and I can show
you video evidence of Democrats in Virginia trying to pass legislation that would have allowed doctors to kill babies after birth.
We've proven this one false. They were taling about the decision to pull
the plug, or provide pallative care, to infants who were "born dying" (i.e. non-viable births). These decisions would be made between the parents and doctors.
"Pallative care" = care provided to dying patients by organizations like Hospice.
That is the same thing that happens to any other human being who is on life support with no hope to live otherwise.
The Governor was trying to be nice about what he said, and try not to talk about babies being "born dying" or stillborn.
Infanticide is illegal in all 50 states and no one has been trying to
reverse that (yet).
* SLMR 2.1a * How do they get Teflon to stick to the pans?
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