We have allowed the word abortion to mean much more in a woman's mind than
ng a child. Many women voted dem due to a warped view on the definition. A
fetus is expunged with the same word as a live fetus. Women were scared and
drove them to dems.
For a lot of them, I think it was their geniune dislike of Trump and anyone
who is too closely associated with him.
I know a lot of women who voted for Trump in 2016. Some are die-hard Republicans while others simply could not stand Hillary Clinton. Some of
them found him "too mean" or too something else and didn't vote for him in 2020. Others did vote for him again but were then turned off by his actions since. I only personally know two who say they will vote for him again,
both but only if they are forced to. For one, that will mean if he gets the Republican nomination while, for the other, that will mean the Democrats nominate someone (including Biden, Harris, or Hillary) that she finds even
more unacceptable.
Many women, and men, do realize that making abortion illegal won't stop
people from getting abortions. Fetuses will still be killed. The
difference being they will be aborted in such ways that the mother will be
more likely to also die. So either way, there is death.
VERY smart women and men will realize that the Democrats have been
campaigning on "protecting abortion rights" for several decades now and,
for many years during that time held enough of a majority in Congress to actually codify Roe v. Wade and make it impossible to be in the position
they are now. Those very smart people will also realize that the Democrats
did nothing because they like having the issue to campaign on over-and-over more than they do actually doing something about it.
Either that, or they are lazy.
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