• 4/5 Nat'l Dandelion Day 3

    From Dave Drum@1:229/452 to All on Sunday, April 03, 2022 17:25:50
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Dandelion Pesto
    Categories: Five, Appetisers, Greens, Chilies, Cheese
    Yield: 16 Servings

    2 c Dandelion greens
    1/2 c Olive oil
    1/2 c Grated Parmesan cheese
    2 ts Crushed garlic
    pn Red pepper flakes; generous

    Place dandelion greens, olive oil, Parmesan cheese, and
    garlic in a food processor; blend until smooth. Season
    with salt and red pepper flakes.

    Recipe by: Rudy Ryu

    RECIPE FROM: http://allrecipes.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen


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