• 7/14 Nat Mac & Cheese - 1

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Saturday, July 13, 2024 14:52:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Limburger Mac & Cheese
    Categories: Pasta, Cheese, Vegetables, Dairy
    Yield: 3 Servings

    8 oz Macaroni
    4 tb Butter; divided
    1/4 c Flour
    2 c Milk; warmed
    8 oz Block Limburger cheese; in
    - large cubes
    1 tb Oil
    1/2 lg Red onion; diced
    1 tb Deli mustard
    1 ts Kosher salt
    Fresh ground black pepper
    1/4 c Grated Parmesan cheese
    3 sl Stale rye bread; crumbled,
    - buttered

    Preheat oven to 350oF/175oC.

    Place crumbled stale rye bread in a pan with 1 tbsp of
    butter and cook over medium heat until lightly toasted.
    Remove breadcrumbs from heat and set aside.

    Place oil in a pan and add onions, sauteing until onions
    are translucent and slightly charred. Remove from heat
    and set aside.

    Bring water to boil and add macaroni, cooking it two
    minutes fewer than the package instructions (it will
    finish cooking in the oven). Remove from heat and set

    In separate saucepan melt 3 tbsp butter on medium heat and
    gradually add flour, cooking until a smooth light blond
    (about 6 minutes), stirring continually. Gradually add
    warmed milk and stir smooth.

    Once sauce is smooth and thickened place the heat on low;
    stir in cheese cubes, mustard, onions, salt and pepper.
    Combine with macaroni and then place in a 7" X 11" baking
    dish. Top the dish with breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese
    and bake for 30 minutes.

    This will yield a dish that would make your German Great
    Grandmother slap your face and exclaim, "Wunderbar!" We
    live in Wisconsin after all, the home of the only American
    cheese factory that even produces Limburger, embrace it!
    Truly I tell you, it is the closest we will ever come on
    earth to smelling the feet of God.

    From: http://www.foxvalleyfoodie.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen


    ... A marriage like martinis and olives or biscuits and gravy
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