Hello Arelor!
14 Aug 24 17:54, you wrote to me:
I am going to be the cheerful guy and congratulate you for not needing
a morphine pump instead.
Morphine and I do not get along. They gave it to me during my first heart attack and it hurt like hell.
Now Dilaudid on the other hand, that stuff really screws with me. Last January when I was hospitalized with that huge MRSA ulcer on my foot that had to be surgically removed, there were no empty rooms at the VA hospital and I had to stay in the ER for three days, I was also very sick with the flu and had a nasty cough. I tried to sleep without having my CPAP machine and I was miserable. Thankfully, the nurse knew me (I'm a frequent flier at the ER) and he got permission to give me a shot of Dilaudid.
Holy crap, did that stuff work. It hit me instantly and I joked with the nurse, "My eyes...I can't control them." He said, "Get some asleep."
I slept like a rock and the ER staff was nice enough to hook me up with some food in the morning.
But Dilaudid definitely worked on me. I was tripping out on it. LOL
As for the insulin pump, it is a good thing and is not permanent since I have Type 2 and not Type 1 diabetes.
-- Sean
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