I understand that hospitals even charge for each aspirin a person
gets now.
My son passed out because of heat exhaustion and low blood sugar, and was charged $45 for a 7 oz can of peach nectar. The physician who popped in, looked at his chart, and told the nurse to observe him for 30 minutes
charged $500 for the consult.
The bill ended up being close to $5000. For reasons unknown, my ex-wife
didn't tell them he had health insurance under me, didn't ask me to confirm
my health insurance, and put my minor son as the guarantor. He ended up getting all of the bills and demands to pay in his name.
When I clarified that he had insurance and to have them run it through, they did. It took over a year, and then I received a modified bill marked LATE -- FINAL NOTICE. A few days later, received a collections threat.
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