• Japanese Computers

    From vaelen@21:1/141 to Newtype Len on Thursday, September 26, 2024 17:27:21
    I live in Tokyo and you're right about the C64, etc. The only 8-bit computers I find here are local Japanese machines. I collect classic Macs and there are lots of those here, thankfully, but even early DOS machines in the 286/386 range are hard to find because of PC-88 and PC-98. (I mean that the standard type of ccustom built PCs that were common in the US weren't that common here.

    That being said, if you're interested in an MSX machine or a PC-88/PC-98 machine, they are relatively easy to find in Tokyo if you can speak some Japanese. Shipping is expensive these days, but if you're interested in something specific, let me know.

    - Vaelen

    * Origin: 68k Mac Club | bbs.m68k.club (21:1/141)