Leftist plans
Leftist plans
Who *are* those "Lefties" and whatever have they done to you, to make you hate them with such a passion?
Who *are* those "Lefties" and whatever have they done to you, to make
you hate them with such a passion?
Democrats, RINOs, Bernie Sanders, the Canadian govt, the media,celebrities,
Mexican drug cartels, and world government organizations like NATO are all "lefties."
I can only tell you some of the reasons why I hate them, because otherwise this message would be way too long: (An example for each is in parenthesis.)
Democrats: They waste taxpayer money (EV rebates,) they are funded by the same
guy who's defunding justice in my country (Soros,) and they manipulate black
people (rationing antiviral covid treatment for non-whites first.) Plus they
forced experimental vaccines on working Americans.
Rinos: These are undercover Democrats trying to trick conservatives into voting for them (Harry Wilson is a former NY gubernatorial candidate.)
Bernie Sanders: Thought he was slick by switching from Democrat to Independent, but he can't wash off the odor of slavery and exploitation.
The Canadian Govt: They're forcing experimental covid vaccines on their people, at least in Quebec. And not just forcing them on workers like the sleazy Democrats in America, they're forcing them EVERYONE in the province.
The media: They are the worst element of all, because they are brainwashing
people into believing stuff that the Democrats want people to believe. "Take
the vaccine and you won't get the virus" is one of their BS talking points.
Celebrities: Democrat Andrew Cuomo didn't think New Yorkers would listen to
him when he told everyone to wear a mask, so he recruited Rosie Perez & Chris Rock to sit there and say "Do what he said!"
Mexican Drug Cartels: This is Amigo #3 of the 3 Amigos: George Soros helped Joe
get elected, Joe opened the border to better serve the cartels who bring drugs
and humans, George is ready to exploit the humans with his own media outlets. Exploiting the people is already a work in progress, but surely the
drugs will be exploited by leftists soon. Biden will cut the ribbon at a drug
treatment center and that will make all the idiot voters say "oh wow Biden really cares about the drug problem."
NATO and other world government organizations are bad because they serve as
money funnels for things that American taxpayers/voters are not aware of, things like "intentional mutation of the SARS virus" and "using hundreds of
beagle pups to test it on to see how long it takes for it to kill them all."
Look how calmly I described all that! I didn't have to get snotty or anything.
Are ya proud of me? Do you look up to me as a role model? ;)
Oh, wait, maybe you don't even know what waste of energy it is to keep hating anyone or anything? Try love (you know, what that Jesus guy tried to tell you) rather than hate and see if you maybe will feel better. And then figure out how those GOP guys of yours have voted on important matters (if you even have any such).
Who *are* those "Lefties" and whatever have they done to you, to mak
you hate them with such a passion?
to makWho *are* those "Lefties" and whatever have they done to you,
you hate them with such a passion?
I told you what they're doing to everyone, instead of just focusing on what
they've done to me personally. All of these things (that leftists do) have affected me personally but it's ridiculous to cry about it to someone who's
still sad about Janis.
affected me personally but it's ridiculous to cry about it to someone who's
still sad about Janis.
We are all sad about Janis. Dead at age 27. What a bummer. We are
A terrible folk singer, but a great BBS sysop.is the real janice still alive?
We are all sad about Janis. Dead at age 27. What a bummer. We are
A terrible folk singer, but a great BBS sysop.
A terrible folk singer, but a great BBS sysop.is the real janice still alive?
A terrible folk singer, but a great BBS sysop.
is the real janice still alive?
She's alive, but she announced that she was leaving the mom's basement community for good, and then like 10 grown men started arguing about who would
inherit moderator duties at "Fidonet Gazette." (The multi-million dollar Fidonet echo which targets the bald middle aged white male community.)
It made a lot of them go insane, and it remains a touchy subject, and I like
to throw salt on the wounds. ;)
A terrible folk singer, but a great BBS sysop.
is the real janice still alive?
She's alive, but she announced that she was leaving the mom's basement community for good, and then like 10 grown men started arguing about who would
inherit moderator duties at "Fidonet Gazette." (The multi-million dollar Fidonet echo which targets the bald middle aged white male community.)
It made a lot of them go insane, and it remains a touchy subject, and I like to throw salt on the wounds. ;)
It made a lot of them go insane, and it remains a touchy subject, and I to throw salt on the wounds. ;)
Janis Kracht is back and moderating one or two of her old echos. She
very smartly seems to be avoiding any of the sysop or political echoes.
Fidonet echo which targets the bald middle aged white male community.
Since she was the only participant, who was left to inherit the throne when she abdicated?
Who *are* those "Lefties" and whatever have they done to you, to make
you hate them with such a passion?
I told you what they're doing to everyone, instead of just focusing on what
they've done to me personally.
All of these things (that leftists do) have
affected me personally but it's ridiculous to cry about
I'm glad she's back. She's nice, and her BBS is cool. It's not her fault thatOne guy made a freeware binkp mailer and ended up getting blacklisted by her because his main job was adult entertainment.
she has obsessed fans.
I told you what they're doing to everyone, instead of just focusing o what
they've done to me personally.
Absolutely incredible. I was expecting something like this, but not
to this degree. Do you really not understand how incredibly stupid that is?
You are wasting energy on hating thousands of millions of people unknown for reasons that you have been brainwashed into thinking that
they are doing to thousands of millions of other people unknown. And
this does not even have any impact on you personally?
What are you trying to save us poor "Lefties" from, living in
countries that by any metric is ranked on top of any list of the best countries to live in, while USA is down on #38 or something like that.
Do you really think we would thank you, if we were to degrade to the
same corrupt, now fascist striving, country like yours?
And yet, A) you can't name a single thing and B) you keep on crying, rather than getting your act together and actually try to find out what your MAGA idiots have done to *prevent* the "Lefties" from giving you a
Don't you have a guy over there, that gave name to one of your prominent religious movements, who preached love and compassion? How
does that compute with your vicious hatred and inability to show empathy?
Don't you have a guy over there, that gave name to one of your prominent religious movements, who preached love and compassion? How
does that compute with your vicious hatred and inability to show empathy?
You are a arrogant piece of Swedish dog shit.
I'd rather be that than an arrogant MAGA idiot filled with anti-Christian hatred.
It's the leftists who are anti-faith. They don't like christians
meddling with their depopulation agenda, and they want us to idolize celebrities instead of god. They want people to be gay not only so they can manipulate them better, but also because they think it hurts God.
I'd rather be that than an arrogant MAGA idiot filled with
anti-Christian hatred.
It's the leftists who are anti-faith. They don't like christians meddling with
their depopulation agenda, and they want us to idolize celebrities instead of
god. They want people to be gay not only so they can manipulate them better,
but also because they think it hurts God.
It's the leftists who are anti-faith. They don't like christians medd withYou *do* know why it's called Christian, don't you? It's named after Christ, AKA Jesus.
their depopulation agenda, and they want us to idolize celebrities in of
god. They want people to be gay not only so they can manipulate them better,
but also because they think it hurts God.
Nothing that you mention has ever been mentioned by Jesus, at least
not as far as it's documented in the Bible.
It's the leftists who are anti-faith. They don't like christians meddling with their depopulation agenda, and they want us to idolize celebrities instead of god. They want people to be gay not only so th can manipulate them better, but also because they think it hurts God.
Not true. "Leftists" want everyone to be able to independently practice their own religion, or lack thereof. "Rightists" want everyone to
conform to their particular religious beliefs and emphasize this by
trying to get their religious beliefs passed into law. The American religious right has a lot more in common with Al Qaeda and the Taliban than they'd like to admit.
Also, someone who doesn't believe in God wouldn't try to hurt a God that they don't believe exists. To believe otherwise is nonsensical.
That's a good point. But we're both generalizing a lot in this conversation.
Some leftists attack god by protesting for abortion rights, while others are just doing it because it's what they're programmed to do.
"Joseph Kennedy lost his job as a high school football coach because he knelt at midfield after games to offer a quiet prayer of thanks." (programming)
You are a arrogant piece of Swedish dog shit.
I'd rather be that than an arrogant MAGA idiot filled with anti-Christian hatred.
Also, someone who doesn't believe in God wouldn't try to hurt a God that they don't believe exists. To believe otherwise is nonsensical.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Bj”rn Felten <=-
It's the leftists who are anti-faith. They don't like christians
meddling with their depopulation agenda, and they want us to idolize celebrities instead of god. They want people to be gay not only so they can manipulate them better, but also because they think it hurts God.
Not true. "Leftists" want everyone to be able to independently practice their own religion, or lack thereof. "Rightists" want everyone to conform to their particular religious beliefs and emphasize this by trying to get their religious beliefs passed into law. The American religious right has a lot more in common with Al Qaeda and the Taliban than they'd like to admit.
Also, someone who doesn't believe in God wouldn't try to hurt a God t they don't believe exists. To believe otherwise is nonsensical.You seem to want to glamorize these cockroaches, I do not.
Emphasis on Military Jihad
Belief in Sharia Law
Salafist Jihadism
Spiritual Fathers: The Kharijites
Spiritual Father: Sayyib Qutb
I have known leftists who don't seem to want, or at least to respect, anyone's independent practice of Christianity (I am not as sure about other religions). I have met some rightists who do believe as you say.
I think most people want to be left alone, and to leave others alone, to practice their own religion/lack thereof, so long as that practice does not infringe on their own right to do so.
I do realize that a rightist is much more likely to object to a lack of religion as they somehow see it as a lack of general moral character.
For some of them, I suspect it must be their religious belief that stands between them and their own lack of moral character (i.e. they believe
that it is religion alone that keeps them from being morally bankrupt, without it they would be morally lost, and apparently they don't have
much faith in their own ability to make moral decisions without the
filter of their religious beliefs).
There are also some religious extremists and, simply by the fact that
they are that religious, are likely rightist.
I missed quoting Aaron's message, but I do believe he has a point to an extent... that there are some on the left that are vocal about certain beliefs simply because they know that persons with religion will strongly object to them, i.e. they can "get their goat" and maybe even knock them off balance or make them look stupid by bringing them up.
I agree that they wouldn't be doing this to "hurt God" if they don't believe that he exists, but they certainly could/would be doing it to upset the religious person(s) in their audience.
Going back to my first sentence, I have met some leftists who, even if they themselves are atheists, tend to favor other regligions over Chritianity. What they do not seem to understand is that those
religions, in particuar Islam, would object to their same "leftists beliefs" that many Christians do. After all, they are both Abrahamic
(sp?) religions.
Every single person who understands and supports the MAGA movement also believes to the strongest degree of the Christian Values because these
are the bedrock principles of the MAGA movement.
Jesus Said: "Feed the hungry."
Never said: "... but only if they have papers."
Jesus Said: "Clothe the naked."
Never said: "... but only if they're from your own country."
Jesus Said: "Help the poor."
Never said: "... but only if there's something in it for you."
Jesus Said: "Love your neighbour."
Never said: "... but only if they look like you."
Are ya proud of me? Do you look up to me as a role model? ;)
I actually feel very sorry for you and all your Cult 45 members. Unless you are one of the 1.9% of the US people earning more than $400k per year, you just swallow whatever you are fed, without critical thinking. Do you, seriously, don't know that you are paying for the ultra rich with what you produce with your limited time on this Earth? Or maybe you don't even produce anything...?
Oh, wait, maybe you don't even know what waste of energy it is to keep hating anyone or anything? Try love (you know, what that Jesus guy tried to
tell you) rather than hate and see if you maybe will feel better. And then figure out how those GOP guys of yours have voted on important matters (if you even have any such).
Don't you have a guy over there, that gave name to one of your
prominent religious movements, who preached love and compassion? How
does that compute with your vicious hatred and inability to show
You are a arrogant piece of Swedish dog shit.
The population in Sweden is 10.4 million compared the U.S. 331 million. "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
Some leftists attack god by protesting for abortion rights, while oth are just doing it because it's what they're programmed to do.
I disagree. If I believe in a mystic, all-powerful pangolin named Eugene who is generally benevolent except when someone eats a breakfast taco,
is it safe to assume that if I see you eating a breakfast taco, you're doing it to hurt Eugene and, by extension, me?
There is photographic evidence that Kennedy's actions were not limited
to "a quiet prayer of thanks," as Justice Sotomayor pointed out in her dissent.
I think you scratched the surface of why the Ignorant Elitists hate the Catholic Church (well, religions in general) so much: They are in competition for control of the people.
Neither are trustworthy and just because the religion invokes God
doesn't mean they are on God's side and have our best interests at heart.
I disagree. If I believe in a mystic, all-powerful pangolin named Eug who is generally benevolent except when someone eats a breakfast taco is it safe to assume that if I see you eating a breakfast taco, you'r doing it to hurt Eugene and, by extension, me?They're doing it (hurting God) inadvertantly. They're purposefully appeasing the leftist gods, but they'll find out the hard way that
they've turned their backs on the real God.
There is photographic evidence that Kennedy's actions were not limite to "a quiet prayer of thanks," as Justice Sotomayor pointed out in he dissent.What else did he do? (I should ask "What did he do that was actually wrong?")
I pray extensively. Included in my prayers are people from my
neighborhood who I barely even know. I pray for an islamic family that lives 2 houses down. Am I hurting them? Would they be pissed if they
knew that a christian was asking God to protect them?
There is photographic evidence that Kennedy's actions were not l to "a quiet prayer of thanks," as Justice Sotomayor pointed out dissent.What else did he do? (I should ask "What did he do that was actually wrong?")
Look up Sotomayor's dissent.
When you were talking about photographic evidence, I thought there was more to it than just "he wasn't quiet enough, wasn't private enough."
The "worst" part of this despicable crime was that he "invited others to join in."
They should've given him the chair I guess.
They're doing it (hurting God) inadvertantly. They're purposefully appeasing the leftist gods, but they'll find out the hard way that they've turned their backs on the real God.
I pray extensively. Included in my prayers are people from my neighborhood who
I barely even know. I pray for an islamic family that lives 2 houses down. Am I hurting them? Would they be pissed if they knew that a christian was asking God to protect them?
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
I trust the Roman Catholic church quite a bit. The stuff that they (we)
do is on par with conservative values.
Gregory Deyss wrote to Bj”rn Felten <=-
Has it ever occurred to you why I support MAGA? Have you seen (from a
far) how much of a clusterf*ck the Biden Administration is.
What is the basis of the evidence that you have as you refer to me as anti-Christian or having hated for Christian values?
Due to your lack of understanding or not having any such ability to be correct. This is called ignorance, Dunce.
Mike Powell wrote to JEFF THIELE <=-
I think most people want to be left alone, and to leave others alone,
to practice their own religion/lack thereof, so long as that practice
does not infringe on their own right to do so.
When you were talking about photographic evidence, I thought there wa more to it than just "he wasn't quiet enough, wasn't private enough." The "worst" part of this despicable crime was that he "invited others join in."
It's possible that people felt pressured to join in, to be "part of the team." Applying that pressure, whether intentionally or indvertently, is wrong.
They're doing it (hurting God) inadvertantly. They're purposefully appea the leftist gods, but they'll find out the hard way that they've turned backs on the real God.
But that is not hurting God. In this scenario, there is a God and they are hurting themselves by turning their backs on him.
They're doing it (hurting God) inadvertantly. They're purposefully appea the leftist gods, but they'll find out the hard way that they've turned backs on the real God.
But that is not hurting God. In this scenario, there is a God and they are hurting themselves by turning their backs on him.
By the time I was a teen, and my parents no longer required me to go to church stuff, I had already tagged the church as a bunch of hypocrites.
It goes back to measuring the individual and what that person says and does.
The power of prayer can help a team win. Have you ever been invited to join people for a group prayer? How offended were you?When you were talking about photographic evidence, I thought the more to it than just "he wasn't quiet enough, wasn't private eno The "worst" part of this despicable crime was that he "invited o join in."It's possible that people felt pressured to join in, to be "part of t team." Applying that pressure, whether intentionally or indvertently, wrong.
By the time I was a teen, and my parents no longer required me to go church stuff, I had already tagged the church as a bunch of hypocriteIt sounds like the employees of the church ruined it for you. I don't go to mass anymore because of covid, but I still pray and then God answers
my prayers every time.
The power of prayer can help a team win. Have you ever been invited to join people for a group prayer? How offended were you?When you were talking about photographic evidence, I thought the more to it than just "he wasn't quiet enough, wasn't private eno The "worst" part of this despicable crime was that he "invited o join in."It's possible that people felt pressured to join in, to be "part of t team." Applying that pressure, whether intentionally or indvertently, wrong.
We then realize that we have no choice but to participate, to a much larger >degree, in politics and watch everything our "representatives" do. That takes >away from the things that we enjoy doing and reduces enjoyment in our lives.
What else did he do? (I should ask "What did he do that was actually
Look up Sotomayor's dissent.
When you were talking about photographic evidence, I thought there was more to
it than just "he wasn't quiet enough, wasn't private enough." The "worst" part
of this despicable crime was that he "invited others to join in."
They should've given him the chair I guess.
By the time I was a teen, and my parents no longer required me to go to church
stuff, I had already tagged the church as a bunch of hypocrites.
I guess my point is that just because it's a religion doesn't mean it does good. Just because someone invoked God, doesn't mean that he's not evil.
It goes back to measuring the individual and what that person says and does.
They've labeled jews as "anti-semitic", black people as "white supremacists", gays as "homophobic", and more.
The power of prayer can help a team win. Have you ever been invited to join people for a group prayer? How offended were you?
There is no evidence of that. I have been invited, yes, and outside of a religious environment I thought it was showy and pompous.
Would you join me in asking Eugene the Mystical and All-Powerful Pangolin to help me win my next video game?
There is no evidence of that. I have been invited, yes, and outside of a religious environment I thought it was showy and pompous.So you think it is ok, in this instance, that someone else also took offense and tried to force their (lack of) religious beliefs on this individual? But you are not a conservative, how can this be so?
Would you join me in asking Eugene the Mystical and All-Powerful Pangoli help me win my next video game?If that is really what you want.
Would you join me in asking Eugene the Mystical and All-Powerful Pa help me win my next video game?If that is really what you want.
The power of prayer can help a team win. Have you ever been invited to
join people for a group prayer? How offended were you?
There is no evidence of that. I have been invited, yes, and outside of a religious environment I thought it was showy and pompous.
Would you join me in asking Eugene the Mystical and All-Powerful Pangolin to
help me win my next video game?
to goBy the time I was a teen, and my parents no longer required me
hypocritechurch stuff, I had already tagged the church as a bunch of
It sounds like the employees of the church ruined it for you. I don'tgo
to mass anymore because of covid, but I still pray and then Godanswers
my prayers every time.
The top sources of mass pedopholia in the US are the Catholic Church, the Southern Baptist church, and evangelical denominations.
The power of prayer can help a team win. Have you ever been invited to
join people for a group prayer? How offended were you?
That is irrelevant. The government cnnot espouse one religion over any other.
The coach, as an employee and representative of a public school district, which is a government entity, was doing just that.
Unless, of course, he was leading prayers for other religions, too, but I seriously doubt that was the case.
Did he offer prayers to Eugene? I don't think so.
Would you join me in asking Eugene the Mystical and All-Powerful Pang toVonnegut did not need any gods to help him, but may have had some
help me win my next video game?
help from an alien who visited this planet.
You forgot about the Boy Scouts, most favored group of Mormons.
The real issue is not about Catholics, Baptists, Evangelicals,
Mormons, or any other religious group. Most religious folks are
not pedophiles, and condemn all acts of pedophilia as evil.
Why did you leave out the main group of pedophiles, who are not
religious at all? Folks such as public school teachers, for example.
You know as well as I do that the number of pedophiles in the
Catholic Church was always small, and should be non-existent today.
Yes, it is true Pope John Paul II did nothing to solve the problem
during his 26-year pontificate. And yes, it is true Pope Benedict
XVI did next to nothing during his short pontificate. But the new
kid on the block, Pope Francis, has shown his two predecessors
what to do, and has actually taken real steps to put an end to it.
I expect Pope Francis to put the final nail in the coffin by
retiring, handing off the papacy to the laity, where it belongs.
The USSC said coaches can. And players who do not go along with coachThe power of prayer can help a team win. Have you ever been invitedThat is irrelevant. The government cnnot espouse one religion over an other.
join people for a group prayer? How offended were you?
will no longer be players, or doomed to sit on the bench.
The coach, as an employee and representative of a public school distr which is a government entity, was doing just that.Coaches and players can pray all they want, even if they are employees
or students at a public school. As long as they do so in private. But
when they make a public display of it, and/or lead others in prayer in such a public display, it would be nice to think they are crossing the line. But such is not the case.
Unless, of course, he was leading prayers for other religions, too, b seriously doubt that was the case."Allah Akbar!" shouted Coach K, rallying his players to victory!
Did he offer prayers to Eugene? I don't think so.All prayers are offered to the god(s) of one's choice.
One of the most insulting use of prayer that I've encountered is when someone
says that they're praying for God to change my mind about something. What? How arrogant can someone get?
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
It sounds like the employees of the church ruined it for you.
I don't go to mass anymore because of covid,
but I still pray and then God answers my prayers every time.
The Democrats managed to remove everyone's fear of jail, so now I'm relying on religion to maintain everyone's fear of God.
Mike Powell wrote to Dr. What <=-
I think the worst mistake that a parent who wants their child to "find religion" can make is to force it on them.
There are some pretty high-profile cases of people who invoke God, and even have large flocks, who turned out to be quite evil. Jim Jones
comes to mind. IIRC, Charles Manson also tried leading his "family" by his warped idea of God and religion at some point.
Mike Powell wrote to Dr. What <=-supremacists",
They've labeled jews as "anti-semitic", black people as "white
gays as "homophobic", and more.
If you can go back far enough, I think you can find examples of at
least the first two right here in this echo.
Mike Powell wrote to AARON THOMAS <=-
I have been in group dining situations before where someone (sometimes Christian, sometimes Muslim <gasp!>) will stop and pray quietly before eating. I stop talking and eating and remain quiet until they are
done. I have also been in same situations where someone will ask to
give a blessing or say a prayer *aloud* before we eat. I respect their beliefs and wishes. Waiting a few seconds before digging in, listening
to them give thanks, profess what they believe, ask for a blessing,
having to remain quiet... none of that has ever been offensive to me,
even if I may not believe as they do.
Then again, I am not a leftist, so maybe that is why.
If what Jeff claims is true, as a conservative I should be forcing my beliefs on them, asking them to stop, and filing lawsuits against them
for violiating my rights/beliefs. I think he may have that backwards.
One of the most insulting use of prayer that I've encountered is when someoneTo me it's more insulting that Christian armies all over the world actually have preachers (usually of officer's rank) blessing the
says that they're praying for God to change my mind about something. How arrogant can someone get?
soldiers and their weapons, so that they can go out and have a happy
hunt, killing as many enemies as possible.
The power of prayer can help a team win. Have you ever been invited t join people for a group prayer? How offended were you?
There is no evidence of that. I have been invited, yes, and outside of a religious environment I thought it was showy and pompous.
The top sources of mass pedopholia in the US are the Catholic Church, the Southern Baptist church, and evangelical denominations.
Inviting others to join should not be seen as wrong, just as declining to join in should not be. I don't see where asking (as opposed to telling) infringes on anyone's rights.
They should've given him the chair I guess.
I am sure there are some of these allegedly perfect leftists, who do not *EVER* force their beliefs/non-beliefs on others, that would like to.
not believe in anything they believe in. I believe it is all about respect.
Then again, I am not a leftist, so maybe that is why.
Is God supposed to grant favor to the more pious team at the cost of the less pious team?
There's evidence of prayers helping people, but that evidence isn't currently being reseached by the Leftist community.The power of prayer can help a team win. Have you ever been invi join people for a group prayer? How offended were you?There is no evidence of that. I have been invited, yes, and outside o religious environment I thought it was showy and pompous.
The top sources of mass pedopholia in the US are the Catholic Church, Southern Baptist church, and evangelical denominations.Are you off your meds? What's "mass pedophilia?" In what unit is it measured? What's the threshold that classifies it as "mass?"
What's the elected Democrat sex offender to elected Republican sex offender ratio?
Inviting others to join should not be seen as wrong, just as declinin join in should not be. I don't see where asking (as opposed to telli infringes on anyone's rights.They're forcing it though. The Democrats and the media are obviously on the same agenda. The media forces beliefs on idiots, so therefore I'm holding all Democrats accountable for all the crap the media does (like influencing the 2020 election in favor of Joe Biden.)
They should've given him the chair I guess.I am sure there are some of these allegedly perfect leftists, who do *EVER* force their beliefs/non-beliefs on others, that would like to.
Is God supposed to grant favor to the more pious team at the cost of less pious team?Are you sure they were praying for a win? There are other things that a coach may want them to pray for.
All-Powerful PaWould you join me in asking Eugene the Mystical and
help me win my next video game?
If that is really what you want.
I don't understand sports teams praying to God for success. It's just a game, and isn't God supposed to love everoyne equally?
Is God supposed to grant favor to the more pious team at the cost of the less pious team?
Doesn't it at that point become less of a sporting event and more of a religious ritual?
What happens if both teams pray? Do their prayers cancel each other out? Is
it then sort of an arms race that will eventually lead to ritual sacrifices
in the end zone?
This also applies to political stumping. Lots of candidates pray for God's help in winning their race, but in a democracy, isn't that technically cheating? Democracy is based on the people voting, without supernatural interference.
One of the most insulting use of prayer that I've encountered is when someone
says that they're praying for God to change my mind about something. What? How arrogant can someone get?
Also, and slightly off-topic, my next video game session is going to be "Warplanes: Battles over Pacific" for the Oculus Quest VR system. I like that
game a lot, but Eugene the Mystical and All-Powerful Pangolin is indifferent.
So be it.
Churches seemed to be were some of the Elitists like to be and tell everyone how so much more devout they are. Virtue signalling has been around for a long, long time.
I don't understand sports teams praying to God for success. It's just agame, and isn't God supposed to love everoyne equally?
Is God supposed to grant favor to the more pious team at the cost of the less pious team?
I don't understand sports teams praying to God for success. It's just ag and isn't God supposed to love everoyne equally?Most prayers I have heard before sporting events are not so much for victory as much as they are for the safety of the participants and fans.
Is God supposed to grant favor to the more pious team at the cost of the pious team?
What's the elected Democrat sex offender to elected Republican sex offender ratio?
Do you have anything to add to this list?
Likewise, television media also endorses candidates, although perhaps
not as explicitly. Some media endorse Republican candidates; some
endorse Democrats. Are you denying that "Fox News" strongly favored
Sure, they could pray for safety from injury, but isn't that just denial of the risks associated with the activity they are participating in? "Well, we prayed for no injuries, but there was an injury, so that
injury must have been God's will, and who are we to dispute God's will," right?
That list is mostly "activists." Republicans don't have "activists." That's something that Democrats invest in. I was specifically talking about elected officials. It's obvious that whoever made that list was looking for as many "activists" to add to the list as possible.What's the elected Democrat sex offender to elected Republican s offender ratio?Do you have anything to add to this list?
Likewise, television media also endorses candidates, although perhaps not as explicitly. Some media endorse Republican candidates; some endorse Democrats. Are you denying that "Fox News" strongly favored Trump?Fox News is nothing compared to Joe's endorsements from public figures and/or the media. Every voice on tv, film, radio, newspaper, and website were telling dumb Americans "how badly they need Joe Biden." Luckily, I think the leftists are over-projecting the stupidity of Americans
bigtime, and they are going to get a dose of reality real soon.
Sure, they could pray for safety from injury, but isn't that just den of the risks associated with the activity they are participating in? "Well, we prayed for no injuries, but there was an injury, so that injury must have been God's will, and who are we to dispute God's wil right?We shouldn't criticize people over what they pray for. The leftists seem to care a lot about themselves, so they would probably enjoy a group prayer "for the self."
Mike Powell wrote to JEFF THIELE <=-less
Is God supposed to grant favor to the more pious team at the cost of the
pious team?
Most prayers I have heard before sporting events are not so much for victory as much as they are for the safety of the participants and
Is God supposed to grant favor to the more pious team at the cost ofthe
less pious team?
Are you sure they were praying for a win? There are other things that a coach
may want them to pray for.
One of the most insulting use of prayer that I've encountered is whensomeone
says that they're praying for God to change my mind about something.What?
How arrogant can someone get?
To me it's more insulting that Christian armies all over the world actually have preachers (usually of officer's rank) blessing the soldiers and their weapons, so that they can go out and have a happy hunt, killing as many enemies as possible.
I don't understand sports teams praying to God for success. It's just ag and isn't God supposed to love everoyne equally?
Is God supposed to grant favor to the more pious team at the cost of the pious team?
Most prayers I have heard before sporting events are not so much for victory as much as they are for the safety of the participants and fans.
Relying on supernatural protection for worker/player is a shirking of responsibility.
Relying on supernatural protection for worker/player is a shirking of responsibility.Not praying for people is a shirking of responsibility.
Perhaps those concerns would be better addressed by examining the safety issues inherent to the sporting event and altering the rules accordinglyEven the best safety measures and devices can fail.
Most prayers I have heard before sporting events are not so much for victory as much as they are for the safety of the participants and fans.
Perhaps those concerns would be better addressed by examining the safety issues inherent to the sporting event and altering the rules accordingly.
PangWould you joine in asking Eugene the Mystical and All-Powerful
help me win my next video game?
Vonnegut did not need any gods to help him, but may have had some
help from an alien who visited this planet.
Perhaps Eugene is an alien. God supposedly created the Earth from nothing, meaning that he existed before the Earth, and could not be of this Earth. Therefore, He's an alien, and Jesus is an alien half-breed, if we are to believe the Bible.
You forgot about the Boy Scouts, most favored group of Mormons.
I didn't include the Boy Scouts because I haven't heard of any current scandals. That does not mean that there aren't any, though.
The real issue is not about Catholics, Baptists, Evangelicals,
Mormons, or any other religious group. Most religious folks are
not pedophiles, and condemn all acts of pedophilia as evil.
That is true, but enough of them are pedophiles to make those organizations
prime offenders.
Also, the rank-and-file parishioners are typically not the
culprits; it is those who have authority and abuse that authority in an organization that teaches its members from childhood that authority is not to be questioned.
Why did you leave out the main group of pedophiles, who are not
religious at all? Folks such as public school teachers, for example.
These may seem like the largest group, but it's entirely possible that more
of them become public knowledge because school districts are not in the habit
of covering it up, as the religious authorities are wont to do.
You know as well as I do that the number of pedophiles in the
Catholic Church was always small, and should be non-existent today.
Yes, it is true Pope John Paul II did nothing to solve the problem
during his 26-year pontificate. And yes, it is true Pope Benedict
XVI did next to nothing during his short pontificate. But the new
kid on the block, Pope Francis, has shown his two predecessors
what to do, and has actually taken real steps to put an end to it.
I don't share your optimism. I think Pope Francis' efforts have been a decent
PR move for the Catholic church, but I'm not convinced that they made any meaningful difference.
I expect Pope Francis to put the final nail in the coffin by
retiring, handing off the papacy to the laity, where it belongs.
Heh. Fat chance. There are currently 116 cardinal electors (including one so-far-unnamed lucky one) with far too much to lose if that happened.
invitedThe power of prayer can help a team win. Have you ever been
join people for a group prayer? How offended were you?
over anThat is irrelevant. The government cnnot espouse one religion
The USSC said coaches can. And players who do not go along with coach
will no longer be players, or doomed to sit on the bench.
This is your answer to how widespread Republican support for forcing Christian beliefs on non-Christians is.
distrThe coach, as an employee and representative of a public school
which is a government entity, was doing just that.
Coaches and players can pray all they want, even if they areemployees
or students at a public school. As long as they do so in private. Butin
when they make a public display of it, and/or lead others in prayer
such a public display, it would be nice to think they are crossingthe
line. But such is not the case.
It used to be, but is not anymore. Well, sort of. Coach Kennedy and his lawyers lied to the Supreme Court about just how "private" Kennedey's prayers
were. And the conservative majority of justices went along with that lie. Justice Sotamayor provided proof of this lie, but the USSC being what the USSC is, the decision stood.
too, bUnless, of course, he was leading prayers for other religions,
seriously doubt that was the case.
"Allah Akbar!" shouted Coach K, rallying his players to victory!
Did he offer prayers to Eugene? I don't think so.
All prayers are offered to the god(s) of one's choice.
Not necessarily. Especially when they end with "In Jesus' name we pray..."
If a given sport has a sufficient rate of player injuries to warrant seeking supernatural interference to bring that rate down, that rate is too high.
If a given sport has a sufficient rate of player injuries to warrant see supernatural interference to bring that rate down, that rate is too highIt is just something that some people do. The fact that it bothers you
so much is surprising.
It is just something that some people do. The fact that it bothers you so much is surprising.
It's pointless. Its only purpose is to publicly identify oneself with a particular religion and pressure others into joining in a religious ritual. If
safety were actually a concern, there are other things that could be done and be far more effective than relying on supernatural intervention.
A lot of people do things/have habits that are pointless. As long as
they are not doing them to harm me or others, it is not really my
concern. I am guessing that both you and I have habits that are
pointless but we do them anyway.
A lot of people, religious and not, virtue signal, too. It can be annoying but not usually worth my worry, so long as they are only signaling and not trying to force their beliefs on me.
I disagree with pressuring others as being part of the "only" purpose.
As stated above, some people do things that are just habits. I am guessing that most of them really believe that it will add to their
safety or success, much like a lucky rabbit's foot or four-leaf clover charm. Do those also offend you?
Mike Powell wrote to JEFF THIELE <=-
I disagree with pressuring others as being part of the "only" purpose.
As stated above, some people do things that are just habits. I am guessing that most of them really believe that it will add to their
safety or success, much like a lucky rabbit's foot or four-leaf clover charm. Do those also offend you?
We don't allow people to make unproven claims when selling herbal concoctions and the like; why should we allow it for other items, including belief systems?
I disagree with pressuring others as being part of the "only" purpose. As stated above, some people do things that are just habits. I am guessing that most of them really believe that it will add to their safety or success, much like a lucky rabbit's foot or four-leaf clover charm. Do those also offend you?
Since the Ignorant Elitists believe that they can run your life better than yo
are able to, they are offended by anything they think is pointless.
We don't allow people to make unproven claims when selling herbal concoc and the like; why should we allow it for other items, including belief systems?I would assume because taking unproven herbal concoctions can make you sick while just hearing someone pray would not.
OTOH, people who do
push their beliefs too far, to the point where they are swindling people out of money, sort of like the herbal concoction salesperson, they do
get in trouble.
Probably true. When I was younger, I was sometimes offended by the pointless habits of others, but I grew out of that when I realized thatI disagree with pressuring others as being part of the "only" purpo As stated above, some people do things that are just habits. I am guessing that most of them really believe that it will add to their safety or success, much like a lucky rabbit's foot or four-leaf clo charm. Do those also offend you?Since the Ignorant Elitists believe that they can run your life better t yo
are able to, they are offended by anything they think is pointless.
it is their life and that habit/belief brings them some solace. I also realized that I, too, likely have pointless habits and beliefs that
others might find odd so it is best not to judge.
concocWe don't allow people to make unproven claims when selling herbal
beliefand the like; why should we allow it for other items, including
I would assume because taking unproven herbal concoctions can makeyou
sick while just hearing someone pray would not.
Making one sick is the direct damage they do;
the indirect damage is in convincing people that they work when they do not,
causing sick people to rely on them instead of seeking treatment that actually works.
There have been many documented cases of people (or, sadly, parents) believing so strongly in divine intervention that they refuse to seek medical assistance for themselves
or those for whom they are responsible.
I'm not offended by pointless activities; I'm offended by forcing or pressuring other people to join in your pointless activities.
I'm working on an FPGA implementation of a PDP-8. The PDP-8 is an antiquated,
outdated system that virtually no one uses anymore. This could, and probably
is, seen as a pointless activity by the vast majority of people. The difference is, I'm not forcing or pressuring others to join me in my pointless activity. I'm not even asking for donations to help me in my pursuit of my pointless activity. And I'm not claiming that it's anything other than pointless to anyone besides me.
Mike Powell wrote to Dr. What <=-
Probably true. When I was younger, I was sometimes offended by the pointless habits of others, but I grew out of that when I realized that
it is their life and that habit/belief brings them some solace.
I also
realized that I, too, likely have pointless habits and beliefs that
others might find odd so it is best not to judge.
Since the Ignorant Elitists believe that they can run your life better than
you are able to, they are offended by anything they think is pointless.
Since the Ignorant Elitists believe that they can run your life bette thanPaendila in culo da un ciuccio imbizzarrito.
you are able to, they are offended by anything they think is pointles
Gregory Deyss -> Bj”rn Felten skrev 2022-08-14 16:33:Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
Every single person who understands and supports the MAGA movement al believes to the strongest degree of the Christian Values because thes are the bedrock principles of the MAGA movement.
Matt 19:21-24
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.Every single person who understands and supports the MAGA moveme believes to the strongest degree of the Christian Values because are the bedrock principles of the MAGA movement.Matt 19:21-24
your point is, what exactly?
Is God supposed to grant favor to the more pious team at the cost of less pious team?
I think GOD has a favorite Presidential candidate, that's for sure..
Is God supposed to grant favor to the more pious team at the cos less pious team?
I think GOD has a favorite Presidential candidate, that's for sure.. (Landru - He sees. He hears. We have destroyed ourselves...)
JT - Jeff ThieleI think GOD has a favorite Presidential candidate, that's for sure.. (Landru - He sees. He hears. We have destroyed ourselves...)
I'm lost! Who's JT? Where did that quote come from?
I'm praying for Trump every day from now until (probably a few weeks after) Election Day. I pray that he saves our country from evil, and I pray for his health and safety, and that he prevails in the bogus court hearings.Me Too.
Again, what has BIDEN accomplished?
Is GOD an American Citizen?
Is GOD an American Citizen?
Neither was Obama
Is GOD an American Citizen?
Neither was Obama
I thought the birther thing was over, no?
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
I think GOD has a favorite Presidential candidate, that's for sure..
Again, what has BIDEN accomplished?
Never mind w/ his first and (hope to be the last) presidential term.
Are you of the Body?
I think GOD has a favorite Presidential candidate, that's for sure..
Is GOD an American Citizen?
I thought the birther thing was over, no?
Barry's birth certificate was fake and so is his wife.
I thought the birther thing was over, no?
Barry's birth certificate was fake and so is his wife.
This is just a lie. It was always a lie.
This is just a lie. It was always a lie.
Obama's fake birth certificate is older than MAGA.
Most, if not all, of the MAGA crowd seem to have their
focus on only one thing - arguing abortion is one of the
Ten Commandments.
Barry's birth certificate was fake and so is his wife.
This is just a lie. It was always a lie.
MAGA is nothing but lies.
This is just a lie. It was always a lie.
Obama's fake birth certificate is older than MAGA.
Yep, it's just another tired old lie.
Barry's birth certificate was fake and so is his wife.
This is just a lie. It was always a lie.
MAGA is nothing but lies.
What fact are you questioning??
Lets break it down and talk about it...
This is just a lie. It was always a lie.
Obama's fake birth certificate is older than MAGA.
Yep, it's just another tired old lie.
I'm proud of you for wanting to detect lies. Wanting to detect lies is the first step in the process.
Now for step 2, we need to actually see the birth certificate. Once we see it, and after we verify it with the appropriate county officials, then we can figure out who the liar is.
We shouldn't prejudge Obama just because he lied about Affordable Health Care.
Liars don't always lie about everything, they often just lie about a
few thing here and there. But we need to find out for sure instead of
letting either Trump or Bill Maher decide for us.
Now for step 2, we need to actually see the birth certificate. Once we s it, and after we verify it with the appropriate county officials, then w figure out who the liar is.
Did you see GWB's birth certificate? How about Clinton?
The Republican party has said they are going to replce Abamacare with something better but they have nothing better.
few thing here and there. But we need to find out for sure instead of letting either Trump or Bill Maher decide for us.
I pay no attention to what Trump or Maher have to say. Why should I?
What fact are you questioning??
This birtherism is just a lie and it goes on from there. On and on.
Lets break it down and talk about it...
It's already broken down.
Most, if not all, of the MAGA crowd seem to have their
focus on only one thing - arguing abortion is one of the
Ten Commandments.
Don't forget about IVF. God loves IVF, he used it himself. Hint: Virgin Mary.
But the Christian fanatics in the MAGA Cult seem to ignore even the very first Commandment. But not to worry, if you check the new version that the Orange Bible Salesman is peddling, you'll see that it's taken care of:
Exodus Chapter 20
1 And Trump spoke all these words, saying:
2 I am the Lord thy God, who have brought thee out of the land of Bidens, out of the house of bondage.
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of me, without paying copyright money to me.
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I, the Lord thy God, am a *jealous* God, I will strike down upon the fathers of their children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me,
6 and showing mercy unto thousands of them who love Me and keep My commandments.
7-17 Removed; it's all that shit about murder, theft, lust for your neighbour's wife and property, and more, that does not matter in the new Christian Republic of America, with Ayatollah Trumpeini as the eternal leader.
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