Hello Aaron,
Time for Mike Powell to put up, or shut up.
Show me Gary Braswell's message naming Mike Powell "moderator"
of this echo. Time and date, please.
You've got a case of Trump Widthdrawl Syndrome. Without Trump to kick around
anymore, now you're focused on the Fidonet guy.
Gary Braswell was the noted "moderator" of this echo before Trump
ever even ran for president. When he left Fidonet, he named nobody
to succeed him as "moderator" of this echo.
Everyone gets insulted at some point.
Don Rickles was one of my favorite actors. He was the king of insult.
Nobody even comes close, although I did try to top him during one of
his shows. Insulted him in Cajun French. He insulted me back, in
French, reminding me both him and his wife used to live in Paris.
The crowd loved it, exploding in laughter, as Rickles had a smile
from ear to ear.
After the show, he invited me backstage, apologized, and gave me
a full refund, along with an autographed picture of himself.
Nicest guy I have ever met.
Don't take it personally.
Rickles was an artist, using insult as a means of fun. If we
cannot laugh at ourselves, who are we? Or what have we become?
Although some folks got upset at Rickles because of his act,
what he was doing was entertainment, not committing some evil
act. Most people understood him, and liked his show. Including
several presidents, both Democrat and Republican.
You can't fix negativity with more negativity.
There are two things in this world I cannot fix - stupid and crazy.
Which is worse I do not know. And I do not want to find out.
All these Mike posts are making you look like an obsessed fan.
Not at all. Mike is so obsessed with those he disagrees with
that he has resorted to acts of censorship. Which makes those
who agree with him a bunch of cocksuckers.
Aren't you the *moderator* of the other politics echo?
The participants own this echo, making each and every one
of us "moderator". You want rules? Follow your own.
Melts in your mouth, not in your hands
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)