Which raises a question. The original selling point of MRNA technology vaccines was that it could be quickly adjusted to deal with new strains and variations. Yet they haven't done that, and I wonder why, instead
of recommending "boosters" of the same variation.
Depending on what news sources you rely on (Fox News?) you are not told the true story behind the vaccine.
It was developed at a German university, mostly paid for by German taxpayers. Later on it was commercialized by German BioNTech. Pfizer then offered to take care of the distribution. That's the only contribution the Trump and the USA had on the development of the mRNA technology.
And of course, now that Pfizer has it's grip on the original vaccine, they would never support developing new variants of the vaccine. They might even lose their monopoly of the distribution, when BioNTech uses this novel vaccine technology to rapidly produce new variants, so Pfizer let mainstream media in the USA convince people that they still have to be inoculated with their old C-19 vaccine.
In the meantime, over here in the free world, *not* worshipping Corporate Capitalism (meaning we are slaves under "socialism" according to US vulgar propaganda), BioNTech constantly updates the mRNA vaccine, and it's been available for as long as new variants of the virus is created -- in countries where Science still rules over Corporate Greed.
So, good luck with your GOP induced corruption. It seems nature is doing it's best to correct the error, by eliminating the cause: gullible, stupid people, that rather believe Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro and all the other so called news anchors rather than true scientists.
I feel sorry for all of you, that I know can distinguish between fact and fiction. I love all of *YOU*, those that I've met in person during all my years working with you, as well all that I've encountered via FidoNet, and hope that you all will persevere, and eventually will be able to rebuild the USA to it's former glory. MAGA!
I will not hold my breath though. Methinks the corruption has gone to far to be reversed, without a pandemic that eliminates all of the MAGA idiots first. But hey, wait a minute...
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