• 4/16 Eggs Benedict Day 3

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Thursday, April 14, 2022 14:40:15
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Eggs Benedict Bake
    Categories: Breads, Cheese, Vegetables, Herbs, Sauces
    Yield: 8 Servings

    1 ts Vinegar
    8 lg Eggs
    4 English muffins; split
    1/3 c Flavored semisoft cheese
    8 sl (thin) cooked ham (12 oz)
    16 lg Fresh basil, spinach, or
    - arugula leaves
    8 sl (thin) tomato
    Paprika (opt)
    Fresh snipped basil (opt)

    MMMMM-------------------MOCK HOLLANDAISE SAUCE------------------------
    3/4 c Sour cream
    3/4 c Mayonnaise
    2 tb Lemon juice
    1 tb Dijon-style mustard

    In a small bowl stir together sour cream, mayonnaise,
    lemon juice, and mustard. If desired, add milk, 1
    teaspoon at a time, until desired consistency.

    Heat broiler. Lightly grease a large skillet. Add enough
    water to the skillet to fill half full. Add vinegar.
    Bring mixture to boiling; reduce heat to simmering
    (bubbles should begin to break the surface of the
    water). Break one of the eggs into a measuring cup.
    Holding the lip of the cup as close to the water as
    possible, carefully slip egg into simmering water.
    Repeat with remaining eggs, allowing each egg an equal
    amount of space.

    Simmer eggs, uncovered, for 3 to 5 minutes or until the
    whites are completely set and yolks begin to thicken but
    are not hard. Using a slotted spoon, remove eggs to a

    Meanwhile, place muffin halves, cut sides up, on a
    baking sheet. Broil 3 to 4 inches from the heat about 2
    minutes or until toasted; cool.

    Grease a 3-quart rectangular baking dish. Spread the cut
    side of each muffin half with about 2 teaspoons of the
    semisoft cheese. Place muffin halves, cheese sides up,
    in prepared dish. Top each with a slice of ham, folding
    or cutting it to fit. Top each ham slice with two basil
    leaves and one tomato slice.

    Set oven to 350ºF/175ºC.

    Top each tomato slice with one cooked egg. Spoon Mock
    Hollandaise Sauce over eggs. Bake, covered, about 25
    minutes or until heated through. If desired, sprinkle
    with paprika and/or snipped basil.

    MAKE-AHEAD DIRECTIONS: Starting at Step 3, prepare as
    directed through Step 4. Cover and chill for 4 to 24
    hours. Prepare Mock Hollandaise Sauce; cover and chill
    for up to 24 hours. To serve, prepare eggs as directed
    in Steps 1 and 2. Continue as directed in Step 5.

    MAKES: 8 Servings

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.bhg.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)