• Re: Relationships And Mor

    From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Daryl Stout on Friday, October 22, 2021 12:24:14
    There are other things in life besides (insert your hobby here). Yeah, some would consider that blasphemous and heresy. <G>

    I tell folks that [insert hobby here] should NEVER take priority over
    such things as church, family, health, job, or especially "honey-do's".
    In the case of amateur radio, that new radio you have your eye on for Christmas or your birthday, is going back to "the candy store". <G>

    Yup. A man needs to take care of his responsibilities first (including family) then he can be free to enjoy his hobby/obsession.

    I say the same for thosd who like to drink: fulfill your obligations first, & use your own earned money to by that liquor, then you certainly deserve to enjoy that cold one out in the yard you paid for & continue to maintain. No good wife would say otherwise.

    My wifew will pour me a glass of our home-made fruit wine & give it to me to enjoy as I watch a bit of TV at the end of the week.

    Or, it's like the meme (I think I've noted this before, but it bears repeating), where the wife is looking out the bedroom window, glaring at
    her husband in the backyard. He's out there in his nightclothes, with a pillow, standing in front of a desk, with a bunch of office equipment
    on it (computer, printer, adding machine, etc.). Behind the desk is the doghouse...and in a swivel chair, is a dog, wearing spectacles.

    The dog asks "Good evening, sir!! Will be our guest for one night
    only, or will this be your usual extended stay??" <G>

    Yup, seem that one (not from yuo, just in general)

    My wife & I agreed, before marriage that neither gets to kick the other outto the couch or doghouse -- if one cannot stand to cooperate to a friendly resolution, & cannot abide sleeping next to the other, THEY can feel free to sleep on the couch. (seems fair to me); married 14 years, thanks to God.

    You've heard of the couple maeried for 98 years, who went for a divorce?

    The judge was shocked & asked why now. The old gent answered, "We had to wait for all the kids to die first."

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)