• Vmodem

    From Rick Smith@1:105/10 to Sean Dennis on Tuesday, July 05, 2022 15:58:56
    Greetings Sean!

    I was so happy to find your doc on setting up SIO and vmodem.. Followed it strictly and read the docs. It starts I believe at boot up as normal. However I am unable to start vmodem. From a dos window I get " A non recoverable error occured. The process ended" from and os/2 prompt I get no error but vmodem does not appear to have started. I poured through the documentation and cannot seem to find what I have done wrong? Have you seen this error in your experience? Can you point me to some things to check? I have it setup almost word for word in your setup..

    Hope you are feeling better and thank you again for making this help file.


    Rick Smith (Nitro)

    ... TAGLINE A BBS addict is hooked when: you consider BBSing better than chocolat
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>>bbs.abon.us:2323 (1:105/10)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Rick Smith on Tuesday, July 05, 2022 22:24:53
    Hello Rick,

    Tuesday July 05 2022 15:58, you wrote to me:

    I was so happy to find your doc on setting up SIO and vmodem..
    Followed it strictly and read the docs. It starts I believe at boot
    up as normal. However I am unable to start vmodem. From a dos window
    I get " A non recoverable error occured. The process ended" from and
    os/2 prompt I get no error but vmodem does not appear to have started.
    I poured through the documentation and cannot seem to find what I have done wrong? Have you seen this error in your experience? Can you point
    me to some things to check? I have it setup almost word for word in
    your setup..

    I have never had any isses with SIO 1.60d but there are some people who cannot use it for some reason, due to hardware issues we think, and have to use SIO2K.

    Unfortunately, you may be one of them but...if you can, can you send me your CONFIG.SYS? You can crash it to me via BinkD or email to me and I can take a look. What version of OS/2 are you using?

    Hope you are feeling better and thank you again for making this help

    I am stable, thank you, and doing a bit better...and it was my pleasure. I originally wrote it in 1998 to go along with the release of Telegard/2. I am credited in TG/2's documention as "hausmaus", my original "nom de Net". :D

    -- Sean

    ... Alan's Second Law: never eat anything bigger than your head.
    --- GoldED/2 3.0.1
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - bbs.outpostbbs.net:10123 (1:18/200)
  • From Rick Smith@1:105/10 to Sean Dennis on Tuesday, July 05, 2022 21:28:46
    Greetings Sean!

    Tuesday July 05 2022 22:24, you wrote to me about an urgent matter!:

    * Forwarded from area 'OS2'
    Hello Rick,

    Tuesday July 05 2022 15:58, you wrote to me:

    I have never had any isses with SIO 1.60d but there are some people
    who cannot use it for some reason, due to hardware issues we think,
    and have to use SIO2K.

    Oddly I decided to reinstall over the top of my installation and it now works...

    I am stable, thank you, and doing a bit better...and it was my
    pleasure. I originally wrote it in 1998 to go along with the release
    of Telegard/2. I am credited in TG/2's documention as "hausmaus", my original "nom de Net". :D

    Glad to hear you are doing better.... Do you know of a good text editor like nanp for os2?


    Rick Smith (Nitro)

    ... TAGLINE A BBS addict is hooked when: you consider BBSing better than chocolat
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>>bbs.abon.us:2323 (1:105/10)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Rick Smith on Wednesday, July 06, 2022 02:16:37
    Hello Rick,

    Tuesday July 05 2022 21:28, you wrote to me:

    Oddly I decided to reinstall over the top of my installation and it
    now works...


    Glad to hear you are doing better.... Do you know of a good text
    editor like nanp for os2?

    There's dozens of text editors for OS/2 though I do not think Nano has been ported to OS/2. I like using TEdit, which comes with OS/2, and I also like using FTE and Netlabs' Enhanced EPM editor for programming.

    A good text editor selection: https://hobbes.nmsu.edu/?path=%2Fpub%2Fos2%2Fapps%2Feditors

    Netlabs Enhanced EPM:

    -- Sean

    ... People will believe anything if you whisper it.
    --- GoldED/2 3.0.1
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - bbs.outpostbbs.net:10123 (1:18/200)
  • From Rick Smith@1:105/10 to Sean Dennis on Wednesday, July 06, 2022 05:28:02
    Greetings Sean!

    Wednesday July 06 2022 02:16, you wrote to me about an urgent matter!:

    * Forwarded from area 'OS2'
    Hello Rick,

    it now works...

    Do you have the latest proboard?

    There's dozens of text editors for OS/2 though I do not think Nano has been ported to OS/2. I like using TEdit, which comes with OS/2, and I also like using FTE and Netlabs' Enhanced EPM editor for programming.

    A good text editor selection: https://hobbes.nmsu.edu/?path=%2Fpub%2Fos2%2Fapps%2Feditors

    Netlabs Enhanced EPM:

    Thank you I will have a look
    ... People will believe anything if you whisper it.


    Rick Smith (Nitro)

    ... TAGLINE A BBS addict is hooked when: you consider BBSing better than chocolat
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>>bbs.abon.us:2323 (1:105/10)
  • From Alexander Grotewohl@1:120/616 to Sean Dennis on Thursday, July 07, 2022 05:44:45
    On 06 Jul 2022, Sean Dennis said the following...

    Tuesday July 05 2022 21:28, you wrote to me:
    Glad to hear you are doing better.... Do you know of a good text editor like nanp for os2?
    There's dozens of text editors for OS/2 though I do not think Nano has been ported to OS/2. I like using TEdit, which comes with OS/2, and I also like using FTE and Netlabs' Enhanced EPM editor for programming.

    +1 for FTE. was way ahead of it's time. though TEdit has certainly grown on me the last week or so.

    as an aside my experimental warp 4 setup is something like 5 megs for dos/os2 multitasking with tshell. now to try and roll in tcpip ;)


    ... A Meteor is an example of a rock star.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)
  • From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to Sean Dennis on Saturday, August 27, 2022 09:34:12
    Hello Sean.

    <On 06Jul2022 02:16 Sean Dennis (1:18/200) wrote a message to Rick Smith regarding Vmodem >

    There's dozens of text editors for OS/2 though I do not think Nano
    has been ported to OS/2. I like using TEdit, which comes with
    OS/2, and I also like using FTE and Netlabs' Enhanced EPM editor
    for programming.

    A good text editor selection: https://hobbes.nmsu.edu/?path=%2Fpub%2Fos2%2Fapps%2Feditors

    Don't forget about Boxer for OS/2. Quite powerful. Don't know if it can still be licensed though.

    Best regards,

    ... OS/2: Windows with bullet-proof glass.
    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)