• Japanese Chivken - 01

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 17:15:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Chicken Yakitori
    Categories: Poultry, Vegetables, Wine
    Yield: 6 servings

    1/2 c Mirin
    1/2 c Sake
    1/2 c Soy sauce
    1 tb Sugar
    2 lg Red bell peppers; in 2"
    - pieces
    2 lb Boned, skinned chicken
    - thighs; in 1 1/2" pieces
    1 bn Green onions

    In a small saucepan, combine the first 4 ingredients.
    Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Remove from heat;
    set aside half the mixture for serving.

    Thread peppers onto 2 metal or soaked wooden skewers.
    Thread chicken onto 6 metal or soaked wooden skewers.
    Grill chicken, covered, over medium heat until meat is
    cooked through, 10-12 minutes, turning occasionally and
    basting frequently with soy sauce mixture during the
    last 3 minutes. Grill peppers, covered, until tender,
    4-5 minutes, turning occasionally. Grill onions,
    covered, until lightly charred, 1-2 minutes, turning
    occasionally. Serve chicken and vegetables with reserved
    sauce for dipping.

    Lindsay Howerton-Hastings, Greenville, South Carolina

    Makes: 6 servings

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.tasteofhome.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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