• Top 10 Biscuit Recipes 06

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Monday, June 17, 2024 18:02:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Simple Biscuit
    Categories: Five, Breads
    Yield: 12 servings

    2 c A-P flour
    3 ts Baking powder
    1 ts Salt
    1/3 c Cold butter; in cubes
    2/3 c Milk

    The first step to making great simple biscuits is to whisk together
    your dry ingredients. Use the biggest mixing bowl you got and just
    give the flour, baking powder and salt a quick whisk - just to get
    them incorporated.

    Then grab your cold butter and cut it into cubes. Cut these butter
    bits into your dry ingredients with a pastry blender until the
    mixture looks like coarse crumbs. The last step of creating the dough
    is adding the milk. Stir it in until the dough is just moistened - no
    need to overwork it.

    Next up, you’ll give the biscuits a quick knead. Sprinkle your clean
    work surface with a bit of flour (just so it doesn’t stick) and turn
    the dough out. Knead the biscuits gently eight to ten times. Then
    press the dough with your hands until it’s a half-inch thick. Grab a
    2 1/2" biscuit cutter and cut out your biscuits.

    Editor’s tip: If you don’t have a biscuit cutter or round cookie
    cutter, just use a glass or cup with a thin rim. Dip the edge into
    some flour and use that as a cutter. It works just as well.

    Finally, place your biscuits onto an ungreased baking sheet. Give
    them a little room-about an inch between each. Bake @ 450ºF/232ºC for
    10 to 15 minutes or until golden brown. Serve them warm. If you love
    vintage cookbooks, try these cottage cheese biscuits.

    Lisa Kaminski

    Makes: 1 dozen

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.tasteofhome.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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