• 4/21 National Tea Day - 5

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Saturday, April 20, 2024 16:01:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Mrs. Swindell's Famous Fruited Iced Tea
    Categories: Beverages, Fruits, Citrus
    Yield: 7 Servings

    1/2 c Sugar
    1/2 c Bottle spring water
    6 English Breakfast tea bags
    4 c Boiling water
    1 1/2 c Orange juice; fresh squeezed
    - from Valencia oranges
    3/4 c Pineapple juice

    "At one time, I intended to teach law, so I went to
    Boston to get a Master's of Law degree; while there I
    lived with the Swindells family. Mrs. Swindells made a
    superb iced tea with a pronounced citrusy flavor. She
    insisted on using bottle spring water for a clear
    tasting iced tea, the sweetest and most flavored
    oranges and English Breakfast Tea."

    In saucepan, combine sugar and spring water and bring
    to a boil; continue to boil until liquid is clear,
    about 5 minutes. Chill thoroughly. Place tea bags in
    heat-resistant pitcher, add boiling water and let
    steep for about 5 minutes. Remove and discard tea
    bags. Let cool and refrigerate until chilled. Add
    orange juice, lemon juice and pineapple juice and
    chilled sugar syrup. Refrigerate for a few hours,
    preferably overnight.

    Serve over ice in tall glasses.

    MAKES: 6-8 Servings

    SOURCE: The Dave Nichol Cookbook

    RECIPE FROM: https://recipesource.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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