Aaron Thomas -> Ron L. skrev 2022-08-10 15:14:
Which is a lie. But this is what the Narrative is so that the FBI can
take the fall instead of the Elitists.
We're supposed to assume that the Obama-donor judge who signed the warrant probably doesn't care about politics too much.
Rather than whining about the fact that Trump is facing consequences for his illegal actions (in this case illegally removing truckloads of documents, some very much classified, from the White House and moving them to his Golf Resort), maybe you should condemn the illegal actions per se?
Or maybe you think that the law does not apply to Trump? Maybe you even think that he wouldn't give his mentor, Mad Vlad Putin, any information he wants, regardless of how damaging it would be to your national security...?
You MAGA idiots are scary ignorant. One day you'll wake up and find that you live in a totalitarian state, governed by some Real Idiots that you have elected. They have already secured the playbook from Viktor Orb n, the newly emerging Hungarian dictator that was invited to speak at CPAC.
(Remember that Hitler actually was democratically elected...)
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