• My Vote

    From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Mike Powell on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 09:29:44
    Mike I made mention a few weeks back on the Florida vote having 2 constitutional amendments put on the ballots.

    Not fully understanding the origins of those 2 amendments I cast cast my vote. They were the Abortion and marijuana amendments.

    Well... Florida's Governor was on the news talking about it... I was wrong in my thinking.

    Apparently on the marijuana front... There was a group funding this movement... paid over 100 million dollars to push for this amendment. Ron says they are tied to the people who sell the marijuana and are profit driven only.

    Though I don't want Florida to turn into California or some other Democrat Hell Hole. I voted for personal use of marijuana.

    On the abortion question I voted to regulate it. Ron talked about the goals of this amendment... He said... The focus was on the wording... Florida's current laws talk about medical Doctors who perform these procedures whereas the amendment focuses on "Heal Care Professionals". It was exactly that wording that left Ron not on board....

    Moreover, they amendment also doesn't make parental consent mandatory... You need parental consent to give a child an aspirin... but not to give a child an abortion.

    He went further to add... The problem with both those amendments added to this ballot was that they had to condense the wording and they weren't able to fully expand what was needed to fully understand the origins and consequences of those amendments

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... You can learn many things from children... like how much patience you have

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