• 4/24 Nat'l P.I.B. Day - 5

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 18:17:00
    April 24 - Pigs-in-a-Blanket Day

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Pigs in Blankets
    Categories: Five, Pork, Herbs, Sauces
    Yield: 12 Side servi

    12 sl Smoked streaky bacon
    Sprigs of fresh woody herbs;
    - sage, thyme, rosemary
    12 Chipolata sausages *
    3 tb Worcestershire sauce
    2 ts Runny honey

    Working one at a time, lay the bacon out on a board and
    run the sharp side of your knife along the length of the
    rasher to stretch it out - this will make it even

    Dot with a few herb leaves, then place a sausage at one
    end and roll the bacon around it until it's totally
    wrapped up. Place in a roasting tray and repeat till
    they're all done.

    Cook in an oven at 180oC/350oF/gas 4 for 30 minutes, or
    until golden, gnarly and cooked through.

    Using a metal spatula, scrape the pigs in blankets from
    the bottom of the tray, leaving them in there, then add
    the Worcestershire sauce and give it a good shake,
    scraping all that sticky goodness from the bottom of the

    Drizzle in the honey, then place on a medium heat on the
    hob and bring to the boil until caramelised, shaking
    continuously to coat. Serve immediately.

    * A chipolata is a type of fresh sausage. Chipolatas are
    often prepared as a relatively thin and short sausage.
    Chipolatas are typically made from coarse-ground pork
    seasoned with salt and peppertogether with herbs and

    Serves 12 as a side

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.jamieoliver.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... As a matter of fact, it IS a banana in my pocket.
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