If we had a world without fundamentalists and progressives the world
would be a better place.
Hello everybody!
If we had a world without fundamentalists and progressives the world would be better place.
If we had a world without fundamentalists and progressives the world would be a better place.
When conservatives resort to "both-sidesism," one knows they're disillusioned with the current state of conservatism. It's the bargaining stage of political grief.
If we had a world without fundamentalists and progressives the world would be a better place.
It might be best for non-MAGAS if they vote for a Dem against
a MAGA candidate in order tp defeat the MAGAS and get their party
back. They can switch back to regular Republicans once the MAGAS
are gone.
He said fundamentalists, not conservatives. I don't know Matt well but, judging by his posts here and other places, I doubt he is a fundamentalist. IIRC, he has some interesting stories about dealing with fundamentalists who do not approve of his lifestyle.If we had a world without fundamentalists and progressives the worl would be a better place.When conservatives resort to "both-sidesism," one knows they're disillus with the current state of conservatism. It's the bargaining stage of political grief.
But if it makes you feel good to think that...
If we had a world without fundamentalists and progressives the world
would be a better place.
If we had a world without fundamentalists and progressives the world would be a better place.I agree! If something isn't broke, it shouldn't be fixed!
Offering to trade the far-right for the far-left is a form of bargaining, but a poor one.
The far right widely espouses political violence, secession,
and civil war, while violent sentiments on the far-left are extremely rare.
In particular, as of late, the far-right has used violence to threaten democracy and the peaceful transfer of power, while the far-left has done no such thing. Sure, there were the George Floyd riots, but those were more about
local police oppression than national political issues.
Matt Munson wrote to All <=-
If we had a world without fundamentalists and progressives the world
would be a better place.
Offering to trade the far-right for the far-left is a form of bargaining a poor one.I don't think he was offering to trade one for the other, but rather stating that both extremes are bad. Violence aside, persons at either of the poles are not going to compromise on anything and make it difficult for anyone else to do so.
The far right widely espouses political violence, secession,That second half is BS. You should do some homework there. A previous breach of the Congressional chambers in the 1950s would be a good start. Various groups of leftist radicals during the 1960s/70s would be another one that would include violent sentiments and political/government structural change in their beliefs. Best place to find many of those involved is to look over the list of pardons handed out by Clinton,
and civil war, while violent sentiments on the far-left are extremely ra
Obama, and to some extent Carter.
Let's not forget the shoot-em-up of the Republican team for the Congressional baseball game.
There was a sports echo on another network that I used to read. At
least it was supposed to be about sports. It had been taken over by politics. The only person in there who was claiming to be armed and
ready for revolution/civil war was in the "not my President!" crowd and claimed to be affiliated with others like himself. Ironically, this
would usually come out after someone made the incorrect assumption, as
was recently made here by Gregory, that "lefties" are not armed. Ironic because he just made that bad assumption, and ironic because it was you that called him out on it.
In particular, as of late, the far-right has used violence to threaten democracy and the peaceful transfer of power, while the far-left has don such thing. Sure, there were the George Floyd riots, but those were more aboutAgain, more BS. More came out of the "George Floyd riots" than what you claim. The true peaceful protesters were indeed protesting police oppression, while many of the rioters were opportunists who saw an
local police oppression than national political issues.
opening for political change, including anarchists seeking changes to
the structure of our government... see Portland and Seattle for two examples. Some of what went on in Wisconsin and in Louisville, KY, are two more.
I am honestly shocked that you admit to riots now, considering the narrative here has always been "those were peaceful protests." Also,
that you admit to "riots" plural, while claiming that those violent sentiments are "extremely rare" in comparison to a single riot carried
out by one group on one day.
I have always maintained that, if it had not been for the 2020 Summer riots going mostly unchecked, what happened in January the following
year would also not have happened. One group saw another getting away with all sorts of crap, saw most of the crap being passed off as "peaceful" or "understandable" by those in power, and decided (incorrectly!) that this form of behavior was now acceptable in our country.
Are anarchists leftist, though? Anarchy doesn't seem like it would have much of a social safety net. "Every man for himself" doesn't seem very "socialist." It sounds much more "rugged individualist" to me.
I never denied that there were riots, but I did try to puch back on the idea that the protests in general were violent, which they were not.
On the other hand, the George Floyd riots were widespread across the US with only a few of them having violence associated with them.
The vast majority of the protesters were, in fact, peaceful. There were hundreds of arrests of those suspected of violence, although they did not get the individual news attention that the insurrectionists are getting.
Anarchy is extreme left wing. It is the eventual (de-)evolution
on the socialism-communism spectrum...
your society (d)evolves to the point
where it no longer needs government because everyone is doing what they are "supposed to," without threat from a government, to keey the socialist / communist society going.
Practicing Anarchist seem not to have the patience to wait for the (de-)evolution to happen naturally, I will grant you that.
Are anarchists leftist, though? Anarchy doesn't seem like it would have of a social safety net. "Every man for himself" doesn't seem very "socialist." It sounds much more "rugged individualist" to me.Anarchy is extreme left wing. It is the eventual (de-)evolution
on the socialism-communism spectrum... your society (d)evolves to the point where it no longer needs government because everyone is doing what they are "supposed to," without threat from a government, to keey the socialist / communist society going.
Practicing Anarchist seem not to have the patience to wait for the (de-)evolution to happen naturally, I will grant you that.
I never denied that there were riots, but I did try to puch back on the that the protests in general were violent, which they were not.Riot, by definition, is a violent disturbance. Unlike the 2020
On the other hand, the George Floyd riots were widespread across the US only a few of them having violence associated with them.
narrative, you don't have "peaceful" riots. By your admission, "riots were widespread across the US," which, by the definition of riot, means there was also violence across the US.
The vast majority of the protesters were, in fact, peaceful. There were hundreds of arrests of those suspected of violence, although they did no the individual news attention that the insurrectionists are getting.In hindsight, wouldn't you say they should have?
On the Louisville news, they did a good job of showing some of the
rioting and destruction that happened downtown, but the only time they covered arrests were when peaceful protesters (in the true sense) were arrested for tresspassing after congregating on, and refusing to leave, private property.
Oh, yeah, and they also covered the arrest of an armed protester who accidentally shot one of his fellow protesters.
To my knowledge, they never made any arrests when it came to the
person(s) who threatened to blow up buildings and cause other harm to state employees in the Capitol City during 2020, that closed state government for two days.
But, in your words, they were also "widespread." Which is it?
In this case, I don't think they caught them, so they went unpunished.On the Louisville news, they did a good job of showing some of the rioting and destruction that happened downtown, but the only time t covered arrests were when peaceful protesters (in the true sense) w arrested for tresspassing after congregating on, and refusing to le private property.Yeah, I don't know why they didn't cover the majority of criminal consequences.
Not in a small town like this. If there was an arrest for it, it wouldTo my knowledge, they never made any arrests when it came to the person(s) who threatened to blow up buildings and cause other harm state employees in the Capitol City during 2020, that closed state government for two days.Our knowledge is often limited.
be known.
Anarchy, socilism and communisim are all different things with no connecting "
Socialists believe in government and Anarchists do not.
your society (d)evolves to the point
where it no longer needs government because everyone is doing what they are "supposed to," without threat from a government, to keey the socialist / communist society going.
That is anarchy.
I never denied that there were riots, but I did try to puch back on theRiot, by definition, is a violent disturbance. Unlike the 2020 narrative, you don't have "peaceful" riots. By your admission, "riots were widespread across the US," which, by the definition of riot, means there was also violence across the US.
that the protests in general were violent, which they were not.
On the other hand, the George Floyd riots were widespread across the US
only a few of them having violence associated with them.
There was, but in a very limited scope.
On the Louisville news, they did a good job of showing some of the rioting and destruction that happened downtown, but the only time they covered arrests were when peaceful protesters (in the true sense) were arrested for tresspassing after congregating on, and refusing to leave, private property.
Yeah, I don't know why they didn't cover the majority of criminal consequences.
To my knowledge, they never made any arrests when it came to the person(s) who threatened to blow up buildings and cause other harm to state employees in the Capitol City during 2020, that closed state government for two days.
Our knowledge is often limited.
Socialists believe in government and Anarchists do not.
They are all left-wing, with anarchy being the most radical.
Not in a small town like this. If there was an arrest for it, it would be known.
The far-right threatens violence on a daily basis, issuing death threats to anyone who dares to stand up to them. I don't think very many of them get arrested, either.
They are all left-wing, with anarchy being the most radical.
Anarchy being a lack of government doesn't fit left or right very well.
It seems to fit the right wing better since they advocate for less government.
It is always right wingers who try to fly this "anarchy is left wing philosoph
Who took control of several blocks of Seattle during 2020, declaring that they did not recognize the authority of the government or police,
i.e. anarchy? Those were not right-wing protesters. I don't think anyone would make that mistake, even you, especially since that was so close to where you are.
At yet, these are not on the news, and apparently are not shutting down much.Not in a small town like this. If there was an arrest for it, it w be known.The far-right threatens violence on a daily basis, issuing death threats anyone who dares to stand up to them. I don't think very many of them ge arrested, either.
It is always right wingers who try to fly this "anarchy is left wing philosophWho took control of several blocks of Seattle during 2020, declaring that they did not recognize the authority of the government or police,
i.e. anarchy? Those were not right-wing protesters. I don't think
anyone would make that mistake, even you, especially since that was so close to where you are.
Mike Powell wrote to ALAN IANSON <=-
Who took control of several blocks of Seattle during 2020, declaring
that they did not recognize the authority of the government or police, i.e. anarchy? Those were not right-wing protesters. I don't think
anyone would make that mistake, even you, especially since that was so close to where you are.
Alan Ianson wrote to Mike Powell <=-
i.e. anarchy? Those were not right-wing protesters. I don't think anyone would make that mistake, even you, especially since that was so close to where you are.
Those were not "left wing" protesters either. They were anarchists.
Those were not "left wing" protesters either. They were anarchists.
And we have the evasion.
Alan wants to redefine the word "anarchist" to be "non-left wing" when, by defintion, an anarchist is left-wing.
Who took control of several blocks of Seattle during 2020, declaring that they did not recognize the authority of the government or police,
i.e. anarchy? Those were not right-wing protesters. I don't think anyone would make that mistake, even you, especially since that was so close to where you are.
Those were not "left wing" protesters either. They were anarchists.
Whenever anyone mentions the far-right as being the biggest threat to the nation (in the news or elsewhere), these are the scum to whom they're referring.
Alex Jones is also in the middle of a bunch of lawsuits for claiming that the Sandy Hook school shooting was a "false flag." How does that tie in with right-wing politics? Well, the reasong for the "false flag" school shooting was apparently to get Americans more in the mood for gun control, which the right (and especially the far-right) don't want. Nevermind that the school shooting wasn't a "false flag" at all; far-right followers of Jones have been sending non-stop death threats to the families who lost their children in a most violent way, forcing them to move multiple times over at least a decade.
It is always right wingers who try to fly this "anarchy is left wing philosophWho took control of several blocks of Seattle during 2020, declaring that
they did not recognize the authority of the government or police,
i.e. anarchy? Those were not right-wing protesters. I don't think anyone would make that mistake, even you, especially since that was so close to where you are.
Who are the people who declare that they are not subject to any government statutes or proceedings, unless they consent to them, i.e. anarchy? (Hint: It rhymes with schmovereign schmitizen.) Those are not left-wing protesters. I don't think anyone would make that mistake, even you.
Alan Ianson wrote to Mike Powell <=-
i.e. anarchy? Those were not right-wing protesters. I don't think anyone would make that mistake, even you, especially since that was so close to where you are.
Those were not "left wing" protesters either. They were anarchists.
And we have the evasion. Alan wants to redefine the word "anarchist" to be "non-left wing" when, by defintion, an anarchist is left-wing.
Whenever anyone mentions the far-right as being the biggest threat to th nation (in the news or elsewhere), these are the scum to whom they're referring.But if they don't offer any examples...
Alex Jones is also in the middle of a bunch of lawsuits for claiming tha Sandy Hook school shooting was a "false flag." How does that tie in with right-wing politics? Well, the reasong for the "false flag" school shoot was apparently to get Americans more in the mood for gun control, which right (and especially the far-right) don't want. Nevermind that the scho shooting wasn't a "false flag" at all; far-right followers of Jones have sending non-stop death threats to the families who lost their children i most violent way, forcing them to move multiple times over at least a de"False flag" like he claims it didn't happen?
[TL;DR]Who took control of several blocks of Seattle during 2020, declarin that
they did not recognize the authority of the government or police, i.e. anarchy? Those were not right-wing protesters. I don't think anyone would make that mistake, even you, especially since that was close to where you are.
Who are the people who declare that they are not subject to any governme statutes or proceedings, unless they consent to them, i.e. anarchy? (Hin rhymes with schmovereign schmitizen.) Those are not left-wing protesters don't think anyone would make that mistake, even you.Some soverign citizens might be anarchist, but not all of them are. I am sure not all anti-government persons are left-wing, either, but your typical anarachist are looking to create *communal* societies where
there is no government, like the CHAZ/CHOP. Soverign citizens are not always looking to be included in any such society.
If we are going to expand the definition of anarchist to anyone who doesn't like the government and/or believes they have some soverignity from the government (which, since you claim you don't like authoritarianism, would include YOU), then we are casing an awful wide
net and, yes, it most certainly would include right-wingers,
left-wingers, and everything in between.
Apparently, the definition *now* means anyone who believes they have some soverignity from their government. So, that would include everyone here except possibly Alan.
Between the two of them, Alan and Jeff, I am pretty sure that the Amish are also anarchists, per their definitions.
Mike Powell wrote to Dr. What <=-
Apparently, the definition *now* means anyone who believes they have
some soverignity from their government. So, that would include
everyone here except possibly Alan.
Between the two of them, Alan and Jeff, I am pretty sure that the Amish are also anarchists, per their definitions.
No I am not trying to change it. I am accusing others here of doing so. Alan, for example, apparentlly believes that MAGA Republicans are
anarchists. By definintion, a MAGA Republican wants Donald Trump to be
their President. A President, by definition, is a head of state. Persons who want a head of state do not want "no government," which means they are not anarchists.
Alex Jones is also in the middle of a bunch of lawsuits for claiming th"False flag" like he claims it didn't happen?
Sandy Hook school shooting was a "false flag." How does that tie in wit
right-wing politics? Well, the reasong for the "false flag" school shoo
was apparently to get Americans more in the mood for gun control, which
right (and especially the far-right) don't want. Nevermind that the sch
shooting wasn't a "false flag" at all; far-right followers of Jones hav
sending non-stop death threats to the families who lost their children most violent way, forcing them to move multiple times over at least a d
It didn't happen, or it was staged, or any number of conspiracy theories. He claims now that it actually happened, but that's only after over a decade of spreading lies for profit.
If we are going to expand the definition of anarchist to anyone who doesn't like the government and/or believes they have some soverignity from the government (which, since you claim you don't like authoritarianism, would include YOU), then we are casing an awful wide net and, yes, it most certainly would include right-wingers, left-wingers, and everything in between.
You are attempting to change the definition of anarchists from people who do not accept the authority of the government or police (your original definition) to people who do not "like" the government. That's moving the goalposts. Cliven Bundy, Ammon Bundy, and "sovereign citizens" all have a refusal to accept the authority of government or the police in common.
No I am not trying to change it. I am accusing others here of doing so.
Alan, for example, apparentlly believes that MAGA Republicans are anarchists. By definintion, a MAGA Republican wants Donald Trump to be their President. A President, by definition, is a head of state. Persons who want a head of state do not want "no government," which means they are not anarchists.
IIRC, you yourself have mentioned conservatives who don't trust the government during the anarchy discussion.
The government they don't seem to trust is the current one.
I don't remember most of them having as many issues when the government was
being run by Trump, a Bush, Reagan, etc.
Not trusting the FBI <> not trusting the government as a whole. The FBI has
a reputation of doing some backhanded things.
I am not certain that the persons you have listed are "conservatives."
I have no doubt they are also not "liberals."
I do not know their beliefs about government as a whole,
only that they did indeed believe that the government had no right to prevent them from being on/using the land in question.
There are more than a few people who wonder why the government owns so much
land out west, but I would not call them all anti-government or even anti-authority.
No I am not trying to change it. I am accusing others here of doing so.
Alan, for example, apparentlly believes that MAGA Republicans are
anarchists. By definintion, a MAGA Republican wants Donald Trump to be
their President. A President, by definition, is a head of state. Persons
who want a head of state do not want "no government," which means they are
not anarchists.
No, I think MAGA republicans want Trump to be president in spite of the fact
that he lost the election.
I know that's a real bummer to lose an election but it happens. The people have spoken.
It wasn't really a surprise.
Donald wasn't expected to win the election and indeed, he didn't.
You are attempting to change the definition of anarchists from people wh not accept the authority of the government or police (your original definition) to people who do not "like" the government. That's moving th goalposts. Cliven Bundy, Ammon Bundy, and "sovereign citizens" all have refusal to accept the authority of government or the police in common.No I am not trying to change it. I am accusing others here of doing so. Alan, for example, apparentlly believes that MAGA Republicans are anarchists. By definintion, a MAGA Republican wants Donald Trump to be their President. A President, by definition, is a head of state.
Persons who want a head of state do not want "no government," which
means they are not anarchists.
IIRC, you yourself have mentioned conservatives who don't trust the government during the anarchy discussion. The government they don't seem to trust is the current one. I don't remember most of them having as
many issues when the government was being run by Trump, a Bush, Reagan, etc.
Not trusting the FBI <> not trusting the government as a whole. The FBI has a reputation of doing some backhanded things.
I am not certain that the persons you have listed are "conservatives."
I have no doubt they are also not "liberals." I do not know their
beliefs about government as a whole, only that they did indeed believe that the government had no right to prevent them from being on/using the land in question.
There are more than a few people who wonder why the government owns so much land out west, but I would not call them all anti-government or even anti-authority.
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