• US Celebs and Politics

    From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to ALAN IANSON on Thursday, December 07, 2023 09:29:00
    The problem is, it is so much more then an opinion especially when it comes out of the left, it is a narrative that they are trying to convince others of.

    No, it is just someone expressing an opinion as you do.

    From past experiences going back several years, there does exist a segment
    of the US population that is overly likely to base their opinions on what
    their favorite celebrities tell them. They are the same segment who treats
    the President as a celebrity vs. as a politician/leader of our country.

    Maybe you don't have that issue in Canada, but we do here. Good on you if
    you don't.

    There are celebrities who know this, and will make threats about retiring
    or leaving the US if their fans don't vote the way they want them to.

    This is where they cross the line between "expressing an opinion as you do"
    and trying to use their celebrity status for political influence.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Florida bumper sticker: DON'T SHOOT! I'M LOCAL!
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Alan Ianson on Saturday, December 09, 2023 12:44:48
    On 09 Dec 2023, Alan Ianson said the following...

    They impeached Trump over a perfect phone call, of which there is a transcript of every spoken word.

    A perfect phone call you say? What was perfect about it?
    Read it for your self.
    From: www.politico.com

    You tell me why President Trump was impeached over this phone call.

    Did President Trump provide an opinion of wrong doing with the prosecutor being fired, because he looking into and investigating Burisma, in which Hunter Biden was on the board of.

    That is quid pro quo
    (this for that)

    They tried to impeached him over a the fake russian
    dossier which triggered the Muller along with a dozen + DemocRATS.
    Trump was acquitted from each of those impeachments.

    There was no trial. The GOP was not interested in law and order then.
    The same holds true today.

    You do not understand the way this works, The House brought the impeachment and it is the responsibility of the Senate that gets to decide if they are valid or if acquittal is the outcome.
    The outcome was acquittal therefore there was not any need for a jury.

    a verdict of not guilty is an acquittal. If a jury or judge finds you not guilty of a criminal charge, you are acquitted and your case is closed. If you're found guilty of a charge, you are said to be convicted and must face the penalties imposed for the crime, though you have the option to appeal. In this way, a conviction is the opposite of an acquittal.

    Take the "Joe Biden crime family" narrative for example. There are no >> facts to it. None, but the right spouts all that as fact when it is
    factless (feelings).
    There has been plenty of evidence of this to show the entire family has b
    on the take.

    There is no evidence of any of that.
    Comer Releases Direct Monthly Payments to Joe Biden from Hunter Biden's Business Entity

    Video from Rep. James Comer via his twitter account (X) https://tinyurl.com/m9yw75jd

    President Joe Biden claimed there was an absolute wall between his official government duties and his family's influence peddling schemes.

    This was a lie.

    President Joe Biden claimed his family didn't receive money from China.

    This was a lie.

    President Joe Biden claimed he never spoke to his son, Hunter Biden, about the Biden family's shady business dealings.

    This was a lie.

    Now, Hunter Biden's legal team and the White House's media allies claim Hunter's corporate entities never made payments directly to Joe Biden.

    We can officially add this latest talking point to the list of lies.

    Today, the House Oversight Committee is releasing subpoenaed bank records that show Hunter Biden's business entity, Owasco PC, made direct monthly payments to Joe Biden.

    This wasn't a payment from Hunter Biden's personal account but an account for his corporation that received payments from China and other shady corners of the world.

    At this moment, Hunter Biden is under an investigation by the Department of Justice for using Owasco PC for tax evasion and other serious crimes.

    And based on whistleblower testimony, we know the Justice Department made a concerted effort to prevent investigators from asking questions about Joe Biden.

    I wonder why?

    The more we learn, it appears the Justice Department was trying to cover up for the Bidens until brave IRS whistleblowers came forward and a federal judge rejected the sweetheart plea deal.

    Payments from Hunter's business entity to Joe Biden are now part of a pattern revealing Joe Biden knew about, participated in, and benefited from his family's influence peddling schemes.

    When Joe Biden was Vice President, he spoke by phone, attended dinners, and had coffee with his son's foreign business associates.

    He allowed his son to catch a ride on Air Force Two at least a dozen times to sell the Biden Brand around the world.

    Hunter Biden requested office keys to be made for his office mate Joe Biden in space he planned to share with a Chinese energy company.

    We've revealed how Joe Biden received checks from his family that were funded by the Bidens'influence peddling schemes with China no less.

    The House Oversight Committee continues to investigate Joe Biden's involvement in his family's domestic and international business schemes at a rapid pace.

    We will continue to uncover the facts and provide transparency about the findings of our investigation.

    President Biden and his family must be held accountable for this blatant corruption.

    The American people expect no less.

    Want more proof?
    Oversight Committee Releases Biden Family Influence Peddling Timeline https://tinyurl.com/5b48mr25

    _[]_³³Äij³ ³TROY³ ³HUB³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ºT R U M Pº ³Another Message³
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    ... I always said you was Yellow.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * Telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to GREGORY DEYSS on Sunday, December 10, 2023 10:34:00
    Did President Trump provide an opinion of wrong doing with the prosecutor being
    fired, because he looking into and investigating Burisma, in which Hunter Biden
    was on the board of.

    The current California indictments against Hunter also call his dealings
    with Burisma, and a Chinese company, into question.

    President Joe Biden claimed his family didn't receive money from China.

    This was a lie.

    Based on the California indictment papers, they also believe Joe was lying here, or at least was very misinformed.

    Now, Hunter Biden's legal team and the White House's media allies claim Hunter
    corporate entities never made payments directly to Joe Biden.

    California claims that Hunter never paid taxes on any of these gains, too.

    * SLMR 2.1a * This is a School-Free Drug Zone.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Alan Ianson on Sunday, December 10, 2023 18:47:21
    Whether they will have enough evidence to bring these future charges/
    indictments remains to be seen.

    Yeah, there is no evidence to support this "Biden crime family" narrative.

    The smoking gun seems to be a transaction that took place in June 2018 (when father and son were both private citizens). The $1380 car purchase.

    Nasty one, albeit it's hard to see how that could have influenced president Joe Biden, several years later, in any way.

    But why let facts get in the way of a nice narrative, just as long as we can shift focus from the *real* crime family -- the one that has already been convicted, and now is in the middle of a civil trial to determine how much they must pay in damages?

    Conning people is easy. You just need to overcome their intelligence. But convincing people they've been conned is much harder. You need to overcome their pride.

    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Ron L.@1:120/616 to Gregory Deyss on Sunday, December 10, 2023 13:15:57
    Gregory Deyss wrote to Alan Ianson <=-

    Want more proof?

    It won't make any difference. Alan has long been up to date on his "immunity from facts" shots.

    ... 20 Dumb Blonds in freezer: Frosted flakes.
    ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Mike Powell on Sunday, December 10, 2023 15:51:38
    Whether they will have enough evidence to bring these future charges/
    indictments remains to be seen.

    Yeah, there is no evidence to support this "Biden crime family" narrative.

    Like I said, California thinks one of them is guilty of felonies, and is leaving the door open for future prosection against another.

    Sure, the door is always open.

    The whole family? No, but it doesn't look too good when your son is in trouble, and your brother is implicated, of tax evasion on foreign lobbying deals that your son didn't register,

    The Hunter Biden story has changed now. I have serious doubts about all of it but I am hopeful the courts can make sense of it.

    and you are a former Senator and current President whose dealings with the same countries have come into question.

    What dealings with what country are in question?

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Bj÷rn Felten on Sunday, December 10, 2023 15:59:02
    But why let facts get in the way of a nice narrative, just as long as we can shift focus from the *real* crime family -- the one that has already been convicted, and now is in the middle of a civil trial to determine how much the must pay in damages?

    Yes, the right today is so far removed from anything fact based it's really beyond any kind of discussion. Sadly.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)