    California's controversial [102]COVID-19 [103]misinformation law, which
    bars doctors from providing "misinformation" or "disinformation" related
    to COVID-19, is an unprecedented effort by those in power to block doctors
    from sharing their views on COVID-19 topics, including on vaccines, with
    their patients, an attorney says. And lawmakers had pivoted the initial
    bill from its true, intended purpose to be able to pass it.

    That's according to Rick Jaffe, an attorney who represents a lawsuit
    challenging the measure, [104]AB 2098 ([105]pdf), also referred to
    colloquially as the state's COVID-19 misinformation law, which became
    effective on Jan. 1 but has since been put on hold.

    A judge [106]granted a preliminary injunction ([107]pdf) late
    Wednesday, temporarily blocking the law from being enforced pending
    further litigation in two lawsuits. Jaffe is involved in one of the
    cases-Hoang v. Bonta. The other case is Hoeg v. Newsom. Both had argued,
    in part, that AB 2098 is unconstitutional under the First and Fourteenth
    Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.

    "This is the first effort to suppress health care practitioners from
    telling patients what the doctors think," Jaffe said of the COVID-19
    misinformation law in a recent interview with EpochTV's "Crossroads"

    "If they get away with this, it's not going to be the last time they do
    this ... That's what we're battling against," he added, noting that such
    impunity could result in similar speech-suppression efforts "for the next

    From Jan. 1 until the latest injunction, AB 2098 meant that doctors were
    able to "be sanctioned for speaking out against the mainstream COVID
    media," Jaffe said.

    He celebrated the latest ruling late Wednesday in a [108]blog post. "We
    won!" he wrote.

    "[Senior Judge William B. Shubb] granted our motion ... for a preliminary
    injunction stopping the Attorney General and the [California] medical
    boards from enforcing its Covid Misinformation bill," he said.

    "Today was a very, very good day for physicians' free speech and health
    freedom. But tomorrow, we start working on the next battle. No rest for
    the committed," he said of the ongoing lawsuit.

    [109]The legislation, as signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 30,
    2022, [110]stipulates that the Medical Board of California and
    the Osteopathic Medical Board of California can discipline doctors who
    provide "misinformation" or "disinformation" related to COVID-19.

    It defines misinformation as "false information that is contradicted by
    contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care," and
    disinformation as "misinformation that the licensee deliberately
    disseminated with malicious intent or an intent to mislead."

    But the broad definition of what constitutes misinformation has been put
    under scrutiny. In the hearing on Jan. 24, Shubb called the law's
    definition of misinformation "nonsense," and said the overall law lacked
    clarity, reported [111]KUSI.

    Lawmakers Pivoted Legislation to Pass it

    The original purpose of AB 2098, [112]first proposed in February 2022, was
    to penalize California doctors who were questioning the COVID-19 vaccines,
    or promoting the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in the media and
    social media, or any other comments not in line with the "consensus."

    This was what Jaffe and attorneys for Children's Health Defense (CHD) said
    in the motion ([113]pdf) that sought the now-granted preliminary

    "And then what happened is, it became very clear very quickly to the
    legislature is that you can't stop doctors from speaking out in public,"
    Jaffe said.

    "There's no serious person who knows the Constitution is going to say that
    a medical board can sanction a physician for expressing his views in
    public. ... In other words, that's an automatic violation of the First

    In order to save the bill, its authors "agreed to gut the bill and abandon
    the bill's basic purpose," the motion stated.

    The lawmakers tried to limit the legislation's scope to only "information
    provided for the purposes of treatment or advice between a doctor and a
    patient, in the hopes that that would basically avoid the obvious
    constitutional problem," Jaffe told Crossroads.

    Notably, when lawmakers [114]passed the measure in September 2022, its
    text only targets doctors' speech in their non-public interactions with
    their patients when discussing topics directly related to COVID-19

    "It was really the public problem they were trying to address, but they
    had to give that up," Jaffe said. "The way the law reads now is, it's
    completely ineffective to do what the law was supposed to do, which was to
    stop these doctors from drowning out the public health authorities."

    The judge, in ruling to temporarily halt the bill, had "extensively" cited
    an expert declaration ([115]pdf) submitted by Dr. Sanjay Verma, which had
    "demonstrated that there is no scientific consensus in Covid-19," Jaffe
    said on his blog.

    Shubb, in this ruling ([116]pdf), noted that COVID-19 is "a disease that
    scientists have only been studying for a few years, and about which
    scientific conclusions have been hotly contested," adding, "COVID-19 is a
    quickly evolving area of science that in many aspects eludes consensus."

    The state medical board actually "don't even need" the law, and if they
    wanted to, without AB 2098, they could still try to sanction doctors both
    for their public and private speech, Jaffe told Crossroads. "But they
    figured, `well, let's make it clear that we can do it.' That's their
    position," he said in commenting on why the legislation may have been
    proposed in the first place.

    102. https://www.theepochtimes.com/t-covid-19
    103. https://www.theepochtimes.com/t-misinformation
    104. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220 AB2098
    105. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billPdf.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB2098& version=20210AB209894CHP
    106. https://www.theepochtimes.com/judge-blocks-californias-covid-19-misinformation- law_5011771.html
    107. https://rickjaffeesq.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/injunctiongranted.pdf 108. https://rickjaffeesq.com/2023/01/26/we-won-ab-2098-bp-section-2270-has-been-sto pped/
    109. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220 AB2098
    110. https://www.theepochtimes.com/newsom-signs-bill-allowing-doctors-in-california- to-face-discipline-for-misinformation_4766970.html
    111. https://www.kusi.com/federal-judge-calls-definitions-of-misinformation-nonsense -in-ab-2098/
    112. https://www.theepochtimes.com/california-doctors-warn-against-covid-19-censorsh ip-bill_4295036.html
    113. https://rickjaffeesq.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Hoang-Final-Repyfilingcopy. pdf
    114. https://www.theepochtimes.com/california-lawmakers-pass-bill-to-punish-dissenti ng-doctors-for-misinformation_4704593.html
    115. https://rickjaffeesq.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/sanjaydeclaration.pdf 116. https://rickjaffeesq.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/injunctiongranted.pdf ===

    - Sean

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