• 11/8 Natl Cappucino Day 3

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Saturday, November 06, 2021 15:08:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Warm Chocolate Cider Cappuccino w/Blackberry Cardomon Mer
    Categories: Beverages, Fruits, Citrus, Chocolate
    Yield: 2 servings

    16 oz Apple Cider
    3 oz Honey
    1/8 ts Cinnamon
    1/8 ts Nutmeg
    1 ts Orange zest

    4 lg Eggs; whites only
    1/2 c Sugar
    1/8 ts Cardomon
    1/4 c Mint

    MMMMM------------------------FOR SERVING-----------------------------
    15 Blackberries
    2 oz Chocolate; melted

    Recipe Courtesy of Anthony Ambrose

    Combine these five ingredients in a pot over medium heat
    and bring to a simmer.

    FOR MERINGUE: Combine ingredients and whip them in a
    mixer until they reach fluffy but sticky consistancy.

    FOR SERVING: Pour cider mixture in a cappuccino cup and
    spoon meringue on top. Place chocolate into a small cup
    or shot glass with spoon. Garnish with blackberries.


    Yield : 2 servings

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.foodnetwork.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... Reliable source: another newspaper with a respectable name.
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