• Alito's Flag

    From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to All on Saturday, May 18, 2024 06:51:43
    The media is making a huge deal out of an image of an upside-down American flag being flown outside the home of USSC Justice Samuel Alito (Republican.)

    It should blow over quickly, but what's their point? A Republican-nominated USSC justice is flying the flag improperly, on his own property?

    Is that gonna get patriotic people to change parties? In their dreams it will!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Saturday, May 18, 2024 20:19:01
    Hello Aaron,

    The media is making a huge deal out of an image of an upside-down American flag being flown outside the home of USSC Justice Samuel Alito (Republican.)

    As well it should, as Justice Alito chose to fly the US Flag
    upside down outside his own home on Insurrection Day (January 6)
    showing everybody how much he hates this country and what it
    stands for.

    It should blow over quickly,

    Samuel Alito (who calls himself a justice on the USSC) is not and
    honorable man, and should crawl into a hole never to be seen or heard
    from again. What he did was despicable, and it is not just his next
    door meighbors who know it.

    but what's their point?

    Samuel Alito has shown Amerians and the entire world that he is an insurrectionist and a coward.

    A Republican-nominated USSC justice is flying the flag improperly, on his own property?

    Oh, the Alito household had every right to display the US flag
    any which way it wanted on its own property. The same as you have
    the right to burn the US flag on your own property.

    Do you hate America and what it stands for? The Alito household
    does. But Samuel and his wife. Along with whatever other creeps they
    have over there.

    Is that gonna get patriotic people to change parties?

    Liz Cheney, Nikki Haley, and other patriotic Republicans love
    the US flag and what it stands for. The same for all Americans,
    regardless of party. But the insurrectionists who did their
    thing on January 6, along with those who supported them, should
    be condemned for their actions.

    In their dreams it will!

    Samuel Alito and his ilk can go to hell.

    Now go grab your US flag, find a match, and light it up.
    On your front lawn, for all to see.

    For Life,

    Fox News Slogan - Rich people paying rich people
    to tell middle class people to blame poor people.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Aaron Thomas on Saturday, May 18, 2024 07:30:00
    Aaron Thomas wrote to All <=-

    The media is making a huge deal out of an image of an upside-down
    American flag being flown outside the home of USSC Justice Samuel Alito (Republican.)

    It should blow over quickly, but what's their point? A Republican-nominated USSC justice is flying the flag improperly, on his own property?

    In support of the January 6th sightseers.

    Is that gonna get patriotic people to change parties? In their dreams
    it will!

    It will get us to realize how quickly Alito's willing to throw his wife
    under the bus and how willing he is to stick to a narrative that makes
    no sense - unless his wife is too dense to know what direction an
    American flag is hung.

    ... Imagine the music as a set of disconnected events
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Aaron Thomas on Sunday, May 19, 2024 11:31:55
    On 18 May 2024, Aaron Thomas said the following...

    The media is making a huge deal out of an image of an upside-down
    American flag being flown outside the home of USSC Justice Samuel Alito (Republican.)
    Yeah that is tiny, compared to this.
    There is a "beyond obvious" sentiment in the USA within the current political power structure - propitiated by the news-media - to do the bidding of the Democratic Party. It is a arrangement that suits both parties very well.

    The current plan is to maintain -and to- grow ever larger this fatcat mentality that has existed under Biden.
    The result and origin of these do nothing programs made by do nothing politicians. It currently contains a means to keep the cashflow not only flowing.
    To fund the next spectacle that the truth reveals about them. "damage control" The people involved are members and supporters of the Democratic party it
    also includes their bed partners - The Media.

    They MUST demonize Trump - because if he wins This gravy train will come to a screeching halt.
    They are fond of pointing to any idea (including rumors) which aren't factual. The mindset is: If it damages Trump then it is green lighted.

    The upcoming debate on June 10 between Trump and Biden on CNN.
    Is just another part of the plan to undermine Trump as he will outnumbered
    3 to 1. Again their efforts will be a epic failure for CNN.
    (much like the 1st CNN townhall) Biden will jacked up on Drugs that will supercharge his mind.
    He better be on something if he wants to keep up with Trump.

    The American people will once again see through this attempt as if it were a glass window.
    They will see the true intention of what the left is attempting to do.
    Clear as day without a cloud in the sky, it will be.

    Within the Democratic play-book there is a chapter called Fear.
    Followed by a chapter called Doubt. Along with a chapter entitled Race-Card. All these chapters and topics are paramount to their cause.
    If it helps them to damage Trump then they will use it - to their benefit.

    This is what this court case (circus) in New York City is really all about. Damage Trump enough to where his supporters and followers have doubt.
    This is a huge miscalculation on their part, and worse than that, this plan will designate into a fireball of destruction. It can already be-seen in plain sight as the case is unraveling at a rapid rate.
    Day by day the case against Trump is showing weakness.
    The prosecutions case is dwindling and with it their glorious efforts.

    _[]_³³Äij³ ³TROY³ ³HUB³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ºT R U M Pº ³Another Message³
    { NET 267 ³ ³ NY ³ ³800³ ³1:267/150³ ³21:1/127³ º 2 0 2 4 º ³ by Gregory ³ / 00ÄÄÄÄ00'Ù¨À0ÄÄ0Ù¨À0Ä0Ù¨ÀÄ00ÄÄÄ00ÄÙ¨ÀÄ00ÄÄ00ÄÙ¨ÈÍ00ÍÍÍ00ͼ¨ÀÄÄÄ00ÄÄÄÄÄÄ00ÄÄÙ

    ... Still waitng for that Coffee :)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * Telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Lee Lofaso on Sunday, May 19, 2024 08:59:16
    The media is making a huge deal out of an image of an upside-down Ame flag being flown outside the home of USSC Justice Samuel Alito (Republican.)

    As well it should, as Justice Alito chose to fly the US Flag
    upside down outside his own home on Insurrection Day (January 6)
    showing everybody how much he hates this country and what it
    stands for.

    What people do on their own property is their own business though. And if it happened in January, then why are the news media getting boners for it now?

    Lastly, the real insurrection day is January 20, 2021. That's the day that our government was replaced with insurrectionists determined to destroy our country. The January 6 incident was just "Some people did something."

    Samuel Alito (who calls himself a justice on the USSC) is not and honorable man, and should crawl into a hole never to be seen or heard
    from again. What he did was despicable, and it is not just his next
    door meighbors who know it.

    He said he didn't do it. Why don't you believe him? Has he been dishonest with you in the past?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Kurt Weiske on Sunday, May 19, 2024 09:03:52
    Is that gonna get patriotic people to change parties? In their dreams it will!

    It will get us to realize how quickly Alito's willing to throw his wife
    under the bus and how willing he is to stick to a narrative that makes
    no sense - unless his wife is too dense to know what direction an
    American flag is hung.

    There's no proof that he did it, he said his wife did it, and we both know that it happened on private property. Even if he had swastikas painted on his front door, who's business would that be? Not yours nor mine.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Gregory Deyss on Sunday, May 19, 2024 15:04:50
    American flag being flown outside the home of USSC Justice Samuel Ali (Republican.)
    Yeah that is tiny, compared to this.
    There is a "beyond obvious" sentiment in the USA within the current political power structure - propitiated by the news-media - to do the bidding of the Democratic Party. It is a arrangement that suits both parties very well.

    I doubt that most people know which political party Alito was nominated from. It's even less likely that they know what the significance of an upside-down flag is.

    They MUST demonize Trump - because if he wins This gravy train will come to a screeching halt.
    They are fond of pointing to any idea (including rumors) which aren't factual. The mindset is: If it damages Trump then it is green lighted.

    Doesn't it seem like they were trying harder in 2016? It seems like they're slacking this time around.

    The upcoming debate on June 10 between Trump and Biden on CNN.
    Is just another part of the plan to undermine Trump as he will
    outnumbered 3 to 1. Again their efforts will be a epic failure for CNN.

    The debates sound like a good idea at first, but they are useless. Trump destroyed Biden in the 2020 and it didn't do any good.

    We need people to use their brains instead of the Television this time. Debates are just a television byproduct.

    This is what this court case (circus) in New York City is really all about. Damage Trump enough to where his supporters and followers have doubt. This is a huge miscalculation on their part, and worse than
    that, this plan will designate into a fireball of destruction. It can already be-seen in plain sight as the case is unraveling at a rapid
    rate. Day by day the case against Trump is showing weakness.
    The prosecutions case is dwindling and with it their glorious efforts.

    People need to think about all the people who Trump has "hurt" with all this "illegal stuff" that he did, and compare that number to the # of bodies that have been pulled from the Rio Grande to help Democrats reshape voting districts.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Monday, May 20, 2024 12:39:31
    Hello Aaron,

    The media is making a huge deal out of an image of an
    upside-down Ame
    flag being flown outside the home of USSC Justice Samuel Alito

    As well it should, as Justice Alito chose to fly the US Flag
    upside down outside his own home on Insurrection Day (January 6)
    showing everybody how much he hates this country and what it
    stands for.

    What people do on their own property is their own business though.

    Yes. You do have the legal right to set fire to the US flag on
    your own property. What others do to you as a result is up to them.
    And most folks would jump on the opportunity to do their own form
    of justice on you.

    So please. Set fire to your US flag on your own lawn. It will make
    you feel good. And it will also be amusing to watch the evening news
    to find out what your neighbors do to you as a result.

    And if it happened in January, then why are the news media getting boners for it now?

    Your orange turd was POTUS at the time, and egged on a crowd to
    storm the US Capitol. We all know what happened next.

    Lastly, the real insurrection day is January 20, 2021.

    If you do not like our elected leaders, leave our country.
    Nobody is stopping you. So please. Do us all a favor. Leave.
    We do not care where you go. Just leave.

    That's the day that our government was replaced with insurrectionists determined to destroy our country.

    I watched Joe Biden take the oath of office as POTUS.
    I watched Kamala Harris take the oath office as VPOTUS.
    As did we all. And everybody accepted the results of
    our freely-elected officials who took office.

    But I do understand you are upset, as your candidate lost.
    I also understand how much more you are upset, as your second
    banana candidate failed to deliver the banana to your orange
    turd who called himself a president.

    After all, elections have consequences.
    So please. Grab a hanky. Or several boxes of tissue.
    Whatever works to make you happy.

    The January 6 incident was just "Some people did something."

    That "something" led to serious jail time for many.
    Escept fot the one who made them do it.
    Claims he has immunity, the ability to do whatever
    he wants, whenever he wants.

    Samuel Alito (who calls himself a justice on the USSC) is not and
    honorable man, and should crawl into a hole never to be seen or heard
    from again. What he did was despicable, and it is not just his next
    door meighbors who know it.

    He said he didn't do it.

    The Alito household did it. Whether it was himself or his wife
    does not matter. He lied by claiming his wife did it, but we all
    know he is responsible for what happened. He knows what he did,
    and so does the news media.

    Why don't you believe him?

    The date was 6 January 2021. Your orange turd was speaking to a
    large crowd, outside the US Capitol, egging them to go on the ramage
    and do their thing. He did nothing to stop them. Until hours later,
    when aides convinced him to ask them to stand down.

    However, VP Mike Pence chose to be an honorable man by refusing to
    take part in the orange turd's scheme to decertify the election.

    Has he been dishonest with you in the past?

    By his own actions, Samuel Alito has been dishonest with us all.

    For Life,

    You can tell Monopoly is an old game because there's a luxury tax and rich people can go to jail.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Monday, May 20, 2024 12:39:38
    Hello Aaron,

    Is that gonna get patriotic people to change parties? In their
    it will!

    It will get us to realize how quickly Alito's willing to throw his
    under the bus and how willing he is to stick to a narrative that
    no sense - unless his wife is too dense to know what direction an
    American flag is hung.

    There's no proof that he did it, he said his wife did it, and we both know that it happened on private property.

    Samuel Alito publicly admitted the US flag was improperly displayed
    outside his home on 6 January 2021. He tried to lie his way out of it
    when questioned by the news media, claiming it was all his wife's
    fault. But he never condemned her action, or took any steps to change
    the way the US flag was displayed.

    The Alito household did it. As admitted by Samuel Alito himself.

    So please. Do not give me that cock and bull story claiming that
    Alito was innocent, or had made some sort of innocent mistake.

    This was done on 6 January 2021. That makes him (as well as his
    wife) both an insurrectionist and a coward. Both knew what date it
    was, and both knew the character speaking on their TV set was the
    Orange Turd you love so much.

    Even if he had swastikas painted on his front door, who's business would that be?

    It is my business, and the business of all patriotic Americans.

    I would say it is also your business. But since you are not a
    patriotic American, that puts you in the same category as Samuel
    Alito and his dinky wife.

    Nazis are not welcome in my house, and should never be welcome
    anywhere in this country. We display the US flag with honor and
    respect, in due accordance with the US flag code. Alito and his
    wife did not, and should be treated by all as persona non grata.

    Not yours nor mine.

    Bull fucking shit.

    When a US Supreme Court justice displays the US flag outside his
    own home in a disrespectful manner it is the concern of all those
    Americans who hold this country dear to them.

    Of course, that didn't matter to the Alito household, who could
    care less about this country or what happens to it.

    Adolf Hitler was never my friend. But like all good Nazis, Samuel
    Alito, Donald Trump, and Aaron Thomas all seem to love him.

    Why is that? Please tell us why you love Adolf Hitler. Tell us
    why you love the Nazi Party. Tell us why you love the Orange Turd
    who tells you what to do, and how to act. Tell us why you hate
    the US flag, and what it stands for. Tell us why you hate truth,
    freedom, and justice for all.

    For Life,

    Fox News Slogan - Rich people paying rich people
    to tell middle class people to blame poor people.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Lee Lofaso on Monday, May 20, 2024 07:03:26
    So please. Set fire to your US flag on your own lawn. It will make
    you feel good. And it will also be amusing to watch the evening news
    to find out what your neighbors do to you as a result.

    I don't know how stuff works in alligator country, but in NY we have a strict mind-your-own-business policy. That's in effect on every street throughout NY state.

    We also have another unofficial policy of "Don't f with your neighbors." When you violate that rule, it makes life hell. And I'm pretty sure that this policy is in effect in other states as well.

    And if it happened in January, then why are the news media getting bo for it now?

    Your orange turd was POTUS at the time, and egged on a crowd to
    storm the US Capitol. We all know what happened next.

    No, I mean why did they wait until now to report it, since it's such fascinating news and since it happened in January?

    Nobody is stopping you. So please. Do us all a favor. Leave.
    We do not care where you go. Just leave.

    It's the January 20th insurrectionists who should leave. They don't like American-born voters? Then they should do all of us citizens a favor and GTFO.

    I watched Joe Biden take the oath of office as POTUS.
    I watched Kamala Harris take the oath office as VPOTUS.
    As did we all. And everybody accepted the results of
    our freely-elected officials who took office.

    Whether the 2020 election was legit or not, replacing American-born voters with 10 million undocumented migrants is a REAL insurrection.

    storm the US Capitol. We all know what happened next.

    The La Quinta Inn in my town has a Ukrainian flag flying on their front lawn and I despise Ukraine. Should I call CNN or should I mind my own business? Hmmmm...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Lee Lofaso on Monday, May 20, 2024 07:14:39
    There's no proof that he did it, he said his wife did it, and we both that it happened on private property.

    Samuel Alito publicly admitted the US flag was improperly displayed outside his home on 6 January 2021. He tried to lie his way out of it
    when questioned by the news media, claiming it was all his wife's
    fault. But he never condemned her action, or took any steps to change
    the way the US flag was displayed.

    Where's the proof that his wife isn't the perpetrator of this heinous crime?

    How do you know that he lied about it?

    When a US Supreme Court justice displays the US flag outside his
    own home in a disrespectful manner it is the concern of all those Americans who hold this country dear to them.

    "The American flag is not supposed to be flown upside down except as a signal of dire distress or extreme danger, according to the U.S. Flag Code."

    We are in a state of dire distress and extreme danger. There are more than 10 million undocumented migrants wandering around in our country. That's extremely dangerous.

    Adolf Hitler was never my friend. But like all good Nazis, Samuel
    Alito, Donald Trump, and Aaron Thomas all seem to love him.

    Yea just look at all those messages I wrote about my love for Hitler. There's so many of them.

    Why is that? Please tell us why you love Adolf Hitler. Tell us
    why you love the Nazi Party. Tell us why you love the Orange Turd
    who tells you what to do, and how to act. Tell us why you hate
    the US flag, and what it stands for. Tell us why you hate truth,
    freedom, and justice for all.

    Are you calling the Republican Party the "Nazi Party?" The Republican Party sucks, and I don't love it, but I wouldn't call them Nazis though, unless they
    try to exterminate people of a certain religion like Biden is doing in Rafah.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Aaron Thomas on Monday, May 20, 2024 06:48:00
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

    There's no proof that he did it, he said his wife did it, and we both
    know that it happened on private property. Even if he had swastikas painted on his front door, who's business would that be? Not yours nor mine.


    ... Be less critical more often
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Kurt Weiske on Monday, May 20, 2024 17:57:55
    There's no proof that he did it, he said his wife did it, and we both know that it happened on private property. Even if he had swastikas painted on his front door, who's business would that be? Not yours no mine.


    I understand that there are policies, but it still doesn't prove who raised the upside-down flag.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Ron L.@1:120/616 to Aaron Thomas on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 07:17:10
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-

    I don't know how stuff works in alligator country, but in NY we have a strict mind-your-own-business policy. That's in effect on every street throughout NY state.

    In Wokie-fantasy-land, they need to tell the plebes how to live. Because the Wokies are just soooo smart and stuff.

    We also have another unofficial policy of "Don't f with your
    neighbors." When you violate that rule, it makes life hell. And I'm
    pretty sure that this policy is in effect in other states as well.

    It's in effect in every state that I've been in.

    It's the January 20th insurrectionists who should leave. They don't
    like American-born voters? Then they should do all of us citizens a
    favor and GTFO.

    Ya, I really wish these people who just hate the U.S. would just leave. I mean, we aren't like China and not allow people to leave the country.

    Could it be because, deep inside, they know if they pulled any of this crap in any other country that they'd been jailed or worse?

    ... A wife lasts as long as a marriage, an ex-wife for ever.
    ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 13:21:33
    Hello Aaron,

    So please. Set fire to your US flag on your own lawn. It will make
    you feel good. And it will also be amusing to watch the evening news
    to find out what your neighbors do to you as a result.

    I don't know how stuff works in alligator country, but in NY we have a strict mind-your-own-business policy. That's in effect on every street throughout NY state.

    In alligator country, one has to know how to run. Those who run
    in a straight line get ate. And those who try to swim get ate. So
    the trick is to do it right. The first time. Unless one is lucky
    and just lose an arm. Or a leg. And losing both would make for a
    bloody mess.

    We also have another unofficial policy of "Don't f with your neighbors." When you violate that rule, it makes life hell. And I'm pretty sure that this policy is in effect in other states as well.

    Come to Louisiana. Leave different. That is our official state
    tourist motto. We even had it printed up on a bunch of brochures
    and got folks from all over the world to come here to see for
    themselves. And trust me when I tell you, every single tourist
    who came to Louisiana left different.

    If you think New York is cracked, what we have here is bonkers.

    A same-sex couple (two guys) got married. And then they decided
    to have a baby. But since neither of them could conceive, tney had
    to find a donor egg, and then to the in vitro route. A few months
    later a baby was born, and the two of them were parents of a boy.

    Seven months later the couple got divorced. But one guy did not
    like the other guy, and denied him visiting rights. So the matter
    went to court. The judge ruled that the guy who was the biological
    father had sole rights of custody, his partner having no rights at

    Louisiana is the only state that has this arcane law. The dogcatcher
    had given up his job in order to get married and be a full-time dad,
    and was left out with no job, no partner, and no kid.

    Another case is pending, between two same-sex ladies in custody
    battle, exactly the same situation as the two guys.

    Not sure how the trans are making out. As they can go both ways.

    And if it happened in January, then why are the news media
    getting bo
    for it now?

    Your orange turd was POTUS at the time, and egged on a crowd to
    storm the US Capitol. We all know what happened next.

    No, I mean why did they wait until now to report it, since it's such fascinating news and since it happened in January?

    Memorial Day Weekend is coming up. Indy 500 time of year.
    And since there will be no Triple Crown winner this year ...

    Nobody is stopping you. So please. Do us all a favor. Leave.
    We do not care where you go. Just leave.

    It's the January 20th insurrectionists who should leave.

    To the costernation of Donald Trump and his ilk, it was the will
    of the people to elect Biden and Harris.

    They don't like American-born voters?

    Not all US citizens were born in the USA. And why should those
    who were born elsewhere be barred from coming, or becoming citizens?

    Then they should do all of us citizens a favor and GTFO.

    Why do you hate Arnold Schwartzenegger? Is it because he married
    a Kennedy in order to get US citizenship? Is it because he boffed
    the nanny whe he was governor of California? Please tell ...

    I watched Joe Biden take the oath of office as POTUS.
    I watched Kamala Harris take the oath office as VPOTUS.
    As did we all. And everybody accepted the results of
    our freely-elected officials who took office.

    Whether the 2020 election was legit or not,

    Donald Trump went 0 for 60 in the courts trying to convince
    others his big lie was the truth. And you are continuing with
    the same pile of doggy poo as your orange turd? Get a life.

    replacing American-born voters with 10 million undocumented migrants is a REAL insurrection.

    None of them can sign up at the register of voters office.
    That is how much their "vote" counts.

    storm the US Capitol. We all know what happened next.

    The La Quinta Inn in my town has a Ukrainian flag flying on their front lawn
    and I despise Ukraine.

    Why do you despise Ukraine? Is it because Ukrainians are not
    douche bags who do the biiding of their "master" from Russia?

    Tyson Fury got his ass whipped by a fighter from Ukraine.
    First fight he ever lost. Now 36-1, Fury is not mad. Not at
    all. He credited his opponent for having won, and said they
    would meet again in a rematch. Fury is a heavyweight, not
    a lightweight, and when he throws a punch it hurts.

    Fury is now 36-1. I am sure he plans to get even with his
    opponent, as he has a rematch clause in his contract.

    But only the late great Muhammad Ali was able to pull that
    stunt off. Leon Spinks had done him in, and got Ali mad.

    The next time they met was in the Superdome, in New Orleans.
    It was not a pretty sight what Ali did to Spinks.

    Sugar Ray Leonard also did it, after losing his shirt to
    Roberto Duran in Montreal. Just like Ali, Leanord knew what
    to do. Fight a rematch in the Superdome, in New Orleans.

    After tiring himself out trying to catch Sugar Ray as he
    danced around the ring, Hands of Stone finally gave up,
    telling the referee "No mas! No mas!" The referee then
    called the fight, as Duran protested trying to explain
    (in Spanish) how unfair it was for Leonard not to throw
    any punches.

    Oh, well, The two of them are best friends nowadays.
    Even after knocking out most of each others natural teeth.
    The stories they can tell their grandkids ...

    Should I call CNN or should I mind my own business? Hmmmm...

    We need a new US flag. A new star for Puerto Rico. A new
    star for Guam. A new star for the US Virgin Islands. ...

    For Life,

    Fox News Slogan - Rich people paying rich people
    to tell middle class people to blame poor people.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 13:21:42
    Hello Aaron,

    There's no proof that he did it, he said his wife did it, and we
    that it happened on private property.

    Samuel Alito publicly admitted the US flag was improperly displayed
    outside his home on 6 January 2021. He tried to lie his way out of it
    when questioned by the news media, claiming it was all his wife's
    fault. But he never condemned her action, or took any steps to change
    the way the US flag was displayed.

    Where's the proof that his wife isn't the perpetrator of this heinous crime?

    The proof is in the pudding.

    How do you know that he lied about it?

    The Alito household consists of two people - him and her.
    Both are guilty, as they are from the same household.

    When a US Supreme Court justice displays the US flag outside his
    own home in a disrespectful manner it is the concern of all those
    Americans who hold this country dear to them.

    "The American flag is not supposed to be flown upside down except as a signal of dire distress or extreme danger, according to the U.S.
    Flag Code."

    The Alito household displayed the US flag in a disrespectul manner
    in order to show support for insurrectionists who acted on 1/6/2021.

    We are in a state of dire distress and extreme danger.

    All the more reason to unite in support of our flag, rather than
    to trash it as the Alito household did.

    There are more than 10 million undocumented migrants wandering around in our

    And none of them can vote. Isn't that amazing?

    That's extremely dangerous.

    That is why we should feed them. And clothe them. And provide them
    with the best health care they can get. After all, they are already
    here, ready and willing to participate in this great democracy.

    Adolf Hitler was never my friend. But like all good Nazis, Samuel
    Alito, Donald Trump, and Aaron Thomas all seem to love him.

    Yea just look at all those messages I wrote about my love for Hitler. There's so many of them.

    You can keep him. Frauleins are more my type. And lots more fun.

    Why is that? Please tell us why you love Adolf Hitler. Tell us
    why you love the Nazi Party. Tell us why you love the Orange Turd
    who tells you what to do, and how to act. Tell us why you hate
    the US flag, and what it stands for. Tell us why you hate truth,
    freedom, and justice for all.

    Are you calling the Republican Party the "Nazi Party?"

    Liz Cheney is not a Nazi or a member of the Nazi Party.

    The Republican Party sucks, and I don't love it, but I wouldn't call them Nazis though, unless they try to exterminate people of a certain religion like Biden is doing in Rafah.

    The Putin wing of the Republican Party is not anything that any
    American should want to be a part of. And yet, some fools remain,
    and follow the same orange turd, as if that orange turd was the
    pied piper himself.

    For Life,

    You can tell Monopoly is an old game because there's a luxury tax and rich people can go to jail.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Ron L. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 06:43:29
    I don't know how stuff works in alligator country, but in NY we have strict mind-your-own-business policy. That's in effect on every stree throughout NY state.

    In Wokie-fantasy-land, they need to tell the plebes how to live.
    Because the Wokies are just soooo smart and stuff.

    You don't suppose that a leftist would be opposed to being surveilled on their own property, do you? That way we can catch them red-handed when they express their own opinion on their own land, and then we can call them out for it publicly if their opinion is against our preferred narrative.

    It's the January 20th insurrectionists who should leave. They don't like American-born voters? Then they should do all of us citizens a favor and GTFO.

    Ya, I really wish these people who just hate the U.S. would just leave.
    I mean, we aren't like China and not allow people to leave the country.

    But if they do that then they won't get to enjoy the power, the money, and the bribes that come along with being a member of government. They're playing God, they think non-white voters are the answer to all their problems, and they're having lots of fun.

    Could it be because, deep inside, they know if they pulled any of this crap in any other country that they'd been jailed or worse?

    America is the land of opportunities for people with law degrees and for other criminals also.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Lee Lofaso on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 07:15:08
    When you violate that rule, it makes life hell. And I'm pretty sure t this policy is in effect in other states as well.

    Come to Louisiana. Leave different. That is our official state

    What's the unofficial state motto? In NY it's "I hate NY" and in NM it's "Land of entrapment."

    Seven months later the couple got divorced. But one guy did not
    like the other guy, and denied him visiting rights. So the matter
    went to court. The judge ruled that the guy who was the biological
    father had sole rights of custody, his partner having no rights at

    This happens in Pennsylvania with heterosexual parents. They don't let biological fathers see their children. That way they end up with 3 impoverished Democrat voters in the long run.

    They don't like American-born voters?

    Not all US citizens were born in the USA. And why should those
    who were born elsewhere be barred from coming, or becoming citizens?

    It's not immediate voting rights that your oatmeal god has in store; it's the voting districts that will be created.

    Why do you hate Arnold Schwartzenegger? Is it because he married
    a Kennedy in order to get US citizenship? Is it because he boffed
    the nanny whe he was governor of California? Please tell ...

    It's not because of any of that, it's because he's some sort of leftist Republican (the worst kind.) The difference between you and me is that you get too deep into peoples' personal lives. Was he a good governor? That's all that should matter, but not to us because we're not Californians.

    Discriminating against people who cheat on their spouses is the same thing as discriminating against people who are gay. Their sex life is their own business.

    Donald Trump went 0 for 60 in the courts trying to convince
    others his big lie was the truth. And you are continuing with
    the same pile of doggy poo as your orange turd? Get a life.

    It wasn't legit to unleash a mutated SARS virus on the world just to make idiot voters unhappy with President Trump, and it wasn't legit for Democrats to make new election rules based around the virus that they created and unleashed.

    replacing American-born voters with 10 million undocumented migrants REAL insurrection.

    None of them can sign up at the register of voters office.
    That is how much their "vote" counts.

    It's not the votes that count, it's the census that counts.

    Why do you despise Ukraine? Is it because Ukrainians are not
    douche bags who do the biiding of their "master" from Russia?

    Their government colludes with Democrats, they take unprecedented amounts of our money, and they interfere with our elections to keep the money flowing.

    We need a new US flag. A new star for Puerto Rico. A new
    star for Guam. A new star for the US Virgin Islands. ...

    Yes, we're going to need more senators to help balance the influx of new house members.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Aaron Thomas on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 06:55:00
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

    I understand that there are policies, but it still doesn't prove who raised the upside-down flag.

    Did you read the PDF I referenced? This isn't law, this is a code of
    conduct. "Appearance of impropriety" is mentioned in the second canon.

    An upside-down flag flying at Alito's house during the failed attempt
    to disrupt the 2020 election incident would certainly create an
    appearance of impropriety, regardless of whether or not there is
    evidence that it was Alito himself who raised it.

    ... Allow an easement
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Kurt Weiske on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 01:30:58
    I understand that there are policies, but it still doesn't prove who raised the upside-down flag.

    Did you read the PDF I referenced? This isn't law, this is a code of
    conduct. "Appearance of impropriety" is mentioned in the second canon.

    An upside-down flag flying at Alito's house during the failed attempt
    to disrupt the 2020 election incident would certainly create an
    appearance of impropriety, regardless of whether or not there is
    evidence that it was Alito himself who raised it.

    You care too much about what's happened on someone else's private property. USSC justices are humans, and humans do stuff on their day off that reptilians don't like. I don't like it that snakes eat mice, but I'm not going to visit a snake's nest to watch them eat mice, and then complain about it being gross.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Ron L.@1:120/616 to Aaron Thomas on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 07:16:06
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-

    You don't suppose that a leftist would be opposed to being surveilled
    on their own property, do you?

    Of course they would be. But with them it's always "rules for thee, but not for me."

    That way we can catch them red-handed
    when they express their own opinion on their own land, and then we can call them out for it publicly if their opinion is against our preferred narrative.

    They have no self-awareness. So they will just perform some mental gymnastics to explain why what they do is completely different.

    But if they do that then they won't get to enjoy the power, the money,
    and the bribes that come along with being a member of government.

    I'm reminded of Bloom County where Opus had to say the following without laughing in order to be approved:
    1. Gol darn gov't needs to keep their hands out of my business.
    2. Where's my subsidity check?

    They're playing God, they think non-white voters are the answer to all their problems, and they're having lots of fun.

    They tend to treat people like cattle with the herd mentality and everything. And they want to believe that they are the ranchers.

    ... Both of his feet are firmly planted in the air.
    ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Aaron Thomas on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 06:31:00
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

    You care too much about what's happened on someone else's private property. USSC justices are humans, and humans do stuff on their day
    off that reptilians don't like. I don't like it that snakes eat mice,
    but I'm not going to visit a snake's nest to watch them eat mice, and
    then complain about it being gross.

    It's their policy, not mine. As a judicial body responsible for setting
    precedents that affect every individual in the US, it's incumbent upon
    them to appear unbiased.

    Who am I kidding? The majority have become shills for conservative
    billionaires with personal agendas out of touch with America.

    ... Change specifics to ambiguities
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Ron L. on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 11:08:02
    They have no self-awareness. So they will just perform some mental gymnastics to explain why what they do is completely different.

    That's what's happening now. Kurt's telling me about the code of conduct for ussc justices instead of telling me if it's good to surveil people on their own property.

    They tend to treat people like cattle with the herd mentality and everything. And they want to believe that they are the ranchers.

    That's what going on too. It appears to be very easy to herd the ultra-ignorant. I bet that it's fun.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Kurt Weiske on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 11:11:32
    You care too much about what's happened on someone else's private property. USSC justices are humans, and humans do stuff on their day off that reptilians don't like. I don't like it that snakes eat mice, but I'm not going to visit a snake's nest to watch them eat mice, and then complain about it being gross.

    It's their policy, not mine. As a judicial body responsible for setting
    precedents that affect every individual in the US, it's incumbent upon
    them to appear unbiased.

    Alito had better not wear an upside down flag to work, at least not on the outside of his robe. But what's inside the robe is his business.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 20:35:18
    Hello Aaron,

    When you violate that rule, it makes life hell. And I'm pretty
    sure t
    this policy is in effect in other states as well.

    Come to Louisiana. Leave different. That is our official state

    What's the unofficial state motto?

    Who Dat Nation.

    In NY it's "I hate NY" and in NM it's "Land of entrapment."

    In New Orleans it's "I love NO" and in Louisiana it's "I love LA".

    Seven months later the couple got divorced. But one guy did not
    like the other guy, and denied him visiting rights. So the matter
    went to court. The judge ruled that the guy who was the biological
    father had sole rights of custody, his partner having no rights at

    This happens in Pennsylvania with heterosexual parents. They don't let biological fathers see their children. That way they end up with 3 impoverished Democrat voters in the long run.

    In Louisiana (not anywhere else in the USA) the biological father
    can deny his divorced same sex partner visitation rights. In the case
    cited, the dogcatcher who gave up his job to be a parent was left out
    of both a mate and a kid, becoming an unemployed nobody.

    They don't like American-born voters?

    Not all US citizens were born in the USA. And why should those
    who were born elsewhere be barred from coming, or becoming citizens?

    It's not immediate voting rights that your oatmeal god has in store; it's the voting districts that will be created.

    Is it who votes that counts? What about those who count the votes?
    And those who watch those who count the votes? When does it all stop?
    Your orange turd would declare "I win! I win!" the instant he was
    ahead at any point in the race, as he tried to do in 2020. But the
    courts (and the American people) would not let him get away with it.

    Why do you hate Arnold Schwartzenegger? Is it because he married
    a Kennedy in order to get US citizenship? Is it because he boffed
    the nanny whe he was governor of California? Please tell ...

    It's not because of any of that, it's because he's some sort of leftist Republican (the worst kind.)

    The Terminator got into office as governor because Californians
    held a recall election to get the incumbent "leftist" (Grey) out.
    And then after The Terminator got terminated Californians put a
    real "leftist" (Newsom) in as governor.

    The difference between you and me is that you get too deep into peoples' personal lives.

    I always allow folks to make their own choices - especially when
    it comes to swimming with alligators.

    Was he a good governor?

    Californians thought he did. Until he boffed the nanny, with Maria
    and everybody else finding out about it.

    That's all that should matter, but not to us because we're not Californians.

    But it mattered so much to you and your pals when Bill Clinton
    got a blow job from a White House intern. Why was it important then
    when it was not important when your favorite movie star was governor
    of California? Why should any governor have a higher standard than
    a POTUS? You don't seem to mind Donald Trump cheating on his wife,
    and previous wives. So why the double standard?

    Discriminating against people who cheat on their spouses is the same thing as
    discriminating against people who are gay. Their sex life is their own business.

    Joe Biden is faithful to his wife. And Jill Biden is faithful to him.
    Bill Clinton is faithful to his wife, at least in his own mind. And
    Hillary is faithful to him. Jimmy Carter was faithful to his wife for
    as long as she lived. And she was always faithful to him.

    So if you want to talk about THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY
    then let's roll!

    Donald Trump went 0 for 60 in the courts trying to convince
    others his big lie was the truth. And you are continuing with
    the same pile of doggy poo as your orange turd? Get a life.

    It wasn't legit to unleash a mutated SARS virus on the world just to make idiot voters unhappy with President Trump, and it wasn't legit for Democrats to make new election rules based around the virus that they created and unleashed.

    States are always creating new election rules. And always will.
    It is a part of what we call democracy. "We the people" decide,
    not some madcap dictator having a woodie.

    replacing American-born voters with 10 million undocumented
    REAL insurrection.

    None of them can sign up at the register of voters office.
    That is how much their "vote" counts.

    It's not the votes that count, it's the census that counts.

    The census? And who decides what rules those census takers must
    abide by? And the courts, having their own say in order to keep
    things fair.

    And yet, despite all his protestations, your orange turd was not
    able to convince the courts of any voter fraud at all. 0 for 60.

    Why do you despise Ukraine? Is it because Ukrainians are not
    douche bags who do the biiding of their "master" from Russia?

    Their government colludes with Democrats, they take unprecedented amounts of
    our money, and they interfere with our elections to keep the money flowing.

    Ukraine is a sovereign state. Its government is freely elected.
    And recognized by the USA and countries throughout the world.
    Not like Russia, which has a self-declared head of state who is
    not recognized by most other governments as legitimate.

    As such, you have nothing but empty claims. And empty claims
    are just that. Claims that are unsupported and unsubstantiated
    have no more weight than those who make them.

    We need a new US flag. A new star for Puerto Rico. A new
    star for Guam. A new star for the US Virgin Islands. ...

    Yes, we're going to need more senators to help balance the influx of new house members.

    Break up states (such as Texas and California) into smaller states.
    Make each new state the same population as Wyoming. That would make
    for a much larger Senate. And then we can deal with Alaska ...

    For Life,

    Biden 2024 - Finisth The Job

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Kurt Weiske on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 20:35:31
    Hello Kurt,

    I understand that there are policies, but it still doesn't prove who
    raised the upside-down flag.

    Did you read the PDF I referenced? This isn't law, this is a code of conduct. "Appearance of impropriety" is mentioned in the second canon.

    Samuel Alito is an honorable man. And as you know, an honorable
    man never lies. Now think about what you just wrote.

    An upside-down flag flying at Alito's house during the failed attempt
    to disrupt the 2020 election incident would certainly create an
    appearance of impropriety, regardless of whether or not there is
    evidence that it was Alito himself who raised it.

    Samuel Alito has publicly stated that he had nothing to with it,
    blaming his wife for upsetting the neighbors with her act. This only
    lasted a short time, as Samuel had to take off his robes to make his
    wife happy. And then everything was fine, and all the neighbors went
    back to sleep.

    His wife was in distress. So she raised the US flag so he would
    come to her rescue. And he came through, in flying colors. See how
    that works?

    For Life,

    Biden 2024 - Finisth The Job

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Lee Lofaso on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 19:36:49
    In Louisiana (not anywhere else in the USA) the biological father
    can deny his divorced same sex partner visitation rights. In the case cited, the dogcatcher who gave up his job to be a parent was left out
    of both a mate and a kid, becoming an unemployed nobody.

    Gay people are not a nobody to Democrats; they are opportunities for exploitation.

    It's not immediate voting rights that your oatmeal god has in store; the voting districts that will be created.

    Is it who votes that counts? What about those who count the votes?
    And those who watch those who count the votes? When does it all stop?
    Your orange turd would declare "I win! I win!" the instant he was

    So we fix that Orange Turd problem by importing 10 million undocumented migrants without background checks?

    Was he a good governor?

    Californians thought he did. Until he boffed the nanny, with Maria
    and everybody else finding out about it.

    There's a guy with proof that he cheated on his wife, unlike my Orange God.

    That's all that should matter, but not to us because we're not Californians.

    But it mattered so much to you and your pals when Bill Clinton
    got a blow job from a White House intern. Why was it important then

    I was a liberal back in the Clinton days. I thought he had good taste in women (to cheat with.) I just wanted weed legalized back then. Now days, nobody is cool unless they legalize Xanax.

    a POTUS? You don't seem to mind Donald Trump cheating on his wife,
    and previous wives. So why the double standard?

    I don't have proof that Trump cheated on his wife. All I have is a bunch of insane leftists who insist on it as if they were there (closet cucks.)

    Joe Biden is faithful to his wife. And Jill Biden is faithful to him.
    Bill Clinton is faithful to his wife, at least in his own mind. And

    You don't know because you're not in D.C. watching his every move. Biden's the most dishonest man in the world. If that POS isn't cheating on his wife then nobody is.

    Democrats to make new election rules based around the virus that they created and unleashed.

    States are always creating new election rules. And always will.

    Not to this extent. Not turning election day into election ten days. That's a new thing.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Ron L.@1:120/616 to Aaron Thomas on Thursday, May 23, 2024 07:13:10
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-

    That's what's happening now. Kurt's telling me about the code of
    conduct for ussc justices instead of telling me if it's good to surveil people on their own property.

    That's why I don't bother reading Kurt's messages anymore.

    That's what going on too. It appears to be very easy to herd the ultra-ignorant. I bet that it's fun.

    It reminds me of Pinky and The Brain.

    Pinky: But Brain, it would be easy to rule over a world of Pinkys.
    Brain: Yes, but who would want to?

    The Elitists have no concept of reality and do not understand that what they are creating is not what they think.

    ... My boss is tempermental. 50% temper and 50% mental.
    ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)
  • From Ron L.@1:120/616 to Aaron Thomas on Thursday, May 23, 2024 07:13:10
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-

    So we fix that Orange Turd problem by importing 10 million undocumented migrants without background checks?

    Check out the You Tube video on Malignant Narcissists.

    The Malignant Narcissist will do anything, including hurt himself and everyone around him, to be "right". They simply do not care about anything other than maintaining their facade.

    You don't know because you're not in D.C. watching his every move.
    Biden's the most dishonest man in the world. If that POS isn't cheating
    on his wife then nobody is.

    Biden **was** the most dishonest man in the world. Now he doesn't even know what day it is. So he doesn't even know if he's lying or not.

    But Biden is only a figurehead. Someone else is telling him what do to.

    ... Hire teenagers while they still know everything.
    ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Aaron Thomas on Thursday, May 23, 2024 07:29:00
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Ron L. <=-

    They have no self-awareness. So they will just perform some mental gymnastics to explain why what they do is completely different.

    That's what's happening now. Kurt's telling me about the code of
    conduct for ussc justices instead of telling me if it's good to surveil people on their own property.

    That's because surveilling people on their own property was a red
    herring. We were talking about a Supreme Court justice flying an upside
    down US flag IN PUBLIC VIEW coincidentally the same time an insurrection
    was occurring, the appearance of support for said insurrection that an upside-down flag could imply, and the violation of the self-imposed code
    of conduct the Supreme Court had agreed to abide by.

    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Kurt Weiske on Thursday, May 23, 2024 16:43:14
    That's what's happening now. Kurt's telling me about the code of conduct for ussc justices instead of telling me if it's good to surve people on their own property.

    That's because surveilling people on their own property was a red
    herring. We were talking about a Supreme Court justice flying an upside down US flag IN PUBLIC VIEW coincidentally the same time an insurrection was occurring, the appearance of support for said insurrection that an upside-down flag could imply, and the violation of the self-imposed code of conduct the Supreme Court had agreed to abide by.

    He said his wife did it. He can't be held accountable for what his wife does any more than Joe Biden can be held accountable for Hunter's crimes.

    If the system worked that way, then everybody would be out of job.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Saturday, May 25, 2024 01:48:51
    Hello Aaron,

    That's what's happening now. Kurt's telling me about the code of
    conduct for ussc justices instead of telling me if it's good to
    people on their own property.

    That's because surveilling people on their own property was a red
    herring. We were talking about a Supreme Court justice flying an
    down US flag IN PUBLIC VIEW coincidentally the same time an
    was occurring, the appearance of support for said insurrection that
    upside-down flag could imply, and the violation of the self-imposed
    of conduct the Supreme Court had agreed to abide by.

    He said his wife did it.

    The Alito household did it. That includes both him and her.
    And that is by his own public admission.

    He can't be held accountable for what his wife does any more than Joe Biden
    can be held accountable for Hunter's crimes.

    What part of the Alito household did you not understand?
    And let's not forget Samuel Alito's response when caught out
    that he also flew a second flag at his home at the time - An
    Appeal to Heaven - that is a symbol of Christian Nationalism.

    Face it, Aaron. Your guy on the USSC is a racist. A white
    racist. No more different than David Duke and his KKK.

    And what does that make you?

    If the system worked that way, then everybody would be out of job.

    All who participated in the inssurrection should be prosecuted
    for their crimes. Many already have, and are doing time. It's too
    bad Alito and his kind get a free pass.

    For Life,

    GOP thinks banning guns won't elminate guns.
    GOP thinks banning abortion will elininate abortions.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Lee Lofaso on Saturday, May 25, 2024 06:58:38
    What part of the Alito household did you not understand?

    A whole entire family can't be prosecuted for something that 1 member of the family did. It's against the law for truckers to be high on marijuana while driving, but what if a trucker lives in my house and I get caught driving high? Then the trucker should lose his job because he lives with me?

    And let's not forget Samuel Alito's response when caught out
    that he also flew a second flag at his home at the time - An
    Appeal to Heaven - that is a symbol of Christian Nationalism.

    If you're not a Christian nationalist, then you're a Satanic nationalist. I'd rather be a Christian one.

    Face it, Aaron. Your guy on the USSC is a racist. A white
    racist. No more different than David Duke and his KKK.

    I'd rather be an accused "racist" than be a "murderer" like all the Biden voters who have an erection for border deaths and child tax credits.

    All who participated in the inssurrection should be prosecuted
    for their crimes. Many already have, and are doing time. It's too
    bad Alito and his kind get a free pass.

    Somebody is scared of USSC action. It's not me. It's not you. It's somebody who is controlling you (and to some extent controlling me too.)

    Turn the TV off. Read books. Talk to people. Find out what the world has to offer without having it narrated to you by the world's elite.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Saturday, May 25, 2024 21:23:54
    Hello Aaron,

    What part of the Alito household did you not understand?

    A whole entire family can't be prosecuted for something that 1 member of the
    family did.

    Charles Manson did not murder Sharon Tate. And yet he and his
    entire family was prosecuted for something that only one member
    of the family did.

    It's against the law for truckers to be high on marijuana while driving, but
    what if a trucker lives in my house and I get caught driving high?

    John Denver was singing Rocky Mountain High while flying high.
    We all know what happened next.

    Then the trucker should lose his job because he lives with me?

    A car crashing into the house could cost him much more than his job.

    And let's not forget Samuel Alito's response when caught out
    that he also flew a second flag at his home at the time - An
    Appeal to Heaven - that is a symbol of Christian Nationalism.

    If you're not a Christian nationalist, then you're a Satanic nationalist. I'd rather be a Christian one.

    There is nothing Christian about Christian Nationalism.

    Face it, Aaron. Your guy on the USSC is a racist. A white
    racist. No more different than David Duke and his KKK.

    I'd rather be an accused "racist" than be a "murderer" like all the Biden voters who have an erection for border deaths and child tax credits.

    Charles Manson never murdered anyone. It took a jury almost a year
    to find him guilty of something. Whatever something they could think
    of. It was his family who did the stuff that dreams are made of. Not
    Charles. Remember that.

    We are all racists and bigots. What we do to overcome our own racism
    and bigotry is up to us (as individuals and as a society). So what are
    you? And who or what do you want to be?

    Charles Manson was an equal opportunity asshole. His entire family
    looked up to him, and did as they were told.

    Only one member of the Manson family has seen daylight, thanks to
    the actions of the governor of California. None of them should have
    been forced to do any time, since all had been brainwashed to do
    what they did.

    And you agree with Governor Newsom, that the guilty should be
    allowed to leave prison, as if nothing happened. Charles Manson
    was right. We are all mad.

    All who participated in the inssurrection should be prosecuted
    for their crimes. Many already have, and are doing time. It's too
    bad Alito and his kind get a free pass.

    Somebody is scared of USSC action. It's not me. It's not you. It's somebody
    who is controlling you (and to some extent controlling me too.)

    Charles Manson is dead. He was denied parole, several times, and
    met his end in prison. All of his family, except one, had the same
    fate. None of their cases ever made it to the USSC.

    Turn the TV off. Read books. Talk to people. Find out what the world has to
    offer without having it narrated to you by the world's elite.

    The world is empty. And crawfish season is over. Now all that's left
    is to go swimming with the alligators. Wish me luck.

    For Life,

    Biden 2024 - Finisth The Job

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Lee Lofaso on Sunday, May 26, 2024 06:31:11
    If you're not a Christian nationalist, then you're a Satanic national I'd rather be a Christian one.

    There is nothing Christian about Christian Nationalism.

    Democracy don't exist anymore, so our best option is to things God's way.

    I'd rather be an accused "racist" than be a "murderer" like all the B voters who have an erection for border deaths and child tax credits.

    Charles Manson never murdered anyone. It took a jury almost a year

    Your Democrat buddy let more than 3000 people die along the border and got
    more than 500 people raped, to build more house districts and to f over the American citizens. Manson has a much lower death count (0) than Biden (3000.)

    We are all racists and bigots. What we do to overcome our own racism

    It's not racism, it's statistics. Democrats are more likely to enslave people, and get them raped and/or killed. Keep on voting for that sh*t.

    Only one member of the Manson family has seen daylight, thanks to
    the actions of the governor of California. None of them should have
    been forced to do any time, since all had been brainwashed to do
    what they did.

    It's Biden who should be in prison. He's the real killer and I have proof.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Sunday, May 26, 2024 10:36:14
    It's Biden who should be in prison. He's the real killer and I have proof.

    Oh? Do tell.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Sunday, May 26, 2024 21:17:52
    It's Biden who should be in prison. He's the real killer and I have proo

    Oh? Do tell.

    If I showed you records of border deaths during Trump's first term as president, and if those numbers were less than 100, and then I show you records of Biden's border deaths during his first term as president, and if those numbers already exceed 3000, what would happen?

    Here's what would happen: You would stop replying to the thread! I know this because we've been there and done this before. Wanna see the records again? Say the word and I'll dig them up, but promise you'll reply to it ;)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Monday, May 27, 2024 01:02:52
    It's Biden who should be in prison. He's the real killer and I have proo >>
    Oh? Do tell.

    If I showed you records of border deaths during Trump's first term as
    president, and if those numbers were less than 100, and then I show you record
    of Biden's border deaths during his first term as president, and if those numbers already exceed 3000, what would happen?

    I asked about your proof, not you bolony!

    Here's what would happen: You would stop replying to the thread! I know this
    because we've been there and done this before. Wanna see the records again? Sa
    the word and I'll dig them up, but promise you'll reply to it ;)

    It's true. I ignore and don't reply to most of your bullshit.

    Tell me more about this proof that Biden is the real killer?

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Monday, May 27, 2024 07:02:26
    Tell me more about this proof that Biden is the real killer?

    His negligence got 7 children killed in Afghanistan.

    https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/17/us-airstrike-in-kabul-last-month-killed-10-civi lians-including-seven-children-pentagon-says.html

    He doubled the border deaths by 2021, and he tripled them by 2022:


    By now he's caused more than 3000 deaths just at the us-mexico border, This doesn't count all the people who died or were murdered en-route to Joe's open border.

    And he even cut the brake line to his ex wife's car, and she died. Brake failure deaths - a common thing? No way. It doesn't happen, and especially not to the wife of America's most corrupt senator.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Ron L.@1:120/616 to Aaron Thomas on Monday, May 27, 2024 09:05:28
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Alan Ianson <=-

    Here's what would happen: You would stop replying to the thread! I know this because we've been there and done this before. Wanna see the
    records again? Say the word and I'll dig them up, but promise you'll
    reply to it ;)

    "... and what makes them [Lefties] tremendously dangerous is that facts that contradict what they believe are simply ignored or evaded." -- Thomas Sowell

    This is why I don't bother to read Alan's posts anymore. It's impossible to explain Reality to Reality-challenged.

    ... Life is a game. Money is how we keep score.
    ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Alan Ianson on Monday, May 27, 2024 22:05:09
    Hello Alan,

    It's Biden who should be in prison. He's the real killer
    and I have proof.

    Oh? Do tell.

    Have you ever been to prison?
    I have.
    It is not a fun place to be.
    Not for those on the inside.
    And hadly any better for those on the outside.
    But at least those on the outside have air conditioning.
    And here in Louisiana, that is important.
    Very important.
    Try being a lifer.
    Or an inmate on life row.
    Being on the inside of a cell without air conditioning
    can be very trying. Makes you sweat. A lot. And also smelly.
    And being able to shower once a week, with cold water ...

    For Life,

    The first thing a cult does is claim that everyone else is lying to you.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Monday, May 27, 2024 22:05:16
    Hello Aaron,

    It's Biden who should be in prison. He's the real killer and I have

    Oh? Do tell.

    If I showed you records of border deaths during Trump's first term as president, and if those numbers were less than 100, and then I show you records of Biden's border deaths during his first term as president, and if
    those numbers already exceed 3000, what would happen?

    Vote in members of Congress who would approve a comprensive
    immigration policy. Which is something the current House Republican
    leadership has failed to do, due to your orange turd's behavior.

    President Biden said he would sign such legislation.
    The Senate had passed it.
    The House Republican leadership said it would pass it.
    And then your orange turd made a liar out of all his
    Republican friends.

    Here's what would happen:

    Our border remains broken, all thanks to your orange turd.

    That is the bottom line.

    For Life,

    Biden 2024 - Finisth The Job

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Alan Ianson on Monday, May 27, 2024 22:05:22
    Hello Alan,

    It's Biden who should be in prison. He's the real killer and I have

    Oh? Do tell.

    If I showed you records of border deaths during Trump's first term as
    president, and if those numbers were less than 100, and then I show you
    of Biden's border deaths during his first term as president, and if those
    numbers already exceed 3000, what would happen?

    I asked about your proof, not you bolony!

    Joe Biden has publicy admitted he loves his son. I can find
    a cite for you, if you insist. But I promise you, it's true.
    He said what he said. For all to hear. Live, and on camera.

    Here's what would happen: You would stop replying to the thread! I know
    because we've been there and done this before. Wanna see the records again?
    the word and I'll dig them up, but promise you'll reply to it ;)

    It's true. I ignore and don't reply to most of your bullshit.

    Jimmy Carter also loved his brother Billy. Even after Billy
    went to Libya trying to sell Qaddafi a six-pack of Billy Beer.

    Tell me more about this proof that Biden is the real killer?

    Joe Biden has a son who went off the rails doing bad stuff.
    Lots of bad stuff. And says he still loves him. Would you rather
    a politician who tells his son to fuck off, choosing not to have
    anything to do with him?

    Jimmy Carter told the news media "I am not my brother's keeper"
    when they found out about Billy's adventures in Libya. We all know
    that was not a Christian response, but rather a response he was
    forced to make due to political implications.

    The MAGA crowd would have their leader throw his son under the
    bus rather than to show any love and affection whatsoever for a
    son or other family member.

    What a sad reflection on our society, what we have become from
    where we once were.

    For Life,

    The first thing a cult does is claim that everyone else is lying to you.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Ron L. on Monday, May 27, 2024 16:27:34
    "... and what makes them [Lefties] tremendously dangerous is that facts that contradict what they believe are simply ignored or evaded." --
    Thomas Sowell

    This is why I don't bother to read Alan's posts anymore. It's
    impossible to explain Reality to Reality-challenged.

    It's interesting that the elected Democrats ignore and evade facts, and that their followers do the same thing as they (needlessly) work to defend them.

    I think Alan is college educated, and he may have learned these behaviors inadvertently while at school. While he was focused on things like algebra and C++, the curriculum probably also snuck in some "believe everything they say on TV" and "ignore and evade facts."

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Lee Lofaso on Monday, May 27, 2024 16:37:04
    Vote in members of Congress who would approve a comprensive
    immigration policy. Which is something the current House Republican leadership has failed to do, due to your orange turd's behavior.

    How did he behave? (Like a turd?)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Ron L.@1:120/616 to Aaron Thomas on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 07:21:41
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-

    It's interesting that the elected Democrats ignore and evade facts, and that their followers do the same thing as they (needlessly) work to
    defend them.

    It's part of the malignant narcissism. They need to project the image of the all knowing, most rightous person. So they ignore any fact that doesn't go along with that.

    We've all seen some people do this when confronted with something that they don't like. But with the Ignorant Elitists, it's their normal state.

    I think Alan is college educated, and he may have learned these
    behaviors inadvertently while at school.

    If he didn't go to a tech college, it wasn't inadvertent. He was indoctrinated and he didn't have the intelligence in the first place to tell.

    ... When all else fails, read the manual.
    ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Ron L. on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 07:30:52
    It's interesting that the elected Democrats ignore and evade facts, a that their followers do the same thing as they (needlessly) work to defend them.

    It's part of the malignant narcissism. They need to project the image
    of the all knowing, most rightous person. So they ignore any fact that doesn't go along with that.

    We've all seen some people do this when confronted with something that they don't like. But with the Ignorant Elitists, it's their normal

    I get it. It's like when the check engine light comes on, and I say to myself "it's not going to be anything expensive.." But the ignorant elitists are like that all day long, as they dismiss everything that matters. Their normal state.

    I think Alan is college educated, and he may have learned these behaviors inadvertently while at school.

    If he didn't go to a tech college, it wasn't inadvertent. He was indoctrinated and he didn't have the intelligence in the first place to tell.

    I went to University of PA and they used conditioning to make students into leftists. One day they hosted Paul Rusesabagina, the hotel manager from Rwanda who supposedly saved the lives of some of the genocide victims. And they hosted him shortly after we watched the movie "Hotel Rwanda" in world politics class.

    While it might seem innocent, they really were up to something; they were trying to get us to think and feel for other people. I've never been to Africa, so why should I care what happens there? They wanted us to feel bad for the tribe that lost the battle (Hutus) and they wanted us to regret Bill Clinton's refusal to assist the victims during the slaughter.

    But looking back, that's one thing that Bill Clinton did right and now I respect his decision to not get involved. What happens in Africa should stay in Africa.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Ron L.@1:120/616 to Aaron Thomas on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 07:42:38
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-

    I get it. It's like when the check engine light comes on, and I say to myself "it's not going to be anything expensive.."

    More like we do a reality check (ex: does the engine sound strange?) and sort of watch for some signs that the light is correct. If everything looks good, we make a note of the light and see if it persists. If it does, we schedule a check up.

    But the ignorant
    elitists are like that all day long, as they dismiss everything that matters. Their normal state.

    Yup. They will assume that the light is just a form of white supremacy and ignore it. And a couple weeks later have some scary dude in a tow truck haul them to the mechanic.

    While it might seem innocent, they really were up to something; they
    were trying to get us to think and feel for other people.

    None of that would have worked in my college since the students were mostly somewhere on the austic spectrum.

    It took them decades to subvert that university because they have to take over the administration, then wait for the tenured professors to retire so that they can insert their incompetent buddies, then lower the admissions standards to allow students who **can** be indoctrinated.

    But looking back, that's one thing that Bill Clinton did right and now
    I respect his decision to not get involved. What happens in Africa
    should stay in Africa.

    Yes. But the Elitists can never see it that way. They think that since they are the Anointed Ones (as Thomas Sowell puts it) they have the duty to impose their superior knowledge on everyone.

    ... "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" - Freud
    ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)